Sunday, September 29, 2024

CANADIAN FIRE FALSE FLAG! – They’re Prepping Us For CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! – What’s IN The Smoke?

from World Alternative Media:


‘Reckless in the Extreme’: FDA Panel Recommends New RSV Shot for Use in Healthy Infants

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Advisors to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday recommended approval of AstraZeneca’s new monoclonal antibody, which the drugmaker said is designed to protect infants and toddlers up to age 2 from respiratory syncytial virus, but medical experts interviewed by The Defender called the move “reckless” and “preposterous.”

How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • The internet was likely not intended to remain free forever. The intention for it to be used as a totalitarian tool was baked in from the start
  • Google started as a DARPA grant and was part of the CIA’s and NSA’s digital data program, the purpose of which was to conduct “birds of a feather” mapping online so that certain groups could be neutralized
  • All of the early internet freedom technologies of the ‘90s were funded by the Pentagon and the State Department. They were developed by the intelligence community as an insurgency tool — a means to help dissident groups in foreign countries to develop a pro-U.S. stance and evade state-controlled media. Now, these same technologies have been turned against the American public, and are used to control public discourse

The Great Antibody Hoax: Challenging The Antibody Dogma Used To Force Untested Injections

from Tim Truth:


Tucker Carlson: Those ‘who run our country’ are bringing ‘child molestation’ to the ‘edge of acceptability’

by Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News:

Religious and ethical moral norms, that is “taboos,” which have allowed American society to govern itself, are being rapidly undermined and replaced by “the people who run our country,” argues Tucker Carlson in the second installment of his new show on Twitter.

Judge Jeanine Pirro Exposes Biden Family Crimes

from Man in America:


BREAKING: FBI Documents Confirm That Joe Biden is ‘The Big Guy’


by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

A confidential FBI record indicates that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.”

According to sources familiar with the FBI record, Zlochevsky discussed an alleged bribe of $5 million to Joe Biden and an additional $5 million to Hunter Biden. The conversation took place years before the date of the FBI form, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

The sources further stated that Zlochevsky believed that unraveling the alleged bribery scheme would be challenging due to the involvement of multiple bank accounts, potentially taking up to 10 years.

‘Boiling Oceans’ Alarm Sounded by Media – But No Mention that Total Ocean Heat Has Risen Just 0.03% in 125 Years

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

In early April, the Guardian ran a story reporting that the world’s ocean surface temperature was at an “all time high” of 21.1°C, and this was leading to “marine heatwaves” around the globe. “The current trajectory looks like it’s heading off the charts, smashing previous records”, said arch-climate activist Professor Matthew England from the University of New South Wales. The story did what it was supposed to do and upped climate alarm, but, curiously, less publicity has been given to the recent fall to 20.8°C in just seven weeks.

California Bill Would Punish Parents For Misgendering Children


from ZeroHedge:

A proposed amendment to a California bill would brand parents who refuse to affirm their own child’s gender as ‘abusive,’ and could result in loss of custody.

Proposed by Democratic Assemblymember Lori Wilson and state Senator Scott Weiner (who last year suggested “offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum, introduced a bill that grants judicial leniency to certain pedophiles, and who was accused of a hate-crime hoax), AB957 amends the state Family Code addressing the “health, safety and welfare of the child” in every household.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 10

Dane Wigington


Rudy Giuliani DROPS A BOMB: I Have a Witness, Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Offshore Bank Accounts, INCLUDING THE BIDENS’ ACCOUNTS – HAS ACCESS TO A LOT MORE”

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Rudy Giuliani joined Rita Cosby on Newsmax on Saturday morning to discuss the latest Congressional investigations into the Biden Family Crimes.

During the interview Rudy Giuliani DROPPED A BOMB!

Rudy, who warned the American public about the Biden Family’s international pay for play scandals years ago, told Rita Cosby that he has a witness who is the former chief accountant at Burisma who is willing to testify on the Biden crimes. She even has the Biden bank account transactions. She has the receipts!

The Real Question Is Why Trump Is Being Charged While Nobody Else Is

by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

Federal prosecutors probably do have Donald Trump in a federal felony and might be able to throw him in prison for up to five years.

A former President retains access to all classified material generated during their presidency. Each former President retains that access for the rest of their life. However, nobody, including former presidents, has the legal right to store classified materials in unauthorized locations such as a Penn State office, their garage next to their Corvette, Hunter Biden’s apartment, Obama’s estate in Hawaii, the Clinton compound, or Mar-a-Lago.


from Infowars:


How Bad Does It Have to Get?

by Stephan Helgesen, American Thinker:

Murders, street crime, white-collar crime, shoplifting, trespassing, abuse of power, illegal drugs, legal drugs, illegal immigration and open borders, election-tampering, institutional decay, homelessness, illiteracy, phony racism, real racism, corrupt politicians, vengeful district attorneys, child abuse, domestic partner abuse, disregard for human life, a weakened military, the rise of authoritarianism, expanding ignorance, AI, CRT, DIE, poverty, inflation, radical environmentalism, gender fluidity, lowered standards and weakened values, flight from personal responsibility, death of the meritocracy…the list goes on, and it’s getting bigger by the day.

More diabolical disorientation? As Canada burns and toxic cloud moves over northern America, a former president gets indicted on 37 charges that could put him away for the rest of his life

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

I am not ready to declare that the Canadian super fire was a deliberate act meant to poison Americans but I have suspected for the last couple of days that there’s more to this story and this is not just your typical wildfire.

I also find it odd that this is the same general area that was affected by the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, only this time we’re talking about an even larger area. One thing’s for sure, whether these fires were deliberately set or not, the governments of Canada and the U.S., along with their globalist cronies at the United Nations and World Economic Forum, will blame this on “climate change” and use this to bring in more of their one-world Great Reset agenda.