Friday, September 27, 2024

Police Cars Will Get “360-degree cameras installed in them for constant monitoring”; Officers Will Get Augmented Reality Phone Apps


    by BN Frank, Activist Post:

    In addition to its use of controversial facial-recognition technology, New York City police have plans to get even more “high tech”. It appears to be another move along the path to ensure that “Big Brother is protecting you”, as Mayor Adams said recently.

    From Gov Tech:



      from Arcadia Economics:

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      Every Time Something Strange Occurs, They Want Us To Believe That It Is “Just A Coincidence”


        by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

        You are not supposed to be an independent thinker, and you are definitely not supposed to come to your own conclusions.  When the corporate media decides that some really weird event that has just happened is “just a coincidence”, you are supposed to go along with it without asking any questions.  In fact, if you do decide to challenge the dominant narrative on a particular issue, there is a very good chance that you will be labeled a “conspiracy theorist”.  And you certainly wouldn’t want that, would you?

        The War Against Us


          by James Howard Kunstler, Kunstler:

          “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy our economy ” – Chris Hedges

              The question you might ask these days: how did we weaponize everything in American life against ourselves? Can you name an institution that is not at war with the people of this land? The exact mechanisms for all that bad faith stand in plain sight these days, and persons responsible can be easily identified. What’s missing are discernible motives. For now, it just looks like the greatest collective act of ass-covering in history.



            from Arcadia Economics:

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            7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public


              by James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

              The following is a paraphrase of the opening round — the warning shot — by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) Tuesday in which he used his time to outline seven facts that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew, and, more importantly, what Fauci did, and did not do, when he was made aware of these facts.

              This does not bode well for Fauci and those involved in the cover-up.

              The Real Disinformation Was The ‘Russia Disinformation’ Hoax


                by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

                Thanks to the latest release of the “Twitter Files,” we now know without a doubt that the entire “Russia disinformation” racket was a massive disinformation campaign to undermine US elections and perhaps even push “regime change” inside the United States after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016.

                Here is some background. In November, 2016, just after the election, the Washington Post published an article titled, “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.” The purpose of the article was to delegitimize the Trump presidency as a product of a Russian “disinformation” campaign.

                CDC Boss: ‘It’s Time To Kill White People Who Refuse Vaccines’


                  from The People’s Voice:

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                  WAR On PGP! Binary Weapons For Sterilization & Poisoning? Natto K2, Quercetin & Ivermectin Toxicity


                    from Tim Truth:

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                    BuzzFeed To Replace Its Laid Of Workforce With ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence


                      by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                      A lot of woke outlets have started announcing layoffs, with one example being BuzzFeed back in December.

                      The proudly progressive company, mostly known for its quizzes and random lists, joined other tech and “journalism” outlets facing massive financial issues due to the economy late last year.

                      Cops Accused of Murder in Death of Tyre Nichols Were Hired After PD Relaxed Job Requirements, Launched ‘Diversity’ Push


                        by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                        At least two out of five Memphis police officers charged with murder in the death of Tyre Nichols joined the force after the department relaxed hiring standards and launched a push to improve the department’s “diversity” under the promise that residents having cops “who look like them and understand their culture” would serve to “defuse” conflicts without the need for “physical force.”

                        mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans – Tracy Beanz


                          from The Vigilant Fox:

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                          BREAKING: HORRIBLE – Arizona Regime Is Investigating Kari Lake And Trying To JAIL Her On Felony Charges For Exercising First Amendment And Exposing Election Fraud


                            by Jordan Conradson, The Gateway Pundit:

                            The newly selected regime heading up Arizona’s top statewide offices is now targeting Kari Lake with potential felony charges for speaking out against the rigged election in Arizona.

                            Questionably elected Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a former lawyer for Mexican drug cartels, sent out a new letter on Monday, asking questionably elected Attorney General Kris Mayes to “investigate and take appropriate enforcement action against Kari Lake” for sounding the alarm about the stolen 2022 Election.

                            Now DOCTORS say they’ll be refusing more COVID shots


                              from WND:

                              When the COVID-19 pandemic developed in China, then spread around the world killing millions, people were in a panic.

                              Masks, shutting down the economy, distancing, and more all of a sudden became a priority.

                              Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Vaccine is Genocidal


                                from The New American:

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