Thursday, July 4, 2024

“They Should Be Tried for Fraud and Treason” – President Trump on Jan 6 Committee Members Who Hid Video Exonerating Jan 6 Victims


    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    President Trump and the American people are livid with the actions taken by the corrupt House Jan 6 Committee now that more information is coming out that exonerates those arrested for Jan 6 crimes. 

    On Monday night Tucker Carlson reported that his team’s impression after they looked at thousands of hours of videos from Jan 6 that they were allowed to see was that most of the people at the Capitol that day were peaceful and even showed reverence for the Capitol.

    WATCH: Riots Break Out, Strikers Block Fuel Refineries as Millions Protest in France Against Pension Reforms


      by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart:

      Violent riots and economically damaging activist actions broke out in France on Tuesday as the country saw one of its biggest mass mobilisations of protesters in years in response to President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to raise the pension age from 62 to 64 years old.

      Millions of people took part in protests across 200 towns and cities in France on Tuesday, with the organising CGT union claiming that up to 3.5 million people flooded out onto the streets, while the French Interior Ministry put the number at around 1.28 million.



        from Infowars:

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        VIDEO: Massive Amount Of U.S. Military Equipment Seen At Polish Port


          by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

          A large amount of military hardware, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, and military trucks, was seen at a Polish port. Does anyone still believe the United States isn’t fighting a war with Russia?

          The footage of the equipment headed for Ukraine was published as Washington continues its military assistance to Kyiv amid the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly warned that continued interference by the West ([particularly the U.S. and NATO) will only add more fuel to the conflict.



            from Mark Dice:

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            10 Times the Golden Ratio Was Used in War and How It May Apply to Survival


              by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

              Many enmeshed within the world of art are well aware of Pythagoras’ discovery of the Golden Ratio – a mysterious figure that is inherently beautiful. Just what is that ratio? 0.618, or around 3/5. Anytime you have a painting that utilizes this ratio, it will be recognized to have traits of beauty within it. Photographers will recognize the ‘rule of thirds’ present within the Golden Ratio, being a rough estimate of 0.618.

              200 Cops in a Single Dept. Accused of Domestic Violence & Sex Crimes, Including Against Children


                by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

                The average rate of families who experience domestic violence in the country is around 10 percent. When we look at police officers’ families, however, that number quadruples. 

                As the National Center for Women and Policing points out, two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence.

                The most recent data on the matter shows that Officer-Involved Domestic Violence or OIDV, is a major problem.

                California Dreaming—State Metaphor for a Failing Nation


                  by Matthew Piepenburg, Gold Switzerland:

                  Below we consider the State of California as the metaphor of a failed state as well as the failing state of the American Union, which is anything but a dream.


                  For those already familiar with my articles, interviews or even daily banter, I have an admitted affinity for metaphors and analogies, as they help draw the simple from the complex.

                  Have We Reached “Peak Idiocracy” Yet?


                    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

                    We should all be absolutely horrified by what has happened to our society.  Everywhere you look, people seem to be going completely and utterly nuts.  Once upon a time, the crazy people were a very small segment of the population that could be easily ignored.  But now the lunatics are literally running the asylum.  If you doubt this, just look at our statehouses around the nation and the current crop of politicians that we have in Washington.  Sadly, the truth is that the people that are representing us are a very accurate reflection of what we have become as a nation.  We truly have become a raging “idiocracy”, and the rest of the world is literally laughing at us.

                    The Lockdown Files Reveal The Abuse of Power


                      from Peak Prosperity:

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                      US Military Group Wants Weaponized Deepfakes, Better Biometric Tools


                        by Jim Nash, Activist Post:

                        At least some in the U.S. military have heard enough about deepfakes and they want in.

                        Investigative-news publisher The Intercept has got hold of a lengthy technology wish list that its editors feel was created by the U.S. Special Operations Command. Two items in the document are biometric in nature.

                        The command, most often referred to as SOCOM, performs the United States’ most secret and daring military missions. And officers want to add the ability to create and deploy deepfakes against those outside the country.

                        Homeschooling Nuts and Bolts – Part 2


                          by R.B., Survival Blog:

                          (Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

                          CURRICULUM—OH MY!

                          This is a truly scary word for beginning homeschoolers, and it really doesn’t need to be. You are the one who gets to decide what is taught. And you need to do that before you look for instructional materials. That means you should know what you’re aiming at. And you DO know, don’t you? Certainly your list at every level should include:

                          Natalie Winters reveals proof Fauci gave China “Biological ammunition” to create Covid.


                            from Bannons War Room:

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                            Trump’s call for building ‘Freedom Cities’ plays right into globalists’ plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution control grid


                              by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

                              • Trump pledges to build new generation of cities on federal lands, where everyone is prosperous, safe and secure with lots of police and flying cars
                              • Everyone who is awake knows that all modern cities are being developed or redeveloped as ‘smart cities’
                              • And what is a ‘smart city’? Maybe Trump doesn’t know, or is he just playing us?
                              • Trump’s history of talking tough against globalists but then kow-towing to their demands, like he did with the vax, should give us pause.