Sunday, October 27, 2024

Collapse of a System: Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse & China’s Play w/ Former SVB CEO Ken Wilcox

from Sarah Westall:


Hurricane Milton After Action Review – Part 3

by Soyez Ferme, Survival Blog:

Awake before dawn to survey the damage, we found that two thirds of the barn roof lay in various pastures within a quarter-mile radius. The radio antenna that was attached to the barn was bent in a C-shape. A sheet of roofing must have hit it. A massive live oak tree had toppled over on its side, roots exposed. Many branches had snapped off other oak trees, some as big around as my waist. Leaves were gone from the tops of all the trees. Lower branches seemed to fare much better.

Thursday was a bit of a daze. We walked around picking up stuff everywhere. Neighbors all checked in with each other to see if anyone suffered physical injury. Everyone suffered property damage, and some worse than others. Our house came through fine.

Whistleblower Ryan Matta reveals the Dark Multibillion-dollar underworld of Gov’t-Funded Child Trafficking

from Stew Peters Network:


BRICS Coin – Part 2: To Kazan and Beyond

from 21st Century Wire:

This is the second part of my BRICS Coin series examining the many facets of the emerging BRICS financial system. In it, we will look at some of the new proposed institutions that have been announced, and what we can expect going forward.

BRICS+, a group of non-Western nations, are developing a new parallel set of financial institutions. In response to increasing Western sanctions and the weaponisation of hegemonic financial institutions – the emerging multi-ploar consensus has decided that enough is enough, and that they will build their own monetary system, outside of the US dollar dominion.

Report: Soros Funds Sohrab Ahmari’s “Conservative” Outlet Compact Magazine

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

George Soros and his son Alex Soros’ Open Society Foundations is funding the Israel First conservative outlet Compact Magazine, according to a new report from Vanity Fair.

George Soros and his son Alex Soros’ Open Society Foundations is funding the Israel First conservative outlet Compact Magazine, according to a new report from Vanity Fair.

From Vanity Fair, “Why Is a Progressive Mega-Donor Funding Right-Wing Ideas?”:

This past June, in London, the Open Society Foundations (OSF) convened a meeting of small publications from around the world. Editors traveled from South Africa, Nigeria, Mexico, Argentina, the United States, and elsewhere. In the preceding year, the foundations, now under the chairmanship of George Soros’s son Alexander, had unleashed what felt like a flood of funding in the small-budget world of little magazines. 

Episode 4004: Spinelessness Of Arizona Electors; Election Workers Fear Poll Watcher

from Bannons War Room:


Canada Starts Euthanizing the COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured. “Post-vaccine Syndrome”

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Ontario doctors have murdered the first vaccine-injured man and are coming for the rest. What I predicted has come sooner than expected!

An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”

The term is controversial — Canada’s current vaccine reporting system for adverse events doesn’t include “post-vaccine syndrome” — and multiple specialists consulted before his death couldn’t agree on a diagnosis, raising questions as to whether the man’s condition met the criteria for an “irremediable,” meaning a hopeless, incurable condition.

The anonymized case is one of several highlighted in a series of reports issued by a 16-member MAID death review committee struck by Ontario’s chief coroner’s office in January.

Kamala’s Team Officially Turns Down Joe Rogan’s Podcast


from TheSaltyCracker:


This Thread of Libs Melting Down Over The Washington Post Not Endorsing Kamala Is Pure Gold

by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times are two publications where it’s a near-guarantee that a Democrat is securing their endorsement. It’s another easy layup that Kamala missed. Both publications opted not to endorse, causing an uproar among their respective staffers. The editorials editor at the LA Times resigned. Now, we’ve learned that The Washington Post’s editor-at-large, Robert Kagan, resigned in protest as well (via Fox News):

‘Most deeply disturbing’: Congressman warns China likely ‘grooming’ Tim Walz

from WND:

‘The clock really has run out this time to continue to admire the problem, and the CCP is pushing forward on every front’

U.S. Rep. Eric Burlinson, R-Mo., has slammed the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz campaign for being more left-wing than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and suggested Walz was groomed by the People’s Republic of China during his tenure as a teacher.

Burlinson is a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, which released a report Thursday detailing how the Chinese Communist Party is carrying out political warfare against the U.S., and the actions needed to be taken by federal agencies to address the growing threat.

Can the UN Exploit an Election Crisis to SEIZE CONTROL of the USA? w/ Alex Newman

from Man in America:


“Remdesivir Papers” show that Fauci’s COVID drug of choice KILLED U.S. military servicemen

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

A military whistleblower has dropped the goods on the so-called “Remdesivir Papers,” which show that hundreds of people became seriously injured or died as a result of taking the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) antiviral drug in clinical trials.

Not only were the participants who were given remdesivir in trials not provided with proper informed consent beforehand, but the methodologies used to test the drug in servicemen were also skewed.

Gold Has Finally Broken a “Real” Record

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

Just last week, gold finally broke a “real” record that’s been in place since 1980.

“Now, wait a minute,” you might be thinking. “I’ve been hearing about new record gold prices since last spring. What in the world are you talking about?”

Well, you’re right. In nominal dollar terms, gold has been breaking records seemingly week after week for months. However, when you adjust the price of gold for price inflation, it was more expensive once in history – back in January 1980.

That record has finally tumbled.

Microsoft’s “Inclusivity Checker” Sparks Fears of a Looming “Speech Police,” Flagging Terms Like “Mother” and “Father” for More “Gender-Neutral” Alternatives

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

Microsoft is busy inventing new phrases to make sure that, what the tech giant and its likes consider “inclusivity,” is properly reflected in Microsoft Word.

But at least as far as words, “mother” and “father” are concerned, this inclusivity seems to, paradoxically, work by exclusion.

Gone are the days when Word offered spelling and grammar checks. Now, for people who like their writing software to nudge and prod them during the writing process by suggesting “more suitable” replacements, Word has something called “Inclusivity Checker.”