Saturday, September 7, 2024

Reparations For All ?


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    A majority of the white ethnicities, such as the French Huguenots, the Irish, the Scots, and others,  came to the original colonies  to escape oppression and persecution. Some came as slaves.  English debtors were sold into indentured servitude to cover their debts.  

    The notion of Woke white liberals that only blacks were enslaved is historical ignorance.  There were more white slaves in history than black. Arab slave traders raided the coastal cities of Italy and France. Arabs captured Americans off of merchant ships, causing the Founding Fathers to send the US Marines to the shores of Tripoli. Why are only black descendants of former slaves entitled to reparations?  

    Data show mortality spike following release of covid “vaccines” had 1 in 391 BILLION chance of occurring by chance alone


      by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

      In an unexpected turn of events, Germany has released bombshell data showing that the likelihood of excess mortality not being a factor of the covid “vaccination” program – meaning the chance that all this excess death is just one big random coincidence – is one in 390,632,286,180, or basically zero.

      German autopsy data shows an exceptionally high rate of “highly unusual tissue inflammation” inside the bodies of people who died not long after getting injected – tissue inflammation that, prior to the release of covid jabs, had never before been observed by pathologists.

      JPMorgan-Epstein Lawsuit Amended By Virgin Islands; ‘Client List’ Shortened, Staley And Dubin Ties Unredacted


        from ZeroHedge:

        The US Virgin Islands case against JP Morgan just got even weirder.

        Recall that in late December, Attorney General Denise George sued the bank, claiming they reaped financial benefits from Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation.

        Episode 2432: The Wave Of Truth Coming In 2023


          from Bannons War Room:

          TRUTH LIVES on at

          Australia is concerned it can’t stop “misinformation” in private conversations


            by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

            Fresh attempts to try and undermine a right to privacy.

            Australia’s authorities have updated their “misinformation code” but remain unhappy that large end-to-end encrypted apps are still not “regulated” in a way they would find satisfactory.

            That’s despite the fact the “update” does what various governments like the most – leave a lot of room to interpret the rules as best suits them. Thus harm is now communication that represents “serious and credible” threat. And the previous definition is that this threat must also be imminent – however, that is no longer included in the wording.

            #StopTheAmendments: WHO’s power grab through a secretive committee to amend International Health Regulations


              by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

              A secretive World Health Organisation (“WHO”) committee is scheduled to meet for five days beginning today. The purpose of these meetings will be to finalise their report regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHRs”).

              These meetings will not be live-streamed. The proceedings will not be available to the public. No public comment period is scheduled. Your opinion regarding these amendments is not going to be considered. These rules are being negotiated by the members of the International Health Regulations Review Committee (“IHRRC”), who were chosen, not elected.

              PROUD BOYS TRIAL: Jury Selection


                from Greg Reese:

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                Breaking: Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring COVID-Related Content


                  by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

                  A lawsuit filed today by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and multiple other plaintiffs, alleges the Trusted News Initiative, a self-described “industry partnership” launched in March 2020 by several of the world’s largest news organizations, partnered with Big Tech firms to collectively censor online news.

                  In a live interview this evening on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), announced that he and several other plaintiffs filed a groundbreaking novel lawsuit making antitrust and constitutional claims against legacy media outlets.

                  Gaetz Confirms GOP Congress Intent to Release 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes and Material That Has Been Hidden


                    from The Conservative Treehouse:

                    Earlier today Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL) appeared with Charlie Kirk to discuss the changes in tactics and approach within the GOP controlled House. {Direct Rumble Link – Full}

                    Within the interview Gaetz states that Kevin McCarthy will support the full release of information that has been hidden by the J6 committee. “Kevin McCarthy told us he’s going to get the evidence out in front of the American people, and that means releasing the 14,000 hours of tapes that have been hidden that I think would give more full context to that day, rather than the cherry-picked moments that the January 6th committee tried to use to inflame and further divide our country,” he said. WATCH:



                      from OH MY GOD:

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                      Feds Move Against Gas Stoves


                        from Moonbattery:

                        There is no basic component of our lives so innocuous that moonbats won’t ban it mainly because they can. The petty tyranny starts in Petri dishes of wokeism like Berkeley, where authoritarians banned gas hookups in new buildings as of 2020. It moves on to blue states like California, which is banning gas-powered furnaces and water heaters by 2030, and New York, which is coercively phasing out gas heating. With Democrats in power, it soon goes nationwide, potentially moving beyond harassment actions like the recent stealth tax on natural gas to a federal ban on gas stoves — although it looks like the Regulatory State may hold off for now on confiscating politically incorrect stoves currently in use:

                        Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates Demand USG Military Involvement in Ukraine


                          by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                          Really, these people can’t help it. They are psychopaths, neocons, and pathological liars.

                          The latest demand by neocons that Russia must be wiped off the map is locked up behind a paywall at the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post. In order to read what former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote, I used a browser text reader to bypass the paywall.

                          How Long Will We Persist With the Mad Mask Charade?


                            by Jill Evans, Daily Sceptic:

                            On the December 29th 2022, both Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals announced that they would – once again – be asking all patients and visitors to wear a mask “due to a significant increase in Covid, flu, RSV and norovirus infections”. Despite the generalised wearing of face coverings being ineffectual in reducing viral spread, and despite the accumulating evidence of the harms (physical, social and psychological) associated with them, it is clear that a few mask zealots – many embedded in our healthcare system – are continuing to promote this senseless practice. And this obsession with covering our faces, as stubbornly espoused by a few NHS Trusts, has consequences. In combination with the way that masks have strengthened psychologically-manipulative ‘nudges’ to frighten and shame us into compliance with state diktats, this double whammy is prone to evoke crazy behaviour in some otherwise ordinary people.

                            19 Ways Government Will Become Increasingly Tyrannical in America in 2023


                              by JD Rucker, American Thinker:

                              As we inch along with American life in 2023, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the troubles we had in 2022 are getting worse. Some would say having a Republican majority in the House is going to solve some of our problems. It may slow some of the challenges down, but I do not expect to see many tangible solutions, especially when we consider the scope of those problems.

                              On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Political Report, I dove into an article by John and Nisha Whitehead in which they describe 19 ways government is going to be growing their tyranny over us this year. I agree with about 90% of it, which is quite a lot considering it’s hard to come to a near consensus on anything these days.