from TheLastAmericanVagabond:
by Greg Byrnes, PJ Media:
For those who think the truth about the crime and slime associated with Jeffrey Epstein has been deep-sixed down the memory hole, there may be another bite at this rotten apple. Mimi Lui, an attorney representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, has filed suit in federal court against JPMorgan Chase. Lui charged that over $1 billion in suspicious transactions have been reported to the U.S. Treasury since Epstein’s death and that JPMorgan Chase ignored sex-trafficking red flags over many years, thus enabling these crimes. The case will go to trial on October 23 unless a settlement is reached.
by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:
In nearly every country in the world, youth unemployment is much higher than general unemployment.
Unfortunately, the pandemic only exacerbated matters. During a crucial stretch of their early careers, young adults were locked out of entry-level jobs, destroying their ability to pick up work experience and potentially impacting their long-term earnings.
by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:
Call of Duty has begun eavesdropping on in-game voice chat using AI trained by the Anti-Defamation League to help ban gamers for using “toxic speech,” “hate speech,” “discriminatory language, harassment and more.”
by Egon Von Greyerz, Gold Switzerland:
Have you heard the good news?
The Atlanta Fed GDPNow estimates a 5.9% growth in real GDP for Q3 2023. In nominal terms, we can even boast of an 8.9% surge.
What fantastic news! Growth! Productivity!
This must mean we can all breath a collective sigh of relief as Powell continues his valiant war against inflation as GDP rises, right?
by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:
So here we are. Another BLSBS Friday. As we’ve been documenting and discussing, nearly all of the .gov-created economic data this year has been goosed higher for headlines and then revised lower at a later date, when no one is watching. And so it will be again with your latest “jobs report”.
Frankly, I don’t even know where to start. The LIES, SPIN and MOPE are now so thick, it’s almost impossible to unweave. I guess we’ll start with the actual headlines from 8:30 ET.
by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
Whites who protest stolen elections are imprisoned. Blacks who loot and burn down business centers in American cities are rewarded with millions of dollars and promises not to prosecute.
The denial of 14th Amendment protection to white people brings no complaint from the White House, the Justice (sic) Department, Congress, the judiciary, bar associations, law schools, universities, students, media, businesses. All the while the blue-pilled white population sits there sucking their thumbs insouciant to the end, indifferent to their inferior legal status and their demonization and persecution, and not motivated to do anything about it. A white population this indifferent to its fate has zero survival potential.
by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:
As the Biden regime moves toward a massive expansion of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems to achieve the United Nation’s Net Zero America by 2050, no one should forget what happened in Satartia, in Yazoo County, Mississippi. On the evening of February 22, 2020, the small town of Satartia was shaken by a loud boom and engulfed in a foul gas fog. Soon after, the people of Satartia learned that the thunder and white cloud was caused by a 2-inch-thick pipeline carrying pressurized carbon dioxide, which caused an explosion of ice and suffocating levels of CO2 gas.
by Kyle Becker, Becker News:
CNN confronted former top Covid doctor Anthony Fauci with an article published at the New York Times citing a major study that showed masks “don’t work” to stop the spread of an airborne virus like Covid-19. “Full stop.”
In the interview, CNN host Michael Smerconish gets Fauci to begrudgingly concede that masks don’t stop transmission at the population level, which was the justification that was used by “public health officials” to implement mask mandates.
by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.
One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.
We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and The Rockefeller Foundation.
from The Conservative Treehouse:
Before outlining the moves of the GOPe/RNC/RGA as they are unfolding in Iowa, it is absolutely critical for people to understand the landscape of American politics.
The functional mission of the UniParty apparatus is not based on ideology; the core and consequential baseline revolves around the business of American politics and the motives of the people who control the institutions within it. For this outline I focus only on the Republican wing, the GOP corporation, one side of the professional business apparatus.