Friday, September 27, 2024



    from SGT Report:

    Tom Luongo returns to SGT Report to discuss FDIC endorsed bank bail-ins, bank runs, Bitcoin, and demolishing the Davos scumbags.

    As Another Victim Of The Genocidal Bioweapon Injection Does The ‘Pfizer Flop’ On Live TV, Why Would The FDA Hide Pfizer Jab Safety Data For 75 Years UNLESS They’re Covering Up Genocide?


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    While Pfizer made sure to rush out a statement following that viral Project Veritas video featuring a Pfizer executive bragging about mutating COVID via ‘directed evolution’ so that their company can continue to profit for decades to come at the expense of the American people, that statement didn’t say anything about the mounting number of people across the planet now doing Pfizer Flop’s as seen in the gif image above of Greek TV reporter Konstantina Klokotara falling out live on air.

    Job Posting for New Head of Digital Currency UK Government


      by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

      The successful candidate will be responsible for leadership of HM Treasury’s work on a potential digital pound – a UK central bank digital currency (CBDC). This work is important, complex and cross-cutting, and the leadership will involve extensive engagement across and beyond HM Treasury.
      Digital innovation is changing the landscape for payments and money. The use of physical money is declining while new forms of private sector digital money are emerging. These changes offer exciting opportunities for UK businesses and consumers, but also present new challenges and risks. This has motivated countries around the world to explore digital versions of central bank money.

      Tucker Carlson Examines The Strange Destruction Of Food Processing Plants Across The Country (VIDEO)


        by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

        As Gateway Pundit readers know, food processing plants across the United States have been targeted repeatedly over the last two years.

        Just this past weekend, there was a massive fire at an egg farm in Connecticut.

        Video surfaces of CDC official calling for WHITE GENOCIDE to eliminate all white vaccine refusers in America


          by Mike Adams, Natural News:

          An official who served on the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization during the Obama administration has been captured on video calling for genocide against white people in America in order to eliminate those who resist vaccines.

          The video, shows below in today’s Situation Update podcast, features Dr. Carol Baker offering her “solution” on camera:

          So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers… I’m not talking about… hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States… Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.

          Oversight Chair James Comer Ready to Investigate ‘Anyone’ in Business with the Bidens


            by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton, Breitbart:

            House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said on Monday that he is prepared to investigate “anyone that was in business with the Bidens,” as the committee prepares to hold its first public hearing relating to its investigation of President Joe Biden.

            Speaking with reporters at the National Press Club, Comer said he expects Hunter Biden’s “bank records,” to shed light on the Biden family’s possible unlawful business practices.

            “Anyone that was in business with the Bidens, that were on these accounts, that were partners in these LLCs, they need to tell everyone exactly what the business was,” Comer said. “You got a two-, three-million-dollar wire from this company that’s affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, what service were you providing? Because it wasn’t real estate. They weren’t manufacturing anything. What were they doing?”

            Mining Giant Loses Radioactive Capsule in Western Australia


              by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

              Mining giant Rio Tinto has lost a radioactive capsule during transit. The capsule, containing Caesium-137, was lost during transport along a 1,400-kilometer (870-mile) stretch of highway in Western Australia.

              According to a report by Bloomberg, Rio Tinto is taking this “very seriously.”

              “We are taking this incident very seriously … and recognize this is clearly very concerning and are sorry for the alarm it has caused in the Western Australian community,” Rio Tinto head of iron ore Simon Trott said in a statement on Sunday.

              Prepping Mistakes and Failures: 10 Lessons


                by Fabian Ommar, The Organic Prepper:

                We live in a culture that worships success. Everyone loves a tale of winner, it’s no wonder self-help is a top-selling genre. Success is sexy and inspiring: people look for it as a way to attain the same (or similar) level of achievement. Even though science isn’t settled on whether we learn more from our own failures than our successes, it’s essential to observe and study what worked, and why. 



                  from We Are Change:

                  TRUTH LIVES on at

                  Twitter Execs Knew the ‘Russian Bot’ Narrative was False as MSM Rammed Lies Down America’s Collective Throat


                    by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                    “Virtually every major American news organization cited these fake tales— even fact-checking sites like Snopes and Politifact.”

                    New Twitter Files revelations show that the Twitter accounts on a list from the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) that were supposed to be of Russian bots were far from it. While Twitter had evidence to prove that the accounts weren’t Russian bots, employees kept quiet, afraid to go against mainstream media narrative.

                    THE DOCTORS ARE IN BIG TROUBLE


                      from State Of The Nation:

                      Each and every doctor, who administered the
                      extremely dangerous and deadly Covid vaccines,
                      needs to be sued out of their medical practices
                      before they are criminally prosecuted to the
                      fullest extent of the law for conspiring to commit
                      genocide against the American people.



                        from FalconsCAFE:

                        TRUTH LIVES on at