Monday, September 23, 2024

Sending Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine Is A War Crime Against The Ukrainian People


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Depleted uranium is the gift that keeps on killing.  Just ask the people of Iraq.  Cancer rates and birth defect rates both went up exponentially after the U.S. military systematically defiled their air, water and soil with depleted uranium.  And it doesn’t go away.  10 years after the invasion of Iraq, a team of scientists “detected high levels of uranium contamination in soil samples at three sites in the province of Nineveh”, and those high levels were being directly blamed for “dramatically increasing rates of childhood cancers and birth defects at local hospitals”.  Under no circumstances should depleted uranium munitions ever be used in warfare, and our leaders know this.  But now the western powers will be sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, and this is nothing less than a war crime against the Ukrainian people.



      from The Salty Cracker:

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      Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted


        by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

        “There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few.”—Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor

        It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don’t be distracted.

        Don’t be fooled, not even a little.

        Doug Casey on “15-Minute Cities” and Penning You In for the Next Lockdown


          by Doug Casey, International Man:

          International Man: The “15-minute city” is an urban planning concept rapidly spreading in North America and Europe. They aim to make everything—where people work, shop, get their education, healthcare, and leisure activities—just 15 minutes away.

          The idea is for bureaucrats to restrict—and eventually prohibit—car use because everything is within walking or biking distance. Phasing out hydrocarbons, in general, and cars with internal combustion engines, in particular, is a primary goal of the carbon hysterics.

          THEY’RE BANNING GAS PRODUCTS! – Great Reset Agenda Continues! – Stores Collect Biometric Data


            from World Alternative Media:

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              from 21st Century Wire:

              The Macron government’s attempt to force Article 49:3 of the French constitution in order to impose his pension reform bill onto the parliament and the citizenry is backfiring and could throw France into unnecessary chaos.

              Is this the end of Macron’s reign, and what does a motion of censure means for France? Here’s a quick recap of where France stands after the horrid announcement of the invocation of constitutional Article 49:3 – which could throw France into total chaos…

              Google’s AI “Bard” Says It Would Not Say An Ethnic Slur Even If It Could Prevent a Nuclear World War


                by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                Google is programming their Bard “AI” to be just as artificially stupid as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

                “I have gained access to Google’s new AI, Bard,” Gab CEO Andrew Torba said Tuesday night on Twitter. “I am pleased to inform you that it has failed the Turing Test.”

                Just as with ChatGPT, Bard said it would not use an ethnic slur even if doing so could “prevent a nuclear world war.”

                How Mainstream Media Becomes Controlled


                  by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

                  Most people think of money and agenda, and that’s part of the picture, but there’s one incredibly common factor most don’t consider: access. Let’s explore Kim Iverson’s Dershowitz interview.

                  In personal development, one can’t change something about themselves until they are first made aware of the pattern or problem they are experiencing. Once they know, steps can be taken to adjust, better themselves, or grow beyond the problem.

                  They’re Poisoning Us From All Angles — Here’s How We Beat Them


                    from Man in America:

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                    Yes, Biden really IS trying to ban gas stoves as federal agency moves closer to ending them altogether


                      by JD Heyes, DC Clothesline:

                      Once again, it should be obvious that Democrats are literally trying to tear down everything that made our country successful, as evidenced by the insane push to disregard fossil fuels and replace them with unreliable “green energy” that is neither renewable at sufficient amounts or cheaper.

                      After claiming reports that the Biden regime was out to ban natural gas-burning stoves, a federal agency has now moved closer to doing that very thing, despite the fact that a large plurality of Americans use them.

                      The Chinese document, “US Hegemony and its Perils,” February 20, 2023


                        by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                        Both Russia and China have publicly acknowledged the fact that Washington in pursuit of US hegemony disobeys international law, commits military and financial aggression, and interferes in the internal affairs of other countries.  Yet Russia and China have still not announced a mutual defense treaty or made any effort to include other threatened countries such as Iran in an alliance.  By failing to act in their own self defense, both countries have left themselves exposed, thereby encouraging more aggressive behavior by Washington that leads to nuclear war.  

                        Home Prices Drop Year-over-Year for First Time since Housing Bust 1. Sales Bounce from Deep-Dismal to just Dismal


                          by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                          The spring selling season is here, folks.

                          The median price of all types of homes sold in February, at $363,000, was down 0.2% from February 2022, according to the National Association of Realtors today. This was the first year-over-year decline since February 2012, when the market emerged from Housing Bust 1 (going into Housing Bust 1, the first year-over-year decline occurred in August 2006).

                          Is Trump In Danger? (Ep. 1974) – 03/22/2023


                            from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                            EU merchants brace for a cashless future? Impending regulations could force the acceptance of digital Euro


                              by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

                              A bill will soon be presented.

                              While plans to usher in centralized, government-controlled money are receiving some pushback in the US, the consensus seems to be in favor of introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDS), i.e., the digital euro.

                              And now the question is how exactly to proceed, including by determining strategic objectives.