Friday, September 27, 2024

Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates Demand USG Military Involvement in Ukraine


    by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

    Really, these people can’t help it. They are psychopaths, neocons, and pathological liars.

    The latest demand by neocons that Russia must be wiped off the map is locked up behind a paywall at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post. In order to read what former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote, I used a browser text reader to bypass the paywall.

    How Long Will We Persist With the Mad Mask Charade?


      by Jill Evans, Daily Sceptic:

      On the December 29th 2022, both Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals announced that they would – once again – be asking all patients and visitors to wear a mask “due to a significant increase in Covid, flu, RSV and norovirus infections”. Despite the generalised wearing of face coverings being ineffectual in reducing viral spread, and despite the accumulating evidence of the harms (physical, social and psychological) associated with them, it is clear that a few mask zealots – many embedded in our healthcare system – are continuing to promote this senseless practice. And this obsession with covering our faces, as stubbornly espoused by a few NHS Trusts, has consequences. In combination with the way that masks have strengthened psychologically-manipulative ‘nudges’ to frighten and shame us into compliance with state diktats, this double whammy is prone to evoke crazy behaviour in some otherwise ordinary people.

      19 Ways Government Will Become Increasingly Tyrannical in America in 2023


        by JD Rucker, American Thinker:

        As we inch along with American life in 2023, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the troubles we had in 2022 are getting worse. Some would say having a Republican majority in the House is going to solve some of our problems. It may slow some of the challenges down, but I do not expect to see many tangible solutions, especially when we consider the scope of those problems.

        On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Political Report, I dove into an article by John and Nisha Whitehead in which they describe 19 ways government is going to be growing their tyranny over us this year. I agree with about 90% of it, which is quite a lot considering it’s hard to come to a near consensus on anything these days.

        GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Bill Murphy:


          from GOLDSEEK RADIO:

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          Let’s Talk About The Catastrophic Rise Of Egg Prices…


            by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

            Do you remember when you could buy a dozen eggs for 99 cents?  It seems like it was only yesterday, but unfortunately those days are now gone for good.  Thanks to a variety of factors, egg prices have risen to levels that we have never seen before, and in some areas of the country significant shortages are being reported.  In fact, things are so bad that Whole Foods is apparently “now limiting egg carton purchases to two per person”.  This is extremely alarming, because millions of U.S. households have traditionally relied on eggs as a cheap source of protein.  Unfortunately, it appears that eggs will not be “cheap” for the foreseeable future.  According to an article that originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the average price of a dozen eggs in California actually reached $7.37 this week…

            Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist


              by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

              Devastating consequences.

              A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project has been made by one of the world’s leading nuclear physicists.

              In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”. The stakes, he added, “are enormous”.

              The HOUSE making WAVES, ends IRS funding, INVESTIGATIONS to START, BIDEN exposed! PRAY!


                from And We Know:

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                World Economic Forum’s Davos Set for ‘Record Participation’ as 52 Heads of State to Attend Globalist Summit


                  from Breitbart:

                  GENEVA (AP) – The Swiss town of Davos will host 52 heads of state and government and nearly 600 CEOs as the World Economic Forum hosts its annual meeting in the Alps next week, organizers said Tuesday.

                  Forum organizers said their latest lineup for the elite gathering of political leaders, business executives, cultural trend-setters and international organization chiefs will tackle issues facing a divided world as 2023 begins, with war and conflict, economic pressures and climate change in focus.

                  NEVER FORGET: Pfizer drug trial that killed 11 Nigerian children exposed Big Pharma’s MURDEROUS experiments


                    by Belle Carter, Natural News:

                    Pfizer’s unauthorized 1996 trial of an experimental meningitis drug on 200 Nigerian children still haunts the world 27 years on. According to analysts, the Nigeria case showed how foreign drug trials are often unregulated, dangerous and unreliable.

                    Investigative journalist @KanekoaTheGreat posted a Twitter thread of how Big Pharma has wronged humanity with its depopulation efforts in the guise of “curing diseases.” One tweet touched on the 1996 illegal drug trial in Nigeria’s Kano state, which was conducted without informing parents that their children were subjects of a medical experiment. Eleven children died and many others were left with serious injuries.

                    Big Pharma Will COLLAPSE Under the Weight of Its Own Evil — Ed Dowd Interview


                      from Man in America:

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                      China Owns A Shocking List Of ‘American’ Created Companies – Between Tens Of Billions In Farm Land And China-Bought Businesses In The U.S., We Have To Wonder Who Owns America?


                        by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

                        In the past we have discussed how foreign nations and/or investors have been gobbling up American land, much of which has been farmland, and most Americans would be surprised to know that no less than 50 different countries own land in America.

                        From the Philippines to Saudi Arabia to China, some owning a few million of dollars worth with others owning billions and billions of dollars worth.

                        Readers can click this link and scroll through the countries, starting #50, going back to #1, to see the acreage and dollar amounts for each country.

                        Brazil Election Fraud


                          by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

                          The riots in Brazil over the rigging of the election are on point. You cannot allow a razor-thin pretend majority to completely go against the opposite and inflict a leftist agenda. This is the abuse of our election process of a worldwide basis. Governments no long represent ALL the people, but one group violently against another.

                          Coronavirus Covert Operation


                            by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

                            In my ongoing coverage of the “epidemic” (archive here), I’ve written about the covert-operation aspect of the brutal game.

                            I want to add a few notes.

                            By its very nature, a covert op is meant to CONCEAL its true goals and details and players, so it’s no surprise we have unanswered questions. Rushing to supply all the answers in five minutes is a futile exercise.

                            HUGE: Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events (VIDEO)


                              by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                              During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

                              During the hearing, when asked by Dutch politician Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling,