Friday, September 6, 2024

MSM, Politicians, Desperately Attempt Damage Control Over Jan 6 Videos


    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    This week, Tucker Carlson and Fox News aired some video footage from the January 6 “insurrection.” It’s not the video we’ve seen all over the media, filled with terrifying images of barely contained rage.

    Instead, it’s footage of a man who was supposedly murdered by the crowd going about his business. It’s a video of that dude with the bison hat, calmly and submissively walking along with Capitol guards who clearly escorted him into the building and took him around to different doors to “breach” the Senate floor.



      from FireMedic8:

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      The 5 Places in America You Don’t Want To Be When Society Collapses


        by Milan Adams, Prepp Group:

        What would you say is the number one threat to lead to an end-of-the-world-like scenario? A terrorist attack? An EMP strike? A natural disaster? An economic collapse?

        All of these are possibilities, but in each one, a thick population density will make it far worse. There’s no denying that people panic when a crisis occurs, and that panic is only multiplied when more people are living closely to one another.

        The “Meritocracy” Was Created by and for the Progressive Ruling Class


          by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute:

          The American Left has decided that the so-called meritocracy is a bad thing. In a typical example from the Los Angeles Times this week, Nicholas Goldberg points to a number of issues exploring how merit is not actually the key to power and riches in America:

          The United States is supposed to be a meritocracy. The story goes that if you work hard and play by the rules, especially with regard to education, you can compete, rise and succeed here. . . . But Americans are realizing that’s not always the case. The playing field just isn’t level.

          Goldberg claims that the much-lauded meritocracy is less about merit and more about controlling access to elite institutions.

          FOOD RATIONS ARE HERE! – UK Rationing Food As Ukrainian Markets Are FULL! – Hunger Cliff In USA


            from World Alternative Media:

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            The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business


              by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

              “Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.”—Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

              There was a time when the census was just a head count.

              That is no longer the case.

              Tennessee House Votes 98-0 to Allow State Treasurer to Acquire and Hold Gold to Protect the State


                by Jp Cortez, Activist Post:

                As inflation continues to terrorize the budgets of Americans and states alike, two Tennessee bills empowering the State Treasurer to invest state funds in physical gold and silver are moving quickly through the legislature.

                House Bill 1479, introduced by Rep. Bud Hulsey, passed out of the House of Representatives on Monday with a 98-0 vote.

                Senate Bill 519, the identical senate-side companion bill introduced by Sen. Frank Niceley, passed out of the Senate State and Local Government Committee today by a unanimous vote of 8-0.

                VIP Elite Panic As Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Becomes Reality


                  from The People’s Voice:

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                  China Warns “There Will Surely Be Conflict And Confrontation” With The United States If Nothing Changes


                    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

                    Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang just warned the entire world that “there surely will be conflict and confrontation” with the United States unless there is a dramatic change in U.S. behavior, and you would think that such a direct threat would be front page news all over the nation today.  Unfortunately, most of our politicians don’t seem to understand how serious this is.  We are accustomed to politicians that just blurt out whatever stupid things come into their heads at the moment, and then later on their aides come along and explain that they really didn’t mean to make such inflammatory statements.  But Chinese politicians are not like that at all.  Chinese politicians choose their words with great care, and making a direct threat against another nation is considered to be a very serious matter.

                    Homeschooling Nuts and Bolts


                      by R.B., Survival Blog:

                      It is common knowledge that American public education is a failure. We have known for years that our students do not measure up to students in other countries, even very poor ones. For decades we have seen national test scores sink, and employers are constantly telling us they cannot hire workers with basic skills. But most parents still believe their local school is excellent and their children are getting a good education.

                      9/11 and COVID19 False Flag Operations UNRAVELED! More Explosive Evidence revealed by Richard Gage


                        from Stew Peters Network:

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                        How “HIV/AIDS” foretold the “COVID” crisis


                          by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

                          As Dr. Fauci engineered his lethal “HIV/AIDS” scam—laying the groundwork for the “COVID” horror to come—Celia Farber was there covering it; and now her book about that episode is back in print

                          On March 23, Chelsea Green will publish Celia Farber’s Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS. This is certainly great news for all those who’ve been clamoring for a new edition of that book—which, first published in 2006, did not get the attention it deserved (to put it mildly), as it came out at the start of a ferocious propaganda drive against all those intrepid souls who called themselves “AIDS dissidents,” and who were slimed (preposterously) as “AIDS deniers.” (Sound familiar?) Since Farber was a special target of that propaganda (which had, in fact, been triggered by an article of hers—“Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science,” which Harper’s featured as its cover story in March of that year), her great book sank without a trace, and then slipped quickly out of print (as so many great book have, and do).

                          Southern Poverty Law Center Attorney Hit with Domestic Terror Charges Following Atlanta Riots


                            by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                            An attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been hit with domestic terrorism charges for his alleged participation in riots that have ravaged the city of Atlanta, Ga.

                            Attorney Thomas Webb Jurgens was arrested on Sunday for allegedly participating in a coordinated assault against Georgia State Patrol Troopers that included gunfire. Jurgens is currently employed as a staff lawyer at the Decatur office of the SPLC.

                            Episode 2567: Trumpism Without Trump Is A Recipe For Disaster


                              from Bannons War Room:

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                              The Biggest Threat To Our Freedom


                                by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

                                During the Freedom Convoy, Justin Trudeau’s government decided they were going to freeze the bank accounts of peaceful protestors as a means to deter and stop protests that, quite frankly, were making the Canadian government look bad in the eyes of many.

                                As many as 280 bank accounts were frozen during that time. Those tax paying citizens who disapproved of government policies and wanted to peacefully say something about it lost access to their funds in a matter of hours.