Saturday, September 28, 2024

BlackRock: The Company That Owns The World


    by Jake Tran, Activist Post:

    During the 2008 Meltdown when the government bailed out too-big-to-fail giants like Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac – who did they hire to analyze and clean up the mess? Another giant financial firm by the name of BlackRock, led by a very well-connected billionaire by the name of Larry Fink. BlackRock was award these key government contracts to help with the meltdown with no competitive bidding while being enveloped in secrecy. Basically, Larry Fink was hired to be the manager of Washington’s bailout of Wall Street, even though BlackRock is one of the biggest shareholders in the same banks that they were helping to bail out.



      from Infowars:

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      Rep. Thomas Massie Announces the Launch of New ‘Church Committee’ to Investigate Deep State Corruption


        by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

        Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) announced on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Live on Friday night that he will be on a new committee modeled after the influential Church Committee of the 1970s to investigate deep state corruption and potential criminality.

        “We were making sure that this committee wasn’t going to be fenced in, that it wasn’t just going to be a show committee. We wanted to make sure that we have full jurisdiction…We’ve secured a guarantee that we can go wherever the evidence leads us,” he said.

        NEVER FORGET: Pfizer sued for $7B over illegal drug trials on kids


          by Ramon Tomey, Natural News:

          Note: Big Pharma company Pfizer Inc. has bribed physicians, engaged in corrupt practices and killed children in trials without parental consent. But politicians and mainstream media are trying to conceal these crimes in a web of revisionism, deception and lies. To untangle that web and refresh our memories, Natural News staff put together a series of articles documenting Pfizer’s crimes against humanity. A special thanks to @KanekoaTheGreat for compiling relevant stories that exposed Pfizer’s evil deeds and sharing them on Substack.

          Breaking Points Hosts CAUGHT Lying To Protect The Squad


            from The Jimmy Dore Show:

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            Thursday/Friday Conversation, Tyler Wall, CEO of SD Bullion


              by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

              Tyler Wall has been a friend and friend of the site since the beginning back in 2010 and he has helped build SD Bullion into one of the largest online bullion dealers in the U.S. But running a public website, in particular a blog, has become extremely challenging over the years so Tyler is here today to discuss several interesting developments.

              First and foremost, none of the changes mentioned impact the SD Bullion website. Business is still thriving and growing and SDB should always be on the list of companies you check whenever you’re in the market for physical metal.

              Battleground EP 207: The Legacy Are Taking A Stand Against McCarthy


                from Bannons War Room:

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                “Censorship Killed Millions. Free Speech Saves Lives”: Celebrating the Return of Dissenting Voices to Twitter


                  by Sean Flanagan, Daily Sceptic:

                  Voltaire, the clearest of Enlightenment thinkers, wrote in 1765: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

                  250 odd years later, these words resonate possibly louder now than they did then. Controlling ‘the Narrative’ via propaganda and suppression of dissent has always been central to enacting tyrannical measures, but never before have those in power had at their disposal such potent levers of ubiquitous modern technology and communication to enforce global censorship. As the world begins to wake up to the devastating effects of the past three years surrounding the emergence of COVID-19 and the response measures enacted by our governments, it is now beyond doubt that this censorship has cost the lives and livelihoods of millions of people across the globe.

                  Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence”


                    by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

                    Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers.

                    There follows the transcript of a new video put out by top cancer specialist Dr. Angus Dalgleish, who is very concerned that the Covid boosters appear to be causing cancers, an adverse effect which he says “does not look like a coincidence”.

                    Major Hit To Fertility After Ivermectin: 6 Studies Show A Dramatic Decrease In Reproductive Health


                    from Tim Truth:

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                    UK plans to allow departments to more easily share more citizens’ personal data for digital ID verification


                      by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

                      Potentially including the most highly sensitive details.

                      The UK government plans to update the 2017 Digital Economy Act to allow departments to more easily share citizens’ personal data in an attempt to support the rollout of One Login, a new digital platform for accessing public services that is expected to roll out in the next two years.

                      BILL GATES ATTACKS FOOD SUPPLY! – GMO Livestock & Destruction Of Farm Land! – Rations CONTINUE!


                        from World Alternative Media:

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                        Doctors declare: “Our bodies, our families, our choice. No medical mandates.”


                          by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

                          Six months ago, Dr. Robert Malone was one of a group, on behalf of 17,000 doctors and medical scientists worldwide, who held a press conference to call for a halt to covid “vaccines.”

                          Last month, he was one of a group of doctors and experts in Austria who wrote a doctors proclamation declaring the importance of human dignity, integrity, personal sovereignty, and the fundamental rights to assemble, speak freely, and to protect future generations.

                          GOAT Predictions for 2023 – Losing My Religion


                            by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

                            Consider this, Consider this the hint of the century
                            Consider this, the slip, that dropped me to my knees, failed.
                            What if all these fantasies come flailing around?
                            And now, I’ve said…. too much
                            — R.E.M. – Losing My Religion

                            I probably should have codified these before the turn of the new year but I didn’t even think of doing one of these lists until someone mentioned it on Twitter a few days ago.

                            So, here it goes.

                            The Court of Public Opinion Turns on the Authorities: 90% of Nursing Home Workers Stop Taking Vaccines


                              from The Vigilant Fox:

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