Monday, September 16, 2024

Secret Documents published in May 2022 confirmed COVID Vaccination was killing Children with figures revealing Vaccinated Kids were a shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite quietly published documents published by the UK Government confirming the Covid-19 Vaccine was and is killing children.

    The data provided by the Office for National Statistics proved children were 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine at the time.

    Shadow Banking Whistleblower: “They have the Names” w/ Mike Gill


      from Sarah Westall:

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      Soros-Funded New York City DA Alvin Bragg Meets with NYC Law Enforcement to Discuss Logistics for Arresting President Trump on Junk Stormy Daniels Charges


        by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

        Corrupt New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg received $1 million from Soros in his election for NYC DA.

        As a result, New York City saw a rise in crime from 2021 to 2022.  The overall index crime in New York City increased in September 2022, by 15.2% compared with September 2021.

        But crime can wait, DA Alvin Bragg has bigger fish to fry.  The corrupt Soros-funded DA is going after President Donald Trump.  And he is using Stormy Daniels as his means to get the former president.

        If You Can’t Beat Him, Indict Him – NBC Testing Water with Anonymous Source Report that New York Is Planning to Indict President Trump


          from The Conservative Treehouse:

          The pearl-clutching apoplexy is thick in the latest report from NBC claiming the Dept of Homeland Security, FBI and New York City officials are conducting preparation drills in anticipation of President Trump being indicted for…. wait for it – paying porn star Stormy Daniels.  Good grief, I mean they might as well have said the Pentagon is positioning satellites, NORAD is conducting drills and the National Guard has been put on alert… for something.

          Massive Excess Death Continues and Only The Vaccine Can Explain It


            from The New American:

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            COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause ‘Permanent Disabilities,’ Says German Health Minister


              from The Epoch Times:

              Germany’s Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, who once claimed that COVID-19 vaccination is free of side effects, admitted last week that he was wrong, saying adverse reactions occur at a rate of one in 10,000 doses and can cause “severe disabilities.”

              On Aug. 14, 2021, Lauterbach said on Twitter that the vaccines had “no side effects,” further questioning why some Germans refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

              During an interview on ZDF’s “Heute Journal” on March 12, Lauterbach was asked by anchor Christian Sievers about the claim he made in the summer of 2021, confronting the health minister with his previous tweet that stated the shots are virtually free of side effects.

              THE NASA COMEDY HOUR: Lies, Disappointments & Woo — Jeranism & Grosen


                from SGT Report:

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                WELCOME TO THE NASA ONE HOUR(+) COMEDY HOUR w/ Jeran from Jeransim and my pal Grosen. We expose NASA most famous lies and discuss the true nature of this thing we live on.

                Federal Reserve announces July launch of central bank digital currency infrastructure


                  by Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News:

                  A financial expert has warned that FedNow lays out the foundation for a central bank digital currency by centralizing all participating banks under the Federal Reserve.

                  The Federal Reserve on Wednesday announced a July launch of its FedNow service, which will enable all U.S. banks to offer instant payments 24/7, and will constitute the infrastructure of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) by linking each banking node directly to the Federal Reserve, according to financial experts.

                  Trump Says ‘Illegal Leaks’ Indicate He’ll ‘Be Arrested On Tuesday Of Next Week,’ Calls For Protests


                    by Ryan Saavedra, The Daily Caller:

                    Former President Donald Trump said in a social media post early Saturday morning that “illegal leaks” from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office indicate that he will be arrested next week.

                    The remarks from Trump come after a report from NBC News said federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies were analyzing security assessments and making plans to prepare for the possibility that Trump could be indicted next week by a Manhattan grand jury in connection with a $130,000 hush money payment he allegedly made to porn actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign.

                    International Criminal Court Wants to Arrest Putin for Sheltering Child Refugees


                      by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                      Piotr Hofmański, “President Judge” of the so-called International Criminal Court, tweeted the following statement on the arrest warrants against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the  President of the Russian Federation.

                      UPDATE – Trump posts that he could be arrested Tuesday.




                        from SGT Report:

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                        FRIDAY’S TOTAL IMPLOSION OF SILICON VALLEY BANK’S $200+ BILLION IN DEPOSITS CREATED AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO THE CONfidence IN U.S. BANKS. EITHER THE FED WOULD STEP IN OR TOTAL CHAOS WOULD ENSUE ON MODAY MORNING. SO ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON THE FED & U..S TREASURY ANNOUNCED THAT THEY WILL BACKSTOP ALL DEPOSITS AT SVB *AND* SIGNATURE BANK IN NEW YORK (WHICH IS new NEWS). The Fed’s actions amount to a finger in the dam for a banking system and economy which is now virtually guaranteed to suffer hyperinflation and total collapse in coming months. Mark the date, Sunday March 12, 2023, the day the FED ignited the spark which will ultimately bring down the entire house of cards.

                        RIOTS TAKE OVER FRANCE! – Macron’s House Targeted! – Pension Age Raised WITHOUT A VOTE!


                          from World Alternative Media:

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                          Lancet Pushes Dangerous Theory That People Are Worth No More Than Rats


                            by Dr David Bell, Daily Sceptic:

                            There are various degrees of acceptable insanity, but in general you would not want a person who thought a toad had the same intrinsic value as your mother to manage her Alzheimer’s disease. You would not want a person who equated the value of your daughter with that of a rat to decide whether she be injected with medicine still under trial, such as an mRNA vaccine. Or perhaps you would, as you may agree with the Lancet editorial in January 2023 that equates these, insisting: “All life is equal, and of equal concern.”

                            New drone, no apologies. Xi Jinping to Moscow. BBB wins, Rutte stunned. Macron angers France. U/1


                              from Alex Christoforou:

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