Friday, September 27, 2024

How COVID Patients Died for Profit


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • By May 2020, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation with ventilators was a death sentence
  • Between 50% and 86% of COVID patients placed on life support ended up dying
  • By May 2020, doctors had also found that high-flow nasal cannulas and proning led to better outcomes than ventilators

Industry Promotes Lead as ‘Safe and Effective’ Despite Known Health Risks as Heavy Metal Production Grows


    by Perry Gottesfeld, Childrens Health Defense:

    The effects of lead on human health are well-documented — we now know that even low-level lead exposures can diminish children’s learning and impact behavior.

    Given the negative publicity about the lead paint in our homes poisoning children and lead pipes contaminating our water, most people might assume that the lead industry is suffering a slow death.

    WarRoom Battleground EP 224: Children Under 12 Received mRNA Vaccine


      from Bannons War Room:

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      6,000 Gallons to Put Out Spontaneously Igniting Tesla


        from Moonbattery:

        In case social engineers really do manage to force us into unaffordable and unreliable electric cars, now would be a good time to invest in fire-retardant clothing. The clothing had better be water-resistant too:

        A Tesla Model S “spontaneously” burst into flames Saturday afternoon in California while driving on a freeway, officials said. …

        Fire officials said the vehicle was traveling “freeway speeds” when the sudden combustion occurred and that “nothing unusual” happened prior to the fire. …

        Elite Billionaire Foundations Fund Wave of Green Climate Propaganda Flooding into British Schools


          by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

          Climate change misinformation is flooding into British schools, funded, it would appear, by the dark green money of elite billionaire foundations. Schoolchildren are encouraged to plot implausible temperatures rises of 11°C, taught that alkaline oceans are ‘acidic’ and encouraged to write letters to policymakers claiming “our house is on fire” in the style of Greta Thunberg.

          The Totalitarians Target The Food Supply


            from OPERATION FREEDOM:

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            Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree to Destroy ALL INFORMATION on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on Same Day as Russian Invasion – Then Fire Spotted Outside Intel Headquarters


              by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

              Ukrainian President Zelensky ordered government officials to destroy all information on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on the same day Russia invaded the country.

              Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

              Zelensky sent out this document on February 24, 2022.

              How the IRS Enables a Pro-Pedophile Organization


                by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag:

                Last year, Old Dominion University placed Allyn Walker on administrative leave after a chat with the Prostasia Foundation in which he claimed that being sexually interested in children isn’t necessarily wrong. Walker’s book about “Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity” is typical of the efforts to excuse pedophilia that are promoted by the Prostasia Foundation.

                U.K FORBIDS Covid Boosters For Healthy People!


                from The Jimmy Dore Show:

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                Covering Up Evidence of ‘Safe & Effective’ Vaccine Injuries


                  by April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR, America Outloud:

                  A California Emergency Room Nurse experienced a Coronary Artery Dissection, which led to a heart attack following the mandatory administration of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine in 2021.

                  During this episode of our two-part series, “Elizabeth” recounts her experiences while trying to qualify for Workman’s compensation. The level of corruption that exists within our healthcare system in collaboration with the insurance companies and government agencies is exposed, demanding justice & accountability.

                  Taking On the Would-be Destroyers of America


                    by Allan J. Feifer, American Thinker:

                    Enemies of Freedom wish to see our prosperous nation willingly give up our success to become a failed state.  Think about the enormity and monstrous nature of that goal they set for themselves.  All they had at first were the obvious imperfections of our country to work with, and our enemy commenced from there.

                    Have you considered the impact of the plan by the destroyers to change our language and its influence on all of us?  Within this strategy is another plan to change the emotional impact of words we never contemplated or would not have given a passing glance.  To be successful, destroyers must control the meaning of words.

                    The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth – The Great Resist Faces Off Against The Great Reset


                      from DollarVigilante:

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                      Start Of Bankruptcy Wave? Large Firm Filings Surge To 2010 Levels


                        from ZeroHedge:

                        The US has transitioned from more than a decade of quantitative easing to more recent quantitative tightening. QT will remain until the Federal Reserve is finished squashing inflation. However, such a massive paradigm shift in markets might result in a period of deleveraging among highly levered firms that were able to flourish during the QE era.

                        New Bloomberg data shows large companies (at least $50 million of liabilities) filing for bankruptcy topped 20 this month, the highest in any other January dating back to 2010. Back then, 25 filings were seen as the economy was still reeling from the aftermath of the GFC.

                        The Collapse Of Faith In America


                          by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                          Once upon a time the United States was known as a “Christian nation”, but now our country is moving away from those roots at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  I spend a lot of time writing about the ongoing collapse of our economic system, but the truth is that we are witnessing a collapse of faith as well.  In 1972, a Pew survey found that 92 percent of all Americans identified as Christians, but the most recent Pew survey that asked this question discovered that only 63 percent of Americans still identify as Christians at this point…