Sunday, September 8, 2024



    from The Alex Jones Show:

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    The Coming War


      by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:


      Hi Marty,

      As it appears the US is marching toward war, what is notable this time, unlike what happened in the run-up to US participation in WW2, was the sense of isolationism in this country. Roosevelt was clearly walking a fine line, knowing there was no stomach for US involvement in Europe. US involvement in WW1 also started out similarly with many in the US, in particular those of Irish descent who opposed helping the British in their battle in Europe. Wilson, another Democrat, also walked the straight and narrow, professing neutrality which history shows was a lie. Later, his 14 points, the forerunner to an imposed peace on Germany, would backfire. The League of Nations would die off.

      At Super Bowl Halftime Show, Rihanna Keeps The Satanic Spirit Of Last Week’s Grammys Alive And Kicking In Demonic Aerial Display With Fallen Angels


        by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

        Tonight at the Super Bowl Halftime Show, Rihanna serenaded the world with ‘Bi**h Better Have My Money’, dressed all in red as fallen angels danced around her. Sound familiar?

        Last week, we showed you how the Grammys invited to world to enjoy something ‘beautifully unholy’, and then cheered as Satan was prayed to, invoked and worshipped on international tell-a-vision, and ‘sponsored by Pfizer’ no less. Moments ago, the 2023 Super Bowl Halftime Show opened with filth merchant Rihanna descending from the sky, surrounded by what could only be described as dancing fallen angels, and sang ‘Bi**h Better Have My Money’. What was the reaction? Cheering and applause so loud that it competed with the music for your ear. You can stop having that debate now on whether or not America is a Christian nation, we absolutely are not.

        Budget Deficit YoY: Revenues Fall as Expenses Rise


          by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

          The Federal Government ran a deficit of -$39B in January. While that may not seem like much, it looks worse when compared to the average January.

          The chart below shows the month of January historically. The government actually ran a surplus in January the four years leading up to 2020. Even last year the government ran a surplus greater than $118B. YoY the chart shows that expenses increased by a wide margin while revenue decreased.

          Are They Telling Us What Is Coming Next?


            by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

            Why are global authorities suddenly so concerned that the bird flu might start spreading widely among humans?  And why is the mainstream media suddenly filled with extremely alarming stories about the disease?  Just a few days ago, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, made headlines all over the globe when he ominously warned that “we must prepare” for the possibility of a bird flu pandemic among humans.  Why is he issuing such a warning now?  Does he know something that the rest of us do not?  If such a pandemic were to erupt, the consequences could potentially be catastrophic.  The COVID pandemic paralyzed the planet for a couple of years even though the death rate was very low.  Well, the death rate for bird flu in humans can be around 50 percent depending on the strain, and so just imagine the panic that would ensue if it were to start spreading widely.

            If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?


              by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

              Did Biden just commit an act of war against a nuclear power?  If so this is certainly impeachable. 

              On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline.

              (To be honest, I didn’t want to be labeled a Russian supporter or in collusion with Russia so I labeled the post in this manner.  The point was that Biden should be impeached for doing such a thing.

              Border Patrol Chief: Aerostats Are ‘an Advantage’ That’s Being Reduced, Despite Good Trend in Numbers, There’s ‘Spike in Chinese Nationals’


                by Ian Hanchett, Breitbart:

                During a portion of an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Special Report,” Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz stated that the January border numbers represent a trend in the right direction, but there has been “a spike in Chinese nationals” and stated that the aerostats — whose numbers are being reduced by the Biden administration — are “certainly an advantage for us. And so, we’re going to try and do everything we can to fund those aerostats for as long as we can.”

                Ortiz stated that the Border Patrol saw “a significant decrease in what we saw last year and we were also able to decrease the gotaway numbers significantly. So, those are the numbers that we want to trend in the right direction.”

                Canada: The U.S. Shot Down A UFO Over The Yukon


                  by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that the United States shot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) over Canada’s Yukon at his request Saturday. “I ordered the takedown of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,” Trudeau wrote on Twitter.

                  This is the second time in a few days that a strange object has been shot down by the United States. Another object was detected entering U.S. airspace around 9 p.m. Alaska time on Thursday, February 9th and the U.S. government subsequently sent a surveillance plane to track it. The object was flying between 20 and 40 mph ( 32 and 64 km/h) at an altitude used by civilian aircraft, according to Live Science. 

                  Let’s Get Ahead of Their Sinister Plans


                    by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

                    Sometimes governments have you right where they want you.

                    In Brazil, the new left-wing president is now requiring the children of recipients of the Bolsa Familia welfare program to have been vaccinated.

                    Whether that requirement includes the Covid shots has not yet been made clear, but with the precedent established, this is a mere detail.

                    That’s a stark reminder that it’s terrible to be dependent on the state for pretty much anything. Because as time goes on, it is likely to make more and more intrusive demands on us in exchange for its aid.

                    “Living” Wherever You Go


                      by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

                      I was fortunate to have grown up multinationally to some extent. Between the ages of about eight to fourteen, I had a second home that I liked a whole lot better than my primary home. This instilled in me a tendency to not identify fully with either country.

                      This, of course, is not the norm. We’re told to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, or sing “God Save the Queen” or whatever other tedious repetitious act, in order to cement a sense of belonging into our brains. We’re meant to develop the belief that we have one home for life and that’s it. Little wonder, then, that so many people have such a hard time becoming independent thinkers and breaking away later in life.

                      Episode 2511: Closing In On 1 Year Of The War In Ukraine


                        from Bannons War Room:

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