Monday, September 16, 2024

WaPo: Owner of the Cessna Aircraft Confirms “Entire Family” was Aboard on the Plane that Crashed in Virginia – Pilot “Passed Out”

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

On Sunday, The Gateway Pundit reported that an explosion-like sound shocked the residents in the vicinity of Washington DC, echoing across nearby areas in Maryland and Virginia.

At first, authorities claimed the cause of the loud boom that occurred at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday was just an F-16 fighter plane that broke the sound barrier while participating in military drills over the Chesapeake Bay.

Adaptive Gardening: How to Grow Food When You’re Not Fit and Flexible

by Amy Allen, The Organic Prepper:

Gardening is a very physical activity. Between planting, weeding, pruning, watering, and many other chores, it’s good exercise! It gets to be challenging when one factors in various kinds of disabilities, up to and including old age. That’s where adaptive gardening comes into play.

I learned about adaptive gardening the hard way.

I remember when my back went out in 2017. I had three slipped disks, two lumbar and one thoracic, one of which liked to hit a nerve when I was sleeping too well. In the first year, getting out of bed was a challenge!

If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The cultural environment that we live in has become insanely oppressive, and I am about to share an example with you that perfectly demonstrates this.  A few days ago, a high school student in a rural area of Idaho told his fellow students that “guys are guys and girls are girls”, and the fallout from that statement proceeded to create a firestorm of controversy that is making headlines all over the nation.  Sadly, the truth is that we now live in a society where anyone that tries to resist the new culture that is being imposed on all of us must be severely punished.  Dissent is simply not allowed, and Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr found that out the hard way

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Battle for Liberty

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Robert Kennedy,Jr. is waging a heroic struggle for liberty. He is one of the foremost crusaders against the fake Covid “vaccines.” He has been especially effective in his exposure of arch-criminal Anthony Fauci. He has also fully embraces the position that both his father Robert Kennedy, Sr. and his uncle John F. Kennedy were assassinated as part of a conspiracy.

What to Do When COVID Tyranny Returns

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

Recently, a colleague commented: “I am still truly angry about what happened to me and my family because of our refusal to take the vaccine in this country [Canada]. I never believed Nazi Germany was possible again until covid. And now I KNOW it is possible and likely WILL happen again…only next time the gloves will be off, and there will be nowhere to hide.”

He’s correct in each of his points.

Biden’s Green Rules Mean Appliances Will Soon Cost More And Do Less, Experts Say

by Kevin Stocklin, Activist Post:

A pledge by the Biden administration in December 2022 to take “more than 100 actions” to impose significantly tighter environmental standards on consumer goods is now becoming reality, and consumer groups are predicting a future in which Americans pay more for products that do less, while manufacturers warn of shortages and supply chain breakdowns.

“You’re seeing, just in the last few months, new rules from the Biden administration about clothes washers, dishwashers, and other kinds of kitchen appliances, and in every case, you’re talking about a tightening of already very, very tight standards,” O.H. Skinner, executive director of the Alliance for Consumers, told The Epoch Times.


from Arcadia Economics:


Mission Creep: “Disease X”

by Michael Bryant, Global Research:

Hot on the heels of the Covid Emergency being declared over, The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) issued a call for eternal vigilance against future viral invasions  forecasting that  “future outbreaks of ‘Disease-X’ are inevitable.”

Echoing this Cassandra-esque pronouncement WHO director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at the recent 76th World Health Assembly, warned of lurking pathogens “even deadlier” than Covid-19.

Amidst this latest flurry of fatalistic prognostications it’s worth asking a few questions: Who is CEPI and what is this amorphous ‘Disease-X’?

BIS To Use AI To Monitor Global Bank Transactions For “Money Laundering”

from Great Game India:

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) plans to use AI to monitor global bank transactions for potential instances of money laundering. The project, known as “Project Icebreaker,” focuses on developing a SWIFT-like bottleneck system that would enable global banks to regulate and potentially standardize all currencies.

Mexican Cartels are Wielding Anti-Tank Rocket Launchers

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Mexico has been mired by a nearly two-decade war against drug cartels. Many of these criminal entities have carved out de facto statelets in the country as they have overpowered Mexican authorities.

Mexican drug cartels have gained notoriety for illegally acquiring modern military gear from nations of the Collective West. A recent incident highlighted this alarming trend.

The real reason Democrats secretly embrace rigged elections

from WND:

Exposing the primary war strategy the Left is using to turn America upside down

Truth be told, the Democratic Party has long smiled on election fraud and abuse.

Democrats’ indefensible opposition to Voter ID laws, their expansion of Election Day into “Election Month,” their flat-out unconstitutional alteration of state election laws such as occurred in 2020, their promotion of universal vote-by-mail with the simultaneous abandonment of traditional safeguards, their advocacy of the fraud-plagued practice of “ballot harvesting,” their perverse opposition to cleaning voter rolls, their insistence that ballots mailed late be counted, and a multitude of other strategies all testify to their love affair with election fraud.

WEF Insider Brags ‘False Flag’ on Power Grid Will Result in Holocaust of Non-Compliant Humans

from The People’s Voice: