Friday, September 27, 2024



    from THE MEL K SHOW:

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    Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows ‘Little To No Difference’ In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection


      from ZeroHedge:

      A massive international research collaboration that analyzed several dozen rigorous studies focusing on “physical interventions” against COVID-19 and influenza found that they provide little to no protection against infection or illness rates.

      The study, published in the peer-reviewed Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviewsis the strongest science to date refuting the basis for mask mandates worldwide.

      A Document Implicating Powerful People Is Blocked from Public Viewing in Sam Bankman-Fried Criminal Case


        by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

        Five pages of a deeply sensitive document that is both embarrassing and potentially a legal threat to people in positions of power vanished yesterday from public viewing in the criminal case against former crypto-kingpin Sam Bankman-Fried. The document is a letter written by five federal prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. The courthouse where the five pages vanished from view is where the case is being heard: the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

        Episode 2485: The Plan To Get Back To An America First Policy


          from Bannons War Room:

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          Exactly What We Would Expect If A Recession Was Beginning – Sales Are Down Throughout The Economy


            by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

            All of the things that we would expect to see at the start of a major economic downturn are happening.  Retail sales are falling, auto sales have been way down, and the housing market is starting to crash like it did in 2008.  But unlike the last recession, we are also dealing with a raging inflation crisis, and this is one of the main reasons why real disposable income declined at the fastest rate that we have seen since the Great Depression last year.  At this point, close to two-thirds of the entire country is living paycheck to paycheck, and more than half the country cannot even afford to pay an unexpected $1,000 emergency expense.  We are in very dangerous territory, because most U.S. consumers are tapped out.

            Segregation Is Back: Canadian Theatre Running ‘Black Only’ Events


              by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

              The theatre claims that the events will “allow for conversation and participation to be felt throughout the theatre,” but apparently not if you’re white

              A prominent theatre in Canada has received backlash for promoting a series of events that are billed for “black only” audiences.

              Critics charged that The National Arts Center in Ottawa is operating a segregationist policy after it announced that some events would be run under a “Black Out,” meaning that only black people can attend.

              “We are living in a CIA pharmaceutical war game.”


                Ths Wk with David Icke


                  from DrSherriTenpenny:

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                  Meet The Man Who’s Read All The Biden Emails & Hear His Warning To The American People!


                    from InfoWars:

                    Investigations need to take place immediately

                    Garrett Ziegler joins host Owen Shroyer on The Alex Jones Show to reveal what was in the Biden emails and call for an official investigation into what he found.

                    Another Power Grid Attack? LAX Airport Goes Completely Dark After Suffering Power Outage


                      by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

                      Another power grid attack?

                      Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday afternoon went completely dark after suffering a power outage.

                      TSA temporarily stopped screening passengers and some departing flights were impacted.



                        from Team Enigma:

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                        Damage control: Pfizer releases “urgent guidance” telling employees how to handle Project Veritas bombshell video


                          by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

                          Not long after Project Veritas released its latest bombshell exposé about Pfizer’s involvement in trying to manipulate covid to sell more “vaccines,” Google-owned YouTube pulled the video from its platform. Not long after that, the company issued an “urgent guidance” to its employees about how to handle the video whenever a user tries to upload or share it.

                          A screenshot of that urgent guidance – see below – informs YouTube employees that the Project Veritas video “violates the COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation policy for making a categorical claim that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective, and should therefore be removed unless it contains sufficient EDSA / CRC.”

                          Senator Malcolm Roberts Exposes the Testing Ground of the NWO in Australia


                            from nonvaxer420:

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                            This #GoogleLeaks thread could be a bigger deal than the Twitter Files


                              by Kevin Haggerty, BizPac Review:

                              In a “Twitter Files” style thread, one independent journalist made the case for Elon Musk to further expose the unseen machinations of his social media company based on 2019 leaks that demonstrated Google’s influence over elections.

                              Going by the name KanekoaTheGreat, the previously banned account that was restored by the billionaire entrepreneur, took to Twitter Monday with a link to a September substack he posted that declared “Google Rigged The 2020 Election.” The piece called back to the 2019 report by Project Veritas which spoke with Google insider Zachary Vorhies who leaked nearly a thousand pages of internal documents that detailed alleged censorship and suppression of conservative content.

                              A Panicked Empire Tries to Make Russia an ‘offer It Can’t Refuse’


                                by Pepe Escpbar, The Unz Review:

                                Those behind the Throne are never more dangerous than when they have their backs against the wall.

                                Their power is slipping away, fast: Militarily, via NATO’s progressive humiliation in Ukraine; Financially, sooner rather than later, most of the Global South will want nothing to do with the currency of a bankrupt rogue giant; Politically, the global majority is taking decisive steps to stop obeying a rapacious, discredited, de facto minority.