Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stop the Pandemic Treaty WHO Power Grab


    by Janet Levy, American Thinker:

    The World Health Organization (WHO) failed to forewarn the world about the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. The measures it mandated did not prevent the loss of lives and collapse of economies but helped pharma giants make billions through enforced vaccination. Against all evidence, it gave China a pass on a possible lab leak of the virus.

    Now, pursuing its massively funded left-elitist agenda, it wants member countries to surrender sovereignty over healthcare decisions. President Joe Biden is readily submitting to and endorsing this global power grab. He must be halted.

    Doc Whistleblower: Vax Likely Designed To Change DNA & Allow Cancer To Grow; Dr Daniel Nagase


    from Tim Truth:

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    Klaus Schwab: I will only answer questions from our propaganda machine, the main stream media…


      Davos Plans For The Next Pandemic – Suggests National Digital Infrastructures To Track Vaccination


        from ZeroHedge:

        The World Economic Forum’s Davos discussions often require some “reading between the lines” to understand what is really being said by the globalist participants, but not much interpretation is needed these days.  Ever since the pandemic event along with the lockdowns and the attempts to introduce vaccine passports, establishment representatives have been far more open about their agenda and their intentions for the future.

        Jamie Lee Curtis Deletes Instagram Post Showing Photo of Naked Child Stuffed in a Box


          by David Ng, Breitbart:

          In a strange turn of events, Hollywood star Jamie Lee Curtis has deleted an Instagram post after followers noticed a photo in the background depicting  a naked child stuffed in a box, with some commenters comparing the apparent artwork to Jeffrey Epstein.

          Jamie Lee Curtis, who endorsed Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential run and is currently attracting Oscar buzz for her performance in the sci-fi comedy-adventure Everything Everywhere All at Once, shared a photo of her Comet Productions office on Instagram on Tuesday. While the actress drew attention to the designer office furniture, a photo hanging on the wall ended up stealing the show.

          Sheriff Lamb – Child Trafficking Exists At The Border,It’s Time To Teach Children Traditional Values


            from X22 Report:

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            As of last October, secret CDC report reveals, at least 118,000 young people “died suddenly” due to covid jabs


              by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

              It is not easily identifiable – by design – on first glance, but documents from Pfizer and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that nearly half a million children and young adults died within the year following Tony Fauci’s announcement that children are eligible for covid “vaccination.” Of this number, more than 118,000 deaths were confirmed to have resulted from covid jab adverse events.

              The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OEC) is credited with finding the data and presenting it for easy public consumption. Try as they did to conceal the truth, Pfizer and the CDC were unable to keep this data a secret forever.

              Davos Globorats Depopulating, Enslaving and Saving The World, One Swiss Après-Ski At A Time


                from DollarVigilante:

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                ONLY. ONE. THING.


                  from State Of The Nation:

                  The United States of America now has a
                  Khazarian-created “Sodom and Gomorrah”
                  strategically located in every region of the country.

                  Each the following 24 major American cities was quite stealthily transformed into a “Sodom and Gomorrah” with highly purposeful design.
                  New York City & Philadelphia
                  San Francisco & San Jose
                  Washington, DC & Baltimore
                  Los Angeles & San Diego
                  Chicago & Detroit
                  Las Vegas & Denver
                  New Orleans & Nashville
                  Seattle & Portland
                  Miami & Fort Lauderdale
                  Atlanta & Charlotte
                  Boston & Providence
                  Houston & Dallas
                  Minneapolis & Saint Louis
                  Austin & Sacramento
                  Do you see how the Khazarian-directed cultural marxists purposefully took over all of the American cities rich in history and once full of the revolutionary spirit of the Founding Fathers?

                  ‘Dead Name’ Documentary Exposes Secret Trans Indoctrination Cult Teaching Kids to Want Gender Transition Surgery


                    from InfoWars:

                    FIlm follows stories of three different parents who had their lives changed after their children were indoctrinated into thinking they were born the wrong gender.

                    A powerful documentary film sheds light on the secret indoctrination plunging young children into a gender dysphoria mindset that sometimes culminates in radical sex reassignment surgeries.

                    The documentary Dead Name follows the stories of three different parents who had their lives changed after their children were indoctrinated into thinking they were born the wrong gender.

                    The Collective West Might as Well Nominate Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize


                      by Natasha Wright, Strategic Culture:

                      Not even the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine would have happened if there hadn’t been for the relentless NATO expansion towards the East. And now NATO is even trying to do their ‘(un)fair’ share in the Asian Pacific region.

                      After Barack Obama winning the Nobel prize for peace in 2009 in the form of political ‘advance payment ‘ the very moment he became U.S. President, and after the Ukranian activists got ‘legitimized’ as the activists for the alleged human rights they were /are advocating, which funnily enough, happen to be financed by CIA, through the National Heritage for Democracy, why on Earth not NATO General Secretary to be a candidate this year? Anyway, the connection between the CIA and human rights seems to be the equivalent of NATO and world peace in their political glossaries.

                      ‘Covidians’ Need Not Apply – ‘Safe Blood’ Donation Startup And Billionaires Looking For Pureblood Pilots Shows The Tables Have Turned Against The Vaccine-Mandate Crowd


                        by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

                        Covidian, via Urban Dictionary: Someone who has elevated COVID-19 prevention or mitigation to the point of a religious persuasion, like they have become a zealot and judge and shame others for their “lesser” measures. A COVIDIAN does everything with COVID-19 prevention in mind, especially for others to see.

                        Nations used to be divided mostly by politics, where culture wars saw one ideological party supporting one stance while another supported the polar opposite positions. It has come to a point, politically, where there is not much, if anything anymore, the different political parties can agree on.



                          from The Salty Cracker:

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                          Housing Starts and Permits Down Again in December Closing Out a Dismal Year


                            by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

                            Housing starts and permits declined again in December with negative revisions to November.

                            As expected, the Census Department’s New Residential Construction report for December was another disappointment.



                              from THE MEL K SHOW:

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