Friday, September 27, 2024

INSANE: British government paying citizens to not use electricity during peak hours due to “green”-induced energy shortages


    by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

    In an effort to conserve dwindling energy supplies, the government of Great Britain is offering cash payments to more than a million households if they agree to cut the power off for one hour between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on specific days.

    The Demand Flexibility Service has warned that if people do not take the offer, it could be a lights out grid collapse situation. This seems to now be the case across Western Europe as well due to the loss of cheap and abundant Russian gas.

    Washington’s Power Will Decline With the Dollar


      by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

      Saudi Arabia’s recent announcement that the government is open to accepting payment for oil in currencies other than the dollar is a major announcement ignored by the presstitutes.  The end of the petrodollar would have severe adverse effects on the value of the dollar and on US inflation and interest rates. 

      For a half century the petrodollar has supported the value of the US dollar and ensured financing for America’s large budget and trade deficits. By billing for oil in dollars, the Saudis guaranteed a worldwide demand for US dollars.  Without this demand for dollars, the constant increase in the US money supply would have eroded the dollar’s exchange value in terms of other currencies.  As the US has offshored so much of its production for home use, the US is import-dependent, and the widening trade deficit would have eroded the dollar’s exchange value and resulted in high inflation.

      AI Triggering Mass Layoffs. Are You Ready for the Parallel Economy?


        from Man in America:

        TRUTH LIVES on at

        Russia to Price Silver in Gold Grams?


          by Ted Butler, Silver Seek:

          In this week’s Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire reports on the accelerating adoption of a gold benchmark price for silver and commodity trades between nations, while examining the main drivers behind the current gold price rally.

          The lifelong wholesaler reflects on the global implications of Russia’s plan to launch its own gold-pegged stablecoin, evaluating its potential to undermine the role of fiat currencies in foreign trade transactions.

          Is This The Connection Biden Is Hiding? – The Dan Bongino Show


            from The Dan Bongino Show:

            TRUTH LIVES on at

            Stock Speculators Were On Amphetamines During January


              by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

              The following commentary is from the latest issue of the Short Seller’s Journal. SSJ analyzes economic developments and presents fundamentally-driven short-sell ideas on a weekly basis. You can learn about this newsletter here: Short Seller’s Journal information.

              A massive disconnect between consumer sentiment and the retail stock allocation has developed. The graphic below ( shows the U of Michigan Consumer Sentiment index (blue line, left y-axis) and the AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) equity exposure (orange line, right y-axis) going back to 1990. The two metrics have been highly correlated up until the stock market took off after March 2020.

              Vaccinated MSNBC Host Reveals She Developed Pericarditis and Myocarditis Due to “Common Cold” (VIDEO)


                by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian revealed to her viewers on Saturday that she had been missing for a while because she developed myocarditis and pericarditis allegedly due to a common cold.

                “I know from my Twitter feed that many of you have wondered why I have been off the air for a little while. Well, I have been dealing with a little bit of a health scare,” Vossoughian told her viewers.

                Sodomite Pedophiles Rape Adopted Children! Georgia Child Porn Pedophile Ring EXPOSED


                  from Stew Peters Network:

                  TRUTH LIVES on at

                  NEW – Pfizer forecasts steep fall in 2023 sales of “COVID products” amid slower uptake of booster injections and lower demand in international markets.


                    Google Leak Shows Company’s Mad Scramble to Do Damage Control for Pfizer After Project Veritas’ Bombshell Video


                      by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

                      Project Veritas claims to have obtained internal documents from an employee at Google showing the company’s scramble to do public relations fallout for Pfizer, Inc.

                      The internal documentation was shared on Twitter on Monday:

                      “It’s Time For The Scientific Community To Admit We Were Wrong About COVID & It Cost Lives”


                        from ZeroHedge:

                        Real “mea culpa”, ongoing and rapid revision of history, or further narrative management with regard ‘amnesty’ over what “the others” did to those who thought for themselves over the last few years…

                        You decide…

                        In no lesser liberal rag that Newsweek, Kevin Bass (MS MD/PHD Student, Medical School) has penned a quite surprising (and ‘brave’) op-ed saying that “it’s time for the scientific community to admit we were wrong about COVID and it cost lives…”

                        UK government monitored tweets from high profile journalists and politicians that criticized Covid policy


                          by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

                          A new report reveals alarming levels of dissent surveillance.

                          According to reports compiled by digital privacy and rights activists, the UK is another country where the government secretly monitored citizens critical of the Covid restrictions.

                          Read the report here.

                          Under the title, “Ministry of Truth: The secretive government units spying on your speech,” Big Brother Watch details how the UK government hired contractors to flag tweets showing suspicion about whether the approach to the pandemic was the right one.

                          This Week’s FOMC: What Does Jay Powell Really Care About?


                            by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

                            With the markets still firmly convinced the Federal Reserve will hike the Fed Funds Rate by just 25 basis points (0.25%) on Wednesday, I find it fascinating that no less a figure than Mohamed El-Erian, former head of PIMCO, argued for the Fed to stay the course and surprise markets with another 50 basis point move this week.

                            I agree with him. Completely.

                            I know you’re shocked.

                            This article came out on the same day as the latest US GDP figure (Q4 +2.6%), home sales (slowing but not terminal), inventories (down), and jobless claims (uninteresting).  It was followed up with week ending data about consumer spending and the Fed’s favorite inflation indicator, the PCE deflator, coming in cooling as expected, and now just barely below the FFR, 4.4% vs. 4.5%.

                            Surprise, Surprise – DOJ Informs Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan they Will Not Comply with Request for Biden Classified Docs, Due to “Ongoing Special Counsel Investigation”


                              from The Conservative Treehouse:

                              When Attorney General Merrick Garland made the appointment [2-pg pdf] of Special Counsel Robert Hur (a deep swamp defender), CTH outlined the reasoning: “Essentially it looks like AG Merrick Garland is appointing a special counsel, because (a) he has to deflect political criticism given the issues and the growing scale; and (b) because a special counsel appointment will now throw the bag of “a current investigation” over any efforts from the Republican House of Representatives to investigate the office of the presidency.”