Sunday, September 29, 2024

Discord Leaks: Saudi Leader MBS Promised ‘Major Economic Consequences’ for Biden Threats

by John Hayward, Breitbart:

The Washington Post on Thursday said it was in possession of a purportedly classified document, among the many such items exposed in a trove shared on the video game social network Discord, that captured Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) expressing his extreme frustration with the Biden administration and vowing “major economic consequences for Washington.”

The USSA Government Needs to Be Dismantled

by Scott Lazarowitz, Activist Post:

Recent events in the news are further proof that the regime in Washington needs to be dismantled, governance needs to be decentralized, and a restoration of freedom needs to happen.

The latest: there’s a document regarding an FBI whistleblower who claims that Biden took a bribe as vice president in exchange for a policy change in favor of whomever the bribe maker (or foreign regime) was.

The document is non-classified, but FBI director Chris Wray would not give Rep. James Comer the requested document, claiming that the informant could be killed in retaliation (Killed? By the FBI?). But, threatened with a contempt of CONgress charge, in an about-face now it seems Wray will give them the document.

Dig It! #189: WHO Covid Passports, CBDCs, mRNA in Livestock & More


from Corey’s Digs:


You Can’t Depend on the State to Maintain Public Order

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

This article was originally published by Tate Fegley at The Mises Institute. 

Although commonly used, Max Weber’s definition of the state—an entity that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within a given geographical area—can mislead people into thinking that the state is the only or even the primary reason for security and order. This is illustrated in the trends in the nonstate provision of security, as revealed by my Google alert for the phrase “private police.” Lately, incidents of car and bike theft have led individuals to either organize themselves to prevent and respond to it or hire private security to do so.

Mutual Assistance Group Planning – Part 1

by Survivormann99, Survival Blog:

I have been involved in the preparedness movement, at least to some degree, for a very long time. I became involved in preparedness when all like-minded people were classified as “survivalists,” although there was never a universally accepted definition of exactly what a survivalist is. There still isn’t.

When that term became tainted because of certain bad actors, many of us were then classified as “preppers.” It sounded less threatening, less “Unabomber cabin.” Again, there was no universally accepted definition of exactly what a prepper is. There still isn’t.

INSANE! Car Ban COMING SOON! – Imminent Attack On Food Supply! – 200k Cows To Be CULLED!

from World Alternative Media:


“Our free press” hates the Kennedy campaign because they want to keep us PANICKING in ignorance

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

As they now work to terrify us over climate change, and black out Bobby’s nuanced views (of that & and many other subjects), it’s high time for Americans to turn them OFF, and hear him out

Let’s say there are “aliens” out there—as in “The X-Files,” not as in, say, Yuma. If they are among us, or just above us, and half as smart as they’re cracked up to be, they must see something rather odd about the Western media’s current non-stop, all-pervasive, state-backed panic (as in the immortal words of Greta Thunberg, “I want you to panic!”).

Communists Indict Trump and Flex About the Overthrow of America


from The New American:


Russia ‘Destroys German Leopard And U.S. Bradley Tanks’ Grouped Together In An Open Field


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Video released on social media allegedly shows the Russians destroying a group of German-supplied Leopard tanks and US-supplied Bradley fighting vehicles in Ukraine as they grouped together in an open field.

Dozens of children have gone MISSING in Cleveland over a two-week period in May

by Kevin Hughes, DC Clothesline:

Dozens of children have disappeared over a two-week period last month in Cleveland, Ohio. Authorities are uncertain if the disappearances are linked to gang activity, human trafficking or some other unrelated problem.

Cleveland police listed 27 youngsters under the age of 18 reported missing between May 2 and May 16. Authorities assumed that almost all of the cases were runaways but warned that teenagers are vulnerable to predators who are like “wolves in sheep’s clothing” especially when they are running away from their parents.

Crash Course 2.0: Chapter 5 — DEBT

from Peak Prosperity:


Oregon Liberals Risk an Ugly Legacy as Another County Joins ‘Greater Idaho’ Movement

by Mike Landry, The Gateway Pundit:

Here’s a solution for Oregon residents suffering from bad government in their state — just leave. And take much of Oregon with you.

A thirteenth Oregon county will be voting on a citizens’ resolution to escape Oregon liberalism and join the state of Idaho, KTVZ reported.

Voters in Crook County, Oregon, will participate in advisory balloting next May, joining a dozen other counties in the state which have already approved starting the steps to attach eastern Oregon to Idaho.

Apple Creates Tech That Allows People To Present Digital ID To Businesses

by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

The growing normalization of digital ID.

Apple is planning to expand ways for people to use a digital driver’s license and state IDs on the Wallet App.

In a post, the company announced that soon people will be able to “present an ID to businesses.”

The feature will not require additional hardware from the business. Additionally, users will only be required to show the necessary information to authenticate an interaction.

Elite Banker Blows Whistle on Child Sacrifice: “Satanic Pedophiles Run the World”

from The People’s Voice:


State bill would charge any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism with ‘child abuse’

from WND:

Also puts ‘schools, churches, hospitals’ at risk of criminal counts

recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.

AB-957 passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but a cosponsor amended it after hours in California’s State Senate on June 6.