Friday, March 14, 2025

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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

from The Conservative Treehouse:

That’s BILLION, with a “B”.   According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury.

Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday.  According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking.  There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank.  All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Google hides campaign sites of Trump, RFK Jr. and other Republican candidates; Biden dominates top search results

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

A Virginia-based content analysis and media watchdog exposed that tech giant Google has been suppressing the campaign websites of all serious challengers of President Joe Biden. The Big Tech firm is instead providing Biden’s website among the top search results.

According to a report from the Media Research Center (MRC) on Thursday, typing in ‘presidential campaign websites’ at the said search engine returned results that did not include Republican candidates on the first page. The search was done the day before the first Republican primary debate of the 2024 season which was held on August 23. MRC created an algorithm to automate the process in a “clean environment,” which allows for an organic search to populate results without the influence of prior search history and tracking cookies.

Battle of BRICS Versus Globalists Escalates

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The economic hitmen of the City of London and Wall Street are conducting a campaign against Argentina, to prevent it from joining the BRICS. By speculating against the Argentine peso, they are worsening the economic conditions there to defeat the pro-BRICS candidate in the October 22 presidential elections. The strategy comes from the “Soros’ Playbook”, which provoked the “Asia crisis” of 1997. This reflects the desperation of the corrupt speculators who dictate western policy. Meanwhile, a shake-up in Ukraine raises the question: When will the people of the U.S. and Europe say enough of this proxy war, annd stop the flow of arms and money to the corrupt government there?

Two Years Later, the Consequences of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal Are Still Unfolding

by Robert Spencer, Front Page Mag:

How the Left’s woke religion kills.

Two years later, people are still paying the price for the catastrophe of Old Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. And people will be paying the price for decades to come.

The Associated Press reported on August 22 that “more than 200 extrajudicial killings of former Afghan government officials and security forces have taken place since the Taliban took over the country two years ago, according to a U.N. report.” These were people the Taliban had promised not to kill, but as Muhammad said, “War is deceit” (Bukhari 4.52.268). Nine days before that, the Daily Mail reported that “militants who left fingerprints on IEDs meant to kill Americans in Afghanistan and a prisoner freed by the Taliban were among more than 65 terrorists allowed into the United States after the catastrophic withdrawal.” What could possibly go wrong? Celebrate diversity!

RED ALERT! Globalists Planning Hot War with Russia

from The Alex Jones Show:


Mississippi Democrat Accuses Fellow Dems of Election Fraud in Primary Race

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A Mississippi Democrat has accused his fellow Democratic Party members of committing election fraud during a recent primary.

Hinds County District 2 Supervisor David Archie says voter fraud impacted the results of a recent Democrat primary.

According to Archie, the alleged election corruption was orchestrated by a Democrat county chairperson.

The More Inner Work You Do, The More You See How Humanity Is Dominated By Narrative


by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

There’s an unfolding happening behind the scenes, in the quietest spaces of our species, which the dominators know nothing about and couldn’t understand if they did. And it poses a direct threat to their entire system of control.

The more inner work you do and the more awareness you bring to your own inner processes, the more you understand how thoroughly human consciousness is dominated by mental narrative. And the more you understand how thoroughly human consciousness is dominated by mental narrative, the more acutely aware you become of how much power someone could gain over other humans by controlling those narratives.

We Appear to Be Entering Stage Five of the Covid “Vaccine” Con Job

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

It’s been over three years since the launch of Operation Warp Speed and we’re finally entering the fifth stage of the Covid “vaccine” con job. I made my first predictions about the Covid roadmap and the way it was all going to go down in mid-2021 when we were still in stages two and three. It’s all falling into place as I thought it would with one exception. I anticipated stage 5 would start in early- to mid-2024 just before the GOP had locked in on President Trump as the nominee, but it appears to be starting now.

Could Staten Island Secede from NYC to Escape Mayor’s Migrant Crisis?

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis is pressing New York City Mayor Eric Adams to allow Staten Island to secede, as it seeks to escape having migrant camps and shelters established on its territory by the Democrat.

Adams, who previously styled NYC as a “sanctuary city”, is now struggling to deal with an influx of well over 100,000 migrants, and is demanding conservative-led border states to stop helping migrants to travel to his jurisdiction. He has also asked President Joe Biden to redistribute his migrants to areas locations under federal control elsewhere in the U.S., but is establishing tent cities and other makeshift accommodation sites to host them in NYC in the meantime.

The Rise of the BRICS and the Fall of the USSA?

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

For Americans such as myself who came of age during the 1970s or early 1980s, the Soviet Union always carried the whiff of a decaying ideological empire, ruled by a decrepit political leadership class that had long since lost the trust of its own people.

Such was my opinion at the time, and nothing I have learned since then has changed it. Three Soviet leaders ruled during that era—Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, and Konstantin Chernenko—all elderly and infirm, with the reigns of the last two being so brief that our own President Ronald Reagan once quipped that they died too rapidly for him to schedule a summit. Given that the top leaders of the USSR were so obviously enfeebled, analysts recognized that they were hardly the real decision-makers of the declining Soviet colossus that they nominally controlled; instead, most power was presumably vested in the hands of shifting coalitions of their senior aides and advisors, persons often obscure to the outside world. 


from SGT Report:

Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss the panic in the Rothschild’s City of London as the BRICS expands and the move away from the Dollar accelerates. Will the demons take us into WW3 after they take out Donald J. Trump? Join us as we dig in to the REAL news.

Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here:

China’s Ghost Cities, Maui, 15-Minute Cities & The Globalists Dystopian Plans For The Future – Signs ‘Open Air Prison Cells’ Masquerading As ‘Cities’ Are Being Constructed Before Our Eyes

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While Americans get no real answers from ‘TPTB‘ about the fires in Maui and how there are SO MANY different bizarre ‘coincidences‘ on topics such as: why residents were blocked from leaving; why the alarm systems were turned off; why the water system was turned off; and how these ‘fires‘ so precisely burnt out the poorer residents of Lahaina, leaving ‘upscale‘ homes untouched as heard in the 1st two videos at the bottom of this story, we’ll be taking a look at a theory shared by ANP reader ‘Scaryfish‘ that Lahaina isn’t only going to be a ‘15-minute smart city,’ but its also going to serve a purpose, to detain and process whatever’s left of the population, while the western hemisphere is being “returned to nature”, by way of fires. Those processed will then be sent to their final destination, to China’s 15-minute smart cities, aka the ‘ghost cities’.


from Lunar Landing Discussions: