Monday, September 16, 2024

With Pandemic Panic Theater Collapsing, Corporate Media Is Avoiding the Amish Like the Plague

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Editor’s Commentary: When a headline crossed my desk yesterday afternoon, I did a doubletake. It wasn’t just that a corporate news site had mentioned the Amish in regards to Covid-19, but it was also a reminder that they haven’t been in the news for quite some time.

Lest we forget, every major news outlet in the nation went to Amish country at one point or another in 2020 when they were denying lockdowns, then again in 2021 when they were denying the so-called vaccines. Dire predictions of the imminent death of most of their population hit twice. Then, in 2022, they fell off the map. Why? Because they didn’t just survive. They thrived.

Dr. McCullough Answers Tough COVID Questions and More!

from Deprogramming With Graces Dad:


Biden Regime Attacks Farmers Under The Pretense Of Climate Change As Food Inflation Continues To Spike- In Reality They Want To Control Americans By Controlling The Food Supply

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

In 2022 we saw and noted that the Biden regime was attacking an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania for a decades-old practice of processing his own meat, organically and according to his religious beliefs.

This was not only a violation of religious beliefs and practices, but an outright attack on the 4,000 private food club members that purchased from the farmer because they prefer organic foods with no preservatives.

Why the United States Will Fall

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

This is why the United States is dead. It can no longer stand united and, like Ukraine, we too will simply have to split. There should be a property swap where Democrats leave the Red States and go to the Blue States and vice versa. This is how empires always die. They collapse from an internal division that eats away at them from within like cancer. Hayley Williams has only shown how she is brainwashed into thinking that abortion is a woman’s right when it was a Gates-Rockafeller ploy to further eugenics and reduce the population of minorities.


from World Alternative Media:


Christian Actor Mark Wahlberg to Create ‘Hollywood 2.0’, Announces Location of New Studio

by Jack Davis, Western Journal:

As the Nevada legislature debates tax credits for the film industry, actor Mark Wahlberg said Las Vegas can become the new Hollywood.

“I would love to see us building studios, creating jobs and just diversifying the economy. I’ve moved my last film here. I’m shooting another film here coming up in the summertime,” Wahlberg, who last year ditched California for Nevada, said, according to CNBC.

“I think there’s so much more opportunity to be created here. There’s so much growth and so much potential, it’s a wonderful opportunity for everybody to prosper,” Wahlberg said.

China Warns NATO-Like Alliances in Asia May Plunge Region Into ‘Whirlpool of Conflicts’


from Sputnik News:

The US currently remains a member of a spate of alliances and partnerships in the Asia-Pacific, including AUKUS with Australia and the UK, QUAD with Canberra, Delhi and Tokyo, as well as the SPEF, which includes 13 other Asian member states.
In what appeared to be a thinly veiled dig at the US, Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu has warned against forming NATO-like alliances in the Asia-Pacific, which he said is fraught with consequences for the region.

Report: Informant Alleging a Joe Biden Bribery Scheme Is ‘Highly Credible’ FBI Source from Obama Era

by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:

An informant alleging a $5 million bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden is reportedly a “highly credible” FBI source with a history dating back to the Obama administration era.

The FBI possesses a document from an interview the FBI conducted with the informant, which allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

SCOTUS Allows IRS to Carry Out Secret, Warrantless Searches of Innocent Taxpayers’ Bank Accounts

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

WASHINGTON, DC — (TRI) In a unanimous opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court is allowing the IRS to go on secret, warrantless fishing expeditions through innocent taxpayers’ bank records in order to identify and collect unpaid taxes from family members and associates who have no legal interest in those bank accounts.

Despite acknowledging that “the authority vested in tax collectors may be abused, as all power is subject to abuse,” and that “Congress has given the IRS considerable power,” the Supreme Court’s 9-0 ruling in Polselli v. IRS declined to restrict the IRS’s authority. Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute and Cato Institute had filed an amicus brief in Polselli arguing that the sweeping investigatory power wielded by the IRS—to circumvent the Fourth Amendment by carrying out warrantless searches of the bank accounts and records of innocent people, who are given no notice or right to object to the search, merely because they may be associated with a delinquent taxpayer—offends every constitutional sensibility on the right to privacy.

How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.

That is to say, they want to condition people to believe that once guns are gone, crime and murder will be gone also. But, firearms have been an integral part of American society for hundreds of years, and gun ownership has been present through times of relative peace as well as times of increased violence.

Film That Just Shows Liberals Talking About Their Ideas Labeled ‘Offensive Content’


from The Babylon Bee:

USA — A newly released film that simply lets liberals say exactly what they believe has been flagged for “Offensive Content” on all available platforms.

“We literally just allowed liberals to take the time to clearly explain their thoughts and beliefs,” said filmmaker Matt Walsh. “Liberals are really, really offended by what comes out of their own mouths.”

This Coming Financial Crisis Is Different, but Gold Is the Same as Ever

from Birch Gold Group:

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: What to watch out for in the coming financial crisis, Citi thinks $30 silver is a lowball forecast, and how to solve the debt ceiling stand-off with a single platinum coin…


from TheCrowhouse:


INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Bilderberg, Microsoft & the CBDC Takeover

from 21st Century Wire:

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 30, 2023, Patrick talks with 21WIRE writer and commentator Blake Lovewell, about the recent Bilderberg Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, where the global elites and captains of industry gathered to decide their secretive agenda for managing the masses over the coming year. Microsoft’s CEO was promoted to top Bilderberger this year, as the CBDC agenda goes into high gear. Will they be able to pull it off? Republican Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has passed a law in Florida banning CBDC’s and supporting crypto instead. Will others follow suit? All this and more. Listen: