Sunday, July 7, 2024



    from World Alternative Media:

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    America Rejects Hollywood’s First Mainstream Gay Romantic Comedy ‘Bros’, Frustrated Star Billy Eichner Blames Box Office Bomb On Homophobia


      by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

      Promoted as the first gay romantic comedy from a major studio, ‘Bros’ sold only $4.8 million in tickets, a huge box office bomb as America rejects this movie

      We live in strange times for sure. The radical Sodomite Left says that if you are a straight man that refuses to date a transgender ‘woman’, it’s only because you hate them, and not because they’re not really a woman. They say that if you don’t support the burning and looting of minority and woman run businesses, then you hate Black Lives Matter and black people. Really? Billed as America’s first gay romantic comedy, ‘Bros’ features lots of hairy men kissing each other as well as a four-man orgy, and almost no one wanted to see that. Can you blame them?



        from Infowars:

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        UN Agency Warns of Global Recession Due to Tightening Monetary Policy


          by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

          The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) got it half right.

          The UN agency warned that there is a high risk of a global recession due to central banks tightening monetary policy to fight inflation. But the solutions offered reveal that the UNCTAD has no idea what causes inflation.

          There’s No Doubt There Will Be More Pandemics Because They’re Intentionally Creating Them


            by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

            No biodefense research is purely defensive – to do the work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons.

            Early on in the Covid pandemic, Francis Boyle, PhD., was sure it was the result of a lab leak. He believes monkeypox is another lab creation, as it now suddenly has 30 mutations from the wild monkeypox found in Africa.

            President Biden recently signed the ‘Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy’, and this order basically promises we’ll see additional manmade pandemics.

            HUGE! Election Company Konnech CEO Eugene Yu Arrested in Los Angeles for Theft of Personal Data of Election Workers – Data Sent to China!


              by Brian Lupo, The Gateway Pundit:

              Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested today in Los Angeles County  in connection with “theft of personal data.”   The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company.

              During the PIT in August, Phillips and Engelbrecht had alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company.  The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation.

              MORE EVIL THAN HITLER: American Medical Association endorses horrific medical MUTILATIONS of children, demands police state DOJ arrest anyone who disagrees


                by Mike Adams, Natural News:

                In a shocking act of medical tyranny and authoritarianism, the American Medical Association is now demanding that the DOJ arrest and prosecute anyone who opposes surgical child mutilations carried out in US hospitals that fraudulent claim they are “affirming” a child’s “gender identity” by maiming them with medical violence.

                “Leftist child abusers turn to the police state,” writes Daniel Greenfield at



                  from Smaulgld:

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                  “When I Hear America First, that Scares Me”: NBA Coach Uses Training Camp to Indoctrinate Players in Radical Leftist Ideology


                    by Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart:

                    A recent Associated Press story praised NBA coach Doc Rivers for using training camps and practices to indoctrinate players in left-wing social justice theory and to push his support for handpicked liberal Democrat politicians.

                    In its Oct. 3 article, the AP happily notes that “Doc Rivers is at ease using his platform as an NBA coach” to push his hard-left views on players at work and to use his coaching time to attack Donald Trump and his voters.

                    Global Monetary System Is Close To Collapse


                      by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                      The current monetary paradigm is ending, and we will enter a new one as the elites attempt to “reset” the system. The endgame is complete control over every single human being living on this globe, and in order to do that, a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is necessary.

                      We’ve often called the CBDC the “endgame.” Compliance with it will permanently end your chance at ever living freely and sovereign. Others will have total control and a higher claim over your life and property than you. It will be the dystopia to end all other dystopias.

                      DEVASTATION: Here’s How the Energy Crisis Will ACCELERATE the Food Crisis


                        by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

                        The cost of living is going nowhere but up. Everyone has been touched by skyrocketing inflation, high fuel prices, and the availability of certain supplies. And now, we’re facing a massive energy crisis. We’ve seen the signs for a while, as Fabian wrote last year in this article, but theory is quickly becoming reality.

                        Energy prices in Europe have catapulted to dizzying heights, leaving some folks facing bills of up to $10,000. And the United States is not untouched. Prices for power are already escalating here. Anecdotally, my own utility bill for September was double the price of my bill for August, and I used less energy. This upward trend is growing more common if my inbox is any indication.

                        USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database


                          by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                          In a move that has many folks scratching their heads, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has renewed its push for the People’s Garden Initiative which now includes registering vegetable gardens nationwide. According to the USDA, the move is to foster a “more diverse and resilient local food system to empower communities to address issues like nutrition access and climate change.” But those who have been following the USDA closely for years know that they couldn’t care less about your health and nutrition.