Monday, September 30, 2024

Move over American flag. Now U.S. troops salute ‘rainbow flag’

from WND:

The United States Air Force is celebrating LGBT “pride month” with a serviceman ‘saluting’ the activist homosexual-bisexual-transgender-“queer” “rainbow” flag.

The Air Force published a tweet Wednesday reading: “June is #PrideMonth! The Department of the Air Force proudly recognizes and celebrates generations of LGBTQI+ service members and their contributions to our #AirForce & #SpaceForce.”


from Infowars:


Study: COVID Lockdown Benefits Dwarfed by Social and Economic Costs

by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:

Add another notch on the win column for lockdown skeptics, once derided as “conspiracy theorists.”

Via The Telegraph:

Lockdown saved as few as 1,700 lives in England and Wales in spring 2020, according to a landmark study which concludes the benefits of the policy were “a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs” imposed.

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University and Lund University examined almost 20,000 studies on measures taken to protect populations against Covid across the world.

Their findings suggest that lockdowns in response to the first wave of the pandemic, when compared with less strict policies adopted by the likes of Sweden, prevented as few as 1,700 deaths in England and Wales. In an average week there are around 11,000 deaths in England and Wales.

Like, Totally Orwellian: Nearly A Third Of GenZ Favors ‘Government Surveillance Cameras In Every Household’

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Nearly one-third of Generation Z says they’d be just fine with government-installed surveillance cameras in every household under the guise of reducing domestic violence and other illegal activity.

“Would you favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity?” asks a new survey from the Cato Institute. Of the responses, 29% of those aged 18-29 said yes.

How Democrats Steal Elections Finally Exposed

from The New American:


10 Things You Need to Know About DNA & RNA Vaccines for Livestock

by The Sharp Edge, Corey’s Digs:

1. What are the different terms used for DNA or RNA-based veterinary biologics?

Not all genetic technologies used in veterinary medicine fall under the categories of “mRNA vaccines” or “mRNA gene therapies.”  There are other terms to look out for when it comes to genetic technologies for veterinary medicine.  These terms also include:

  • “RNA Particle Technology”
  • “RNA Particle Platform”
  • “DNA Vaccine”
  • “DNA Immunostimulant”
  • “Prescription Platform Product”

Sinister Sites: Felicity, the Creepy Desertic Town at the “Center of the World”


from Vigilant Citizen:

The town of Felicity, California is odd for several reasons: It has a population of 2, it is full of occult symbolism and it was named the “center of the world” by some important organization. Also: there’s something terribly wrong with its chapel. Here’s a look at this certified sinister site.

The World Economic Forum and the Schwabs’ ties to Nazism

from SettingBrushfires:


The Escalating Persecution of Truth Tellers

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

This website has committed donors, but it needs more of them.  The website is widely read, which raises the question why those who value the website enough to read it do not contribute to the financial security and continuation of the website.

I have in a number of articles explained the fate of truth tellers.  They live a high risk, low reward life. Chris Hedges explains in his article below what is happening to Matt Taibbi, formerly Rolling Stone magazine’s top attraction.  Taibbi, is a leftwinger who told the truth and was punished for doing so.  Today he is being persecuted by the IRS for reporting the Twitter files released by Elon Musk which show that the FBI pressured Twitter to censor truth tellers on every subject.

More than 300 scientific papers on covid RETRACTED for fraud


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Retraction Watch has been keeping a close eye on Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “science” papers over the years, noting in a summary list that more than 300 of them have been retracted since publishing due to compromised ethical standards and concerns about validity and credibility.

The list, which has been growing since April 2020, makes no distinction between withdrawal and retraction because journals that make such a distinction “have typically done it to justify not saying anything about why a paper was retracted, and to sometimes make a paper disappear without a trace,” the group says.

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?

from Dane Wigington:


Biden Administration Censors Disclosure Of 2020 Election Censorship Documents

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

No transparency.

Censoring proof of censorship – that would be a new low for the current US administration, but that is what newly released documents – emails – are now revealing as the inner workings of the Biden White House related to online speech, and what they say they consider to be “misinformation.”

The new documents refer to the time last September when some journalists and civil rights advocates wanted to probe the role of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in censorship on social sites – a part of what is now widely considered collusion between various government agencies, and privately-owned tech giants.

Dr. Brian Hooker: Toxins that are injected, breathed and ingested are driving the autism epidemic

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Mercury is a neurotoxin.  And it’s in childhood vaccines.  When Dr. Brian Hooker did the calculations for the Hepatitis B vaccine given to children, he found his son had received 80 times what is considered the safe limit for mercury.  Dr. Hooker’s son has autism.  “I was mortified because of what I had done to my son unwittingly,” he said.

Dr. Hooker joined Forum Conversation for an in-depth discussion about vaccines and autism during which he described his journey and research into the causes of autism which led to researching several childhood vaccines and other environmental factors. “There are toxic environmental factors, things that are injected, breathed, or ingested – that are driving this [autism] epidemic,” he said.

Mel K & Matt Ehret | Climate Cult or Trained Eco-terrorist Operatives of Deceit?

from The Mel K Show:


Exclusive: ‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Injured by the COVID-19 vaccine — that his employer forced him to get — Stephen “Steve” Wenger is now unable to work full-time and is facing more than $70,000 in medical bills, he said in an exclusive interview with The Defender.

Stephen “Steve” Wenger, a longtime construction project manager in the telecommunications industry and former volunteer firefighter who was in excellent health, was “dead set” against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.