Friday, September 27, 2024

Celebrities Call for ‘Total Hollywood Strike’ Until Every Last Person Gets Jabbed


    from The People’s Voice:

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    How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP


      by CJ Hopkins, CJ Hopkins:

      There comes a time near the end of every PSYOP when the PSYOP has achieved its objective, or as much of its objective as it is going to achieve, and is becoming increasingly recognizable as a PSYOP, and so the focus shifts to damage control, and erasing the PSYOP from official history.

      What Goes Up Also Comes Down: The Heavy Hand of Bubble Symmetry


        by Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds:

        Should bubble symmetry play out in the S&P 500, we can anticipate a steep 45% drop to pre-bubble levels, followed by another leg down as the speculative frenzy is slowly extinguished.

        Bubble symmetry is, well, interesting. The dot-com stock market bubble circa 1995-2003 offers a classic example of bubble symmetry, though there are many others as well. The key feature of bubble symmetry is the entire bubble retraces in roughly the same time frame as it took to soar to absurd heights.

        They’re Telling Us What Comes Next… and It’s Far WORSE Than Covid


          from Man in America:

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          Third-Largest Egg Farm in US Mysteriously Catches Fire, 100,000 Chickens Killed


            from 21st Century Wire:

            The disturbing trend of food production facilities being hit with random accidents’ continues to disrupt food supplies and force price spikes.

            It happened again his week: America’s third-biggest egg farm in US suddenly caught fire, prompting 21 fire departments to respond to the huge blaze, which ended up killing no less than 100,000 chickens and will no doubt drive the cost of eggs up even further than the current extortionate levels paid by ordinary consumers.

            War, Market Meltdown & More War for 2023 – Gerald Celente


              by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

              Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, predicted last February on that “World War III has already started.”  Fast forward to today, and the global war is increasing at an alarming rate.  Celente says, “American troops are on the ground in Ukraine, they are just not wearing the uniforms.  So, we are at war there, and so is NATO.  I say send me a hand gun because I want to blow the guy’s brains out across the street.  Are you an accessory to the crime?  Are you part of it?  Of course you are. . . .  Look at the budget that Congress just passed.  It’s a $1.7 trillion budget, and over half went to the military industrial complex.”

              The W.H.O. Implemented a Digital Diagnostic Code to Track the Unvaxxed Called ICD-10 | Leo Hohmann


                from AlexandraBruce:

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                  from Dr. Jane Ruby:

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                  Air Force General Predicts “War With China” in 2025


                    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                    Air Force General Mike Minihan issued a memo on January 27, 2023 to officers he commands that there will be a war between China and the US in 2025. Minihan told his subordinates to prepare by firing “a clip” at a target and “aim for the head.”

                    NBC News obtained the memo. In this memo, Minihan said, “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025.” Minihan is the head of the Air Mobility Command, which has close to 50,000 service members and nearly 500 planes and is tasked with transport and refueling.

                    Major News Outlets Announce They’re Abandoning Objectivity, Claim Outdated Concept is a Relic of ‘White Newsrooms’


                      by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                      Objectivity has no place in a modern-day newsroom because it’s “a distortion of reality” that was “dictated over decades by male editors in predominantly White newsrooms and reinforced their own view of the world,” so says our new media elites.

                      From The Daily Caller News Foundation, “Major News Outlets Say They’re Ditching Objectivity In The Name Of ‘Diversity’ “:

                      MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents


                        by Richard Abelson, The Gateway Pundit:

                        Hunter Biden’s firm invested $500,000 in Ukrainian biolab operator Metabiota, which then received a $23.9 million contact from the Pentagon for bioresearch. Metabiota head Nathan Wolfe worked together with EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak on SARS-based coronavirus research. The Russian  Defence Ministry claims to have over 20,000 documents on the US biolab project in Ukraine.

                        Massive LACK OF EVIDENCE Of Viruses & Contagious Disease – Virology On Trial #8


                          from Tim Truth:

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                          BOMBSHELL: White House Misled Public About FBI Search of Penn Biden Center


                            by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

                            The ongoing scandal involving Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents continues to get worse. Despite repeated claims of cooperation and transparency, sources close to the investigation reveal that the FBI conducted a search of the Penn Biden Center back in November.

                            The Busy Week Ahead


                              by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

                              While there will be all sorts of economic and geopolitical headlines in the days ahead, two events that will drive precious metals stand out. The first will be the conclusion of the January FOMC meeting on Wednesday. The second will be the release of the January U.S. jobs report on Friday. If COMEX gold and silver can successfully navigate both, the possibility of a February rally will grow.

                              Trump’s FLAG PIC, our FLAG is STILL THERE, DeSantis shows his HAND, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, PRAY!


                                from And We Know:

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