Friday, September 6, 2024

The Watergate Cover-up Never Ends


    by Frank Friday, American Thinker:

    Big Media never tires of repeating two enormous lies — their versions of Joe McCarthy’s investigations and the Watergate Scandal. The latter gets another bad history treatment this May with HBO’s White House Plumbers.  Back then, there was no effective broadcast opposition to dispute the falsehoods. Luckily talk radio and the internet came along and changed things. Just ask Hunter Biden.

    “Something Clearly Went Wrong”


      by Jeffrey Tucker, Daily Reckoning:

      Billed as the most in-depth interview yet, the New York Times published a very long piece that contains some rather startling admissions, claims, and defenses from Anthony Fauci, the face of lockdowns and shot mandates.

      The author and interviewer is David Wallace-Wells, who before (and now after) Covid specialized in writing about climate change, invokes every predictable trope. So there was a sense in which this interview was a lovefest between the two. Still it netted some interesting results.

      RFK Jr and the CIA


        from Reese Report:

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        CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction – Karen Kingston


          by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

          Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma.  She has years of experience on multiple levels.  Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology.  Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons.  The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far.  Is it going to get worse?  Kingston says, “Unfortunately, it is going to get worse.  The worst is yet to come. . . . The FDA did have to prove that these were safe.  Based on the information that they had in October and November of 2020, they should have never moved forward . . . with the trials.  So, they broke the law.  They knew it would cause all these disabilities and deaths. . . . I predicted a 25% myocarditis rate in July of 2021.  I have heard experts say we may be looking at 100%  . . . if they got two or three shots.  So, it’s going to get bad.”



            from The David Knight Show:

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            Blaming Conservatives For Collapse: Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t On The Debt Ceiling


              by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

              In 2021 I published an article titled ‘The Fed’s Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error’ in which I outlined the deliberately engineered trap the Federal Reserve has created for the American economy. Specifically, I confronted the issue of strangled liquidity through increasing debt costs vs continued money printing and inflation.

              It’s an issue that Jerome Powell warned about in 2012, years before he became Fed Chairman; the consequences of creating a stimulus dependent system and then abruptly cutting off the life support. As soon as he was installed as the head of the central bank he implemented the very policies he predicted would cause a crash.

              THE ENEMY WITHIN — Mel K


              from SGT Report:

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              Mel K is back! And the enemy is within, but don’t fret, the DNC says no primary debates due to “no serious challengers” so the criminal masquerading as President Joe Biden is the guy in 2024. Enjoy the fall of the Republic friends.

              Keep On Tuckerin’


                by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

                He Tucked around and found out.

                Tucker Carlson, the biggest star in cable news history, found out he no longer had a job at FOX News on Monday, reportedly only ten minutes before the rest of the world got the news. His show Tucker Carlson Tonight ran from 2016 to 2023 and was the highest-rated cable news show ever, at times averaging over five million viewers.

                Tidal Wave Of ‘Turbo Cancers’ Strike America At Same Time As Doctors Warn Of An ‘Accelerated Disease Process’ And ‘The Greatest Crime In History’ Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes


                  by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

                  While most Americans probably don’t know the name Dr. Devin Hoover, the body of the man being called a brilliant Detroit, Michigan neurosurgeon was recently found in his home, wrapped in a bed sheet, after being shot in his multi-million dollar mansion in one of the most upscale neighborhoods in Michigan.

                  With his entire community said to be stunned by Hoover’s death, as well as former patients, with one remembering Hoover as a wonderful human being as well as a great physician, telling WXYZ “Those three days in the hospital [after surgery], he’d come in the morning to check on you, call you after your discharge to check on you. You just don’t see that anymore,” while a relative of his named Winston Lechlitner wrote on Facebook “I’m inspired by Uncle Devon’s kindness to everyone. It’s such a tragic loss and still many unknowns, and yet, I think these all dim in the reality of the fact that his life, even though ended too soon, positively impacted literally hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of people, police believe his death may have been the result of a domestic dispute, though Dr. Hoover was single and lived alone.



                    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

                    Do you remember the Keanu Reeves-Lawrence Fishburn movie The Matrix?

                    If so you might recall that in the movie Reeves plays a character who “wakes up” from a long dream only to discover that the world in which he thought he lived was only a construct to keep him happy, and asleep, using his own body and life as a power source for a vast artificial intelligence and machine, along with millions of other humans so enslaved in gigantic “pod farms” syphoning off their energy. Reeves is awakened by Fishburn, and soon joins “real life” in a small community of humans resisting the make-believe world of the machine-run matrix, a world which, incidentally, was brought about by humans attempting to blot out the sun in an effort to deprive the machine of energy. The machine, of course, turned to the next best available energy source: humans themselves.

                    How and Why Russia Has Come to Be Such a Military Powerhouse


                      by Alex Christoforou, The Duran:

                      America, which nominally spends around 37% of the world’s military expenses, but actually spends around 50% by financing some of its necessary military expenses in other-than-military (i.e., non-Pentagon) categories, such as the Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, Justice Department, and U.S. Treasury Department, has, ever since the 1975 termination (and American defeat) in its war against Vietnam, had a long history of losing wars that it had expected to win, and of Pyrrhically (or futilely) ‘winning’ other wars (such as against Iraq, and Libya) that produced nothing but destruction — all costs, and no benefits, to anybody (except to the billionaires in American-and-allied oil, gas, armaments, and high-tech companies).

                      Ukraine Made Failed Attempt to Blow up Vladimir Putin With Suicide Drone: Claim


                        by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart:

                        Ukrainian special forces used a military drone packed with explosives to try and kill Russian President Vladimir Putin, a German newspaper claims, prompting a derisive denial from the Kremlin that such a thing might have happened.

                        A crashed drone reported in Russia on Monday was actually the remains of an attempt by Ukraine to assassinate Vladimir Putin after they received advanced intelligence of his planned whereabouts — a factory visit — on Sunday, according to claims published in German newspaper Bild.



                          from The Pete Santilli Show:

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                          WHO Is Warning Of Dengue and Chikungunya Outbreaks In Americas


                            by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                            The World Health Organization is warning the Americas that outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya could plague the areas. Due to the “climate change” narrative, alarming rates of these mosquito-borne illnesses could occur.

                            Climate change is one of the biggest lies the ruling class uses to gaslight the slaves into compliance with the most draconian measures. Hopefully, people will see through this scam.

                            Is The World Waking Up To The Climate Change Scam?

                            VACCINATED PILOTS AND FLIGHT SAFETY


                            from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson:

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