Friday, September 6, 2024

The “Godfather of AI” Says Doomsayers Are Wrong and ChatGPT Isn’t Remarkable – Mainly an Advanced Disinformation Tool


    by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

    The hype over AI Chat searches as well as the “AI is going to take over the world and replace humans” is continuing unabated, and investments into AI are now the only thing left propping up the U.S. economy.

    I suppose this is the result of having a generation of adults who have now grown up in the “computer age” starting in the early 1980s who are now running the economy with their beliefs in AI and technology.

    Old school technologists like myself, who watched all of this technology develop, and know better, are having little to no effect in trying to dispel these false beliefs. I have earned my living and built my career on this technology for over 25 years now, but that doesn’t seem to matter with this generation.

    Fed Now . . . and What’s Next


      by Eric Peters, Eric Peters Autos:

      The “Federal” Reserve – in the usual air-finger-quotes, to emphasize the maliciously disingenuous verbiage, the “Fed” being a conglomeration of private banks that controls the federal government and so, practically everything else, via the issuing of money it creates out of nothing that it loans at interest to the federal government – has up to now been a kind of background evil. Few knew about or understood its machinations – its manipulations – because few had any direct dealings with it.

      EXPOSED! FED ADMITS What’s Coming NEXT! – Jerome Powell PRANKED! – Banking Collapse CONTINUES!


        from World Alternative Media:

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          from And We Know:

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          Now They’re Trying Censor Your Text Messages


            by Michael Shellenberger, Public:

            The Censorship Industrial Complex wants to censor “problematic content” on WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and other encrypted text messaging apps

            Ever since journalist Matt Taibbi and I testified before Congress on April 10, critics of the Twitter Files have claimed that we were making a big deal about nothing. We were being paranoid, they said, to imagine that the U.S. government was involved in spying on ordinary Americans and demanding censorship. The various groups involved in what we called the Censorship Industrial Complex were merely “flagging” problematic posts for social media companies, said our critics. The platforms were by no means required to act on it.

            Video: Kamala Harris Cites ‘Squid Game’ As Example Of “Intertwined History” Of U.S. And South Korea


              by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

              It’s a 2021 Netflix show

              In a speech made while hosting South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, cited the Netflix show Squid Game as an example of cultural ties between the countries.

              Yes, really.

              The Democrats Plan to Steal Another Election


                by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                Joe Biden with a dismal approval rating of 37% has announced that he is running for a second term.  How can he possibly win?  By again stealing the election.

                Democrats control the large cities in swing states.  In the past two elections, they have proven that they can easily steal the election.  It is now impermissible to even report evidence of election theft.  Experts who provided evidence were threatened with prosecution, and Fox News management rushed to pay more than three-quarters of a billion dollars of shareholders’ money in order to create the precedent that reporting evidence of stolen elections constitutes defamation.  As Democrats control election procedures and vote counting in large cities, they, and not the voters, determine election outcomes.  The last two American national elections prove the truth of Stalin’s dictum:  It matters not how people vote; it matters who counts the votes. 

                Is the world undergoing an extinction-level population COLLAPSE? The very survival of the human race may be at stake


                  by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

                  People are no longer having children, and trends suggest that a worldwide population collapse is now in motion because of it.

                  Both in the industrialized world and in the developing world, birth rates are barely remaining stable, at best. At worst, and this seems to be the case for most countries, population numbers are declining at an increasing rate.

                  Coupled with a decline in average life expectancy in the United States and elsewhere, likely due to Fauci Flu shots, the future looks grim for humanity.

                  A future based on renewable energy ? Change Ahead


                    from Peak Prosperity:

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                    Silver Market Fundamentals Strong As It Enters New Era of Supply Deficits


                      by Richard Mills, Silver Seek:

                      Silver, like gold, has returned to the spotlight this year with the precious metal recently trading at its highest in a year at just under $26 an ounce.

                      In the past month, silver prices have gone up nearly 20%, eclipsing the S&P 500’s approximate 5% gain over the same period, as well as outpacing other precious metals, including gold (9%), platinum (10%) and palladium (12%).

                      The boost to silver comes as the value of the US dollar, an alternative safe-haven asset, has struggled, falling about 2% over the past month and more than 9% since a 20-year peak last September.

                      NWO CON: London To Be Anti-Car ULEZ Panopticon: £13/ Day Fine For Gas Cars & £100/Day For Trucks


                        from Tim Truth:

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                        The Deadly Secret: The Science proves Covid Vaccines cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement


                          by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

                          According to real-world data from around the world, mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, have been falsely hailed for their effectiveness in protecting against the alleged Sars-CoV-2 virus.

                          However, it is essential to understand that vaccine effectiveness is largely a measure of an individual’s immune system response.

                          This article explores the relationship between mRNA vaccines and the immune system, the concept of waning immunity, and the hypothetical scenario where an mRNA vaccine may potentially lead to autoimmune disease.

                          Apeel, Informed Consent, Genetically Modified Food & Poisoning the Food Supply with Tom Renz


                            from Dr. Jane Ruby:

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                            ‘Made Us Targets of Assassination’ – Justice Alito Says He Knows Who Leaked Dobbs Draft


                              by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                              Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says he knows who leaked the Dobbs draft to Politico last year.

                              A draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico’s senior legal reporter Josh Gerstein last May.

                              Via Politico: “The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.”