Monday, September 30, 2024

Dr. Ed Group from GHC unpacks the biowarfare mechanisms now targeting humanity

from Health Ranger Report:


How We Know Flu Really Did Disappear in 2020 and 2021

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Flu largely disappeared during 2020 and 2021, giving rise to ideas among some sceptics that it was being missed and wrongly classified as Covid.

Recently, some Covid number-crunchers – Martin Neil, Norman Fenton, Jonathan Engler and Nick Hudson – have given this theory a fresh lease of life with articles on Substack and in TCW Defending Freedom.

Their central claim is that U.K. flu surveillance was failing to pick up signals of what was in reality a normal flu season with ordinary influenza prevalence:

Banana Republic USA Indicts Former President Trump – Let the Games Begin!

by Ilana Freedman, America Outloud:

The federal bureaucrats in the Department of Justice and the FBI have made the rules of the game obsolete and irrelevant. They bend the rules or ignore them entirely, they lie, they cheat, and they destroy whoever gets in their way. Donald Trump is their primary target, and they have now crossed the line that once separated America from the banana republics of the world.

The Democrats’ lawless campaign to destroy Donald Trump has taken a bizarre and dangerous turn. On June 8th, Trump reported on a Truth Social post that the Department of Justice has indicted him, and he has been ordered to appear in federal court in Miami on Tuesday at 3 p.m.

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames


from Reese Report:


A Government at War with Its People

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Warfare requires deception.  The federal government habitually lies to the American people.  Consider that an admission that it sees itself at war with those it claims to serve.

You might have noticed that the word “propaganda” has been somewhat retired from polite conversation.  Occasionally, some State-allied news corporation will apply the term to a public statement coming from inside Russia, but otherwise, the idea that governments promote falsehoods cloaked as official truths has quietly disappeared.

Tucker Talks Taboos After MSM Ignores Instagram Kiddie-Porn Bombshell

from ZeroHedge:

After his first episode topped 100 million views, Tucker Carlson is back with Episode 2, exploring how we, as a population, are controlled (or coerced) directly (through laws) or indirectly (through taboos).

Carlson observes the changing societal taboos in America, suggesting that they are being dictated from above rather than evolving organically, focusing explicitly on the shift in attitudes towards race-based attacks, adultery in politics, and child molestation.

Biden’s Pied Pipers Dropped Trump Indictment to Distract From Bribery Bombshell


    by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

    The UniParty Swamp no longer even pretends to play fair or be honest. Today’s indictment announcement by President Donald J. Trump came at the exact moment the Biden-Harris regime and their puppet masters wanted it to drop.

    Instead of conservative and alternative media getting the word out about the bombshell reports against the Biden Crime Family, all of the air will be sucked out of newsrooms to focus on the Trump indictment.

    Welcome to Dystopia: From Wildfires, to Flooding, to Serial Banking Crises and Crypto Frauds, It’s All Too Surreal

    by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

    Yesterday, news headlines blared that New York City had the worst air quality in the world, as an eerie brownish-orange haze enveloped the city and Long Island. Photographs that looked more like scenes from a sci-fi movie popped up all over Twitter. Daytime took on a nighttime quality as streetlights automatically flipped on.

    Outdoor activities of all kinds were cancelled: the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies cancelled their home games that had been scheduled for Wednesday; schools banned outdoor activities on playgrounds; millions of Americans living in the Northeast United States were cautioned to remain indoors.

    Politicians In Our Major Cities Have Decided The Solution To The Crime Wave Is To Help Criminals Commit More Crimes

    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Should we just go ahead and give free needles and free crack pipes to everyone in America?  After all, if New York City and Los Angeles plan to solve their raging drug problems by handing out free drug paraphernalia to addicts, perhaps we can solve our nationwide drug crisis the same way.  Let’s make the entire country one big “harm reduction zone” and then everything will return to normal, right?  Unfortunately, that is not the way that the real world works.  If you give addicts what they need, they will thank you.  And then they will go ahead and do drugs right in front of you.

    How the US Gov. Is Using Digital MK ULTRA Against Us — Fmr. State Dept. Official Interview

    from Man in America:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Germany faces electricity shortages and can expect to see industries leave the country due to green energy policy ‘disaster’ that saw nuclear power plants ditched for renewables, business chiefs warn


    by Rachael Bunyan, Daily Mail:

    • German energy chiefs warn that Germany will face a shortage in electricity
    • It comes after government decided to shut down its remaining nuclear plants 

    Germany faces electricity shortages that will see critical industries ditch the country after the government decided to shut down the last remaining nuclear power plants in favour of renewable energy sources, business chiefs have warned.

    Russia-Bashing Blowback: The Birth of the International Russophile Movement (MIR)


    by Pepe Escobar, The Unz Review:

    Archbishop Vigano, Sergei Lavrov, and other luminaries kick off a promising new global grassroots movement which could get very, very big. Russophiles from 40 countries gather in Moscow.

    It is my pleasure to present the first comprehensive, detailed report in English, written by an insider, about the International Russophile Movement, launched last month in Moscow.

    This project, supported by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to counterpunch the relentless waves of Russophobia and cancel culture unleashed by the usual suspects since the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine in February 2022.

    The Aliens are Already Here: Learn the Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

    from AlexandraBruce:

    TRUTH LIVES on at