Thursday, October 17, 2024

Can the American Leviathan Be Tamed?


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    Founding Fathers warned against going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.  When Washington takes its wars, slogans, and coups abroad, generations of writers have characterized the aggression as seeking monsters to destroy.  Washington has benefitted from the cover offered by the slogan, justifying mayhem inflicted on the world as overthrowing dictators and bringing democracy.  

    In his just published book, In Search of Monsters to Destroy  (Independent Institute, 2022), Christopher J. Coyne, Independent Institute Fellow and economics professor at George Mason University, takes these claims at face value.  He demonstrates conclusively that Washington’s 21st century attempts to establish liberal political regimes in the Middle East totally failed, the reason being that illiberal means can lead only to illiberal ends. 



      from State Of The Nation:

      How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil.

      SOTN Editor’s Note: For the uninitiated, the following mind-bending narrative literally represents “the whole megillah”, no pun intended. It explains the hidden hand behind the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK; it explains who really pulled off the 9/11 inside job. Likewise, the Oklahoma City bombing could only have been carried out and covered up by the FBI in light of this well-concealed history.

      Inflection Point: Episode 127 w/ Pascal Najadi


        from The Zelenko Report with Ann Vandersteel:

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        World Health Organization zero draft pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers


          by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

          The global, unelected health agency is inching closer to being granted new, legally binding powers.

          The  (WHO) has released the latest zero draft of its international pandemic treaty which will give the unelected global health agency new sweeping surveillance powers if passed.

          US Department of Defence has been running the “covid vaccine” fraud worldwide


            by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

            “[Pfizer] did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”  Sasha Latypova used these words to describe the basis on which Pfizer has requested the dismissal of a False Claims Act case brought against them for their covid “vaccines.”

            The US Department of Defence ordered “demonstrations” from pharmaceutical companies using the same secretive framework they use to order weapons.  While telling us they were pharmaceutical products, for legal reasons they described them as emergency use authorised “countermeasures.”  No pharmaceutical regulation applies to countermeasures.

            PGP INHIBITORS Vitamin K2/ Quercetin Being Pushed With Ivermectin Raises SERIOUS Safety Questions


              from Tim Truth:

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              Be Careful of the Goals You Seek with Bad Data


                by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

                Last Friday’s Non-Farm Payroll report came out with a massive 517,000 new jobs created in January. It blew expectations completely out of the water and forced onto global markets a different view of the US economy than the one it held just two days earlier when the FOMC announced another 0.25% hike to the Fed Funds rate.

                Of course, this number was likely ‘goal-seeked’ as Zerohedge put it in their initial article.  I don’t disagree with Zerohedge’s conclusion.

                Giddy Up, Elon Musk Identifies the State Dept Origin Behind Twitter Content Control Mechanisms


                  from The Conservative Treehouse:

                  … He still hasn’t identified the source code, the proverbial ghost in the machine, buried deep in the algorithmic code; however, Twitter owner Elon Musk has finally identified the agency within the U.S. government who spearheaded the creation.  The “Global Engagement Center” (GEC) of the State Dept.

                  OIL CRISIS EMERGENCY ALERT! – Banks Warn Of SHORTAGE! – Turkey Earthquake Shuts Down Oil Terminals


                    from World Alternative Media:

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                    Billionaire-Backed Green Group Working To Ban Gas Stoves Counts Chinese Official as Top Adviser


                      by Collin Anderson, Free Beacon:

                      A deep-pocketed green energy group working to ban gas stoves in the United States counts as a top adviser a Chinese government official who has urged his nation to compete with America on climate change.

                      “Look, Boss, The Balloon, The Balloon;” America is in the Hands of Complete Nincompoops


                        by George McClellan, America Outloud:

                        To even the most casual observer, this business about a Chinese balloon overflying the USA with its array of military data collecting antenna transmitting full time to CPP satellites and doing nothing about it, is so shockingly laughable that one must wonder how Saturday Night Live will handle it. Apparently, Biden is credited with ordering the thing shot down, but we can’t be sure of that. We know, though, that some Pentagon sophist countered Biden’s order to wait until it cleared the Carolina coast for the protection and safety of the American people lest the debris should plop onto somebody’s head.

                        WEF Vows to BAN ‘Dangerous’ Eggs After Study Finds They Cure COVID Naturally


                          from The People’s Voice:

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                          FBI Snares Another Pedo Suspect at a Major Network; Missing ABC Producer Charged With Transporting Child Porn


                            by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

                            ABC producer James Gordon Meek vanished after the FBI raided his home in April, scuttlebutt had it, because the bureau found classified documents on his laptop. He was working on a book about Kabul Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

                            But that wasn’t the case: Federal prosecutors in Virginia’s Eastern District have charged him with transporting child porn.

                            If that’s true, Meek, who resigned after the raid, would be the second high-level television producer caught exploiting kids since 2020. The first was CNN’s John Griffin, former CNN talker Chris “Fredo” Cuomo’s right-hand man.

                            Leftists Want a New Civil War


                              by Tony Lentini, American Thinker:

                              America’s Civil War, which raged from 1861 to 1865, was by far the bloodiest conflict in our history.  Original estimates put the death toll at about 620,000, including some 360,000 Union and 260,000 Confederate dead.  More recent estimates of the carnage are even higher:  750,000 to 850,000.  The Battle of Antietam on Sept. 17, 1862, at Sharpsburg, Maryland, still ranks as the bloodiest day in U.S. history, with nearly 23,000 casualties on both sides, including 3,675 killed in action.  How does a country possibly recover from a calamity so huge?

                              FBI Whistleblower: FBI Is Now Targeting Catholics


                                from Ivory Hecker:

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