Friday, September 27, 2024

JUST IN – Unsecured DoD sever was spilling terabytes of internal U.S. military emails to the open internet for the past two weeks.


    Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Missiles On Combat Readiness


      from ZeroHedge:

      In a much anticipated speech on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin said he is suspending Russia’s participation in the New START nuclear treaty with the United States.

      “President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty,” Reuters reports of the new declaration.

      BREAKING: Exclusive Statement From James O’Keefe Sent to Infowars


        from InfoWars:

        Project Veritas founder says “I need to make clear that I have not resigned from the company that I founded.”
        “I will continue my work as a journalist.”

        The following is an exclusive statement Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe sent to Infowars shortly after news broke of his removal from his own news organization.

        EXCLUSIVE: Project Veritas Staffers tell Board: Quit or We Walk!


          by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

          Yesterday, James O’Keefe was fired by the board of the media organization he founded 13 years ago. He gave a 45 minute going away speech yesterday to staff.

          Today, the reporters who are loyal to O’Keefe have told the board that unless they resign today, they are all quitting as a bloc.

          This matches the loss of nearly 100,000 followers of PV on Twitter in one day. According to one PV insider about the current Project Veritas board member Matt Tyrmand: “Tyrmand is in full panic mode. We’re all about to walk out after an emergency board meeting tomorrow unless they all resign. All the real journalists here are out and they won’t have anyone left to do the real work that made this place great.”

          Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’


            from The People’s Voice:

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            We, the Useless Eaters


              by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

              I came across this on Telegram. It’s posted on Twitter.

              Yuan Yi Zhu is an assistant professor of international relations and international law at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The claim and photo are not sourced. However, I found confirmation on the Castanet website in Kelowna, British Columbia.

              MAiD, short for Medical Assistance in Dying, is a euthanasia program in Canada.

              Teacher Shows Dirty Pictures to Kids in Class


                from Moonbattery:

                Al Vernacchio demonstrates what liberal education now means by showing kids close-up photos of genitalia:

                Vernacchio is an English teacher at Friends’ Central School, a private school in Wynnewood [Pennsylvania]. He also is involved in the sexuality curriculum, which expounds from children nursery through 12th grade, according to his website.

                Getting your kids out of public schools is not necessarily enough. No child belongs in any school with a “sexuality curriculum.”

                Dr. Pete Chambers – EMERGENCY BROADCAST From East Palestine – All May Not Be As It Seems!!!


                  from mariazeee:

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                  Abp. Viganò: FBI targeting Catholics is a ‘logical consequence’ of Pope Francis persecuting the faithful


                    by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

                    This criminalization of dissent by temporal and spiritual powers is not accidental and ought to arouse a very firm condemnation and decisive opposition.

                    The totem of freedom of worship allows Satan worshippers to erect a blasphemous monument to Baphomet in front of the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock or a statue of a demon on the façade of the New York Courthouse to celebrate an abortionist Supreme Court judge; while in New Mexico the Satanic Temple inaugurates a clinic that performs ritual abortions and benefits from state recognition.

                    Where’s the Outrage as Biden Will Sign Away Our Sovereignty to Tedros Next Week?


                      by JD Rucker, America First Report:

                      The Pandemic Treaty was big news last year until it was “defeated.” But it wasn’t actually defeated and now it’s about to be signed by Joe Biden. Why is nobody talking about it?

                      How do you con conservatives into backing off on an issue? You tell them you’re sorry and you won’t do it again. We saw it with PayPal who apologized for the “mistake” of threatening to confiscate $2500 from users for wrongthink. Conservatives saw this apology as a victory and stopped pressing the point. But the $2500 penalty still remains and nobody’s talking about it.

                      Toxic Train Crash PLANNED? CDC Updated Vinyl Chloride Side Effects on CHILDREN WEEKS BEFORE CRASH


                        from Stew Peters Network:

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                        Ohio Toxic Train Derailment Being Compared to the 1986 Chernobyl Radiation Disaster


                          by Mary Fanning, America Outloud:

                          The environmentally disastrous February 3, 2023 derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, of Norfolk Southern train 32N, transporting rail tanker cars filled with dangerous chemicals, has been compared to the 1986 Chernobyl radiation disaster in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

                          Ultimately, responsibility for the Chernobyl disaster lies at the feet of Soviet officials who controlled the nuclear plant and launched an immediate cover-up, and responsibility for the East Palestine disaster lies at the feet of the federal officials who regulate U.S. railroads: President Joe Biden and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.

                          Survey: 58 Percent of Likely Voters Favor State Bans on Sex-change Surgery for Children


                            by James Murphy, The New American:

                            A Rasmussen poll conducted in February found that 58 percent of likely voters support state bans on so-called gender transition surgery for children. Forty-six percent of those likely voters were strongly in favor of such bans, with just 34 percent opposed.

                            Only eight percent were uncertain about such bans.

                            Episode 2530: Who Made The Decision To Burn In Ohio; Biden Travels To Ukraine


                              from Bannons War Room:

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                              Residents Say They’ve Broken Out in Rashes After East Palestine Train Derailment


                                from The Epoch Times:

                                Locals who live near the train derailment and release of toxic chemicals near East PalestineOhio, have complained about various health problems since the incident unfolded earlier this month, including rashes, headaches, and other issues. And they’ve expressed concerns that these new symptoms may be tied to the chemicals that were burned or released.

                                The Feb. 3 derailment triggered officials to initiate a controlled release and burn of various chemicals as they cited concerns that those materials would explode and send out deadly shrapnel. Chemicals carried on the Norfolk Southern-operated train include toxic vinyl chloride gas, which was vented and burned, releasing a large cloud of black smoke that hung over the area for days.