Friday, September 6, 2024

Spiritual Warfare

from The New American:




by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

This is so tragic. We have nations that want to exterminate every American regardless of race, religion or any other demographic factor. Instead of mitigating our differences, the Biden administration has embarked on devisive curriculum design to fester hate among differential racial groups rather than promoting the harmony we are going to need as a nation to survive. Parents of all backgrounds, show this tweeted video to your children and call for them to encourage their children to bond together and to identify our real enemy, the Biden administration!

Retired And Former FBI Agents Let Your Voices Be Heard

by John Nantz, Townhall:

Do retired and former FBI agents really have anything relevant to say about the current weaponization of our federal institutions? Shouldn’t we all just take a seat and let the chips fall where they may? The answer to these questions may seem self-evident to you. At least I hope they seem like easy answers.

Evidence Of Graphene In The Brain

from SettingBrushfires:


Try Not to Laugh: A Covid Outbreak Happened at a CDC Conference With 99.4% of Attendees “Vaccinated”

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

This shouldn’t be funny, but for some reason I literally chuckled when I saw it. The reason is obvious: The CDC and other “experts” have hammered the unvaxxed for over two years about how safe and effective the jabs were. And now, with Pandemic Panic Theater finally fading, a CDC conference with nearly 100% vaccination rate gets hit by a massive outbreak.

Canadian PM Justin Castro Says American Pushback Against Woke Politics Is “Scary”

from ZeroHedge:

In a recent town hall meeting at the University of Winnipeg, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau engaged in a lengthy Q&A with constituents which focused largely on socialist policies and woke ideology, eventually culminating in a rhetorical screed about the American public’s push-back against social justice agendas.

A member of the audience identifying as a “two spirited trans woman” says he is “horrified” by the growing US movement to stop identity politics from taking over the national culture, asserting that this makes trans people “feel like they are irrelevant in this world.”

Why today’s elites literally can’t stand free speech


from WND:

David Kupelian gets to the root of today’s all-out war on the First Amendment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

Hanoi Jane Fonda Has a Novel Way to Solve the ‘Climate Crisis’

by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

It’s more obvious by the day that Leftists have a taste for authoritarianism, but Hanoi Jane Fonda makes it even more obvious than others do. Fresh from calling for the murder of pro-lifers, Jane has now blamed the mythical crisis of climate change on the Left’s all-purpose bogeymen, white males. And what does the star of Barbarella think ought to be done with these villains? Why, they must be imprisoned, of course. Then, while the world’s white guys are rattling their tin cups against the bars, women and “people of color” can pool their efforts and save the world. Just like in the movies.

Putin and China just scored a devastating blow to the U.S. and Europe | Redacted with Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Extreme fluoride toxicity exposed in federal lawsuit against the EPA

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

A November 2016 petition filed with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) brought light to the negative health effects associated with water fluoridation. The petition called on the EPA to “protect the public and susceptible subpopulations from the neurotoxic risks of fluoride by banning the addition of fluoridation chemicals to water.”

For decades, municipal water sources have been “medicated” with fluoride (and arsenic) byproducts. This decades-long medical experiment is intended to prevent tooth decay in the general population, but this mass experiment comes with its own set of health risks and completely bypasses the informed consent principle.

Microsoft And Visa To Assist Brazil’s CBDC Plot


by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

Microsoft, Visa, and other national and global companies will participate in the upcoming pilot project of the Brazilian central bank digital currency, the digital real.

The project will start as early as June 2023.

Earlier this week, the Brazilian central bank published the final list of companies that will participate in the CBDC pilot. Over 100 institutions made 36 bids (some companies made bids as a group).

But only 14 bids were successful.

1984 Redux: NYC & Scotland Join UK/ China In Eco-Fascist Clampdown + Japan’s Huge Pyramid Commune

from Tim Truth:


Synthetic biology aims to replace natural life forms with something that is man-made

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Several years ago, leaked FEMA documents described that people would be put into FEMA camps for, essentially, re-education.  That concept “is old,” Celeste Solum told Maria Zeee.  The plan has been replaced by a “posthuman” ideology.

“In 2019 we heard in all the mainstream media ‘it’s posthuman, it’s posthuman’.  They do not need humans anymore. They are going to synthetic biology.  They’re going to synthetic humanoids that look just like you and I but [ ] they are completely synthetic or artificial … The new humans began coming forth from the [covid] vaccinated parents.”

Trans Group Forces Children’s Clinic Into Hormone Therapy for Under-12s

by Jake Welch, The National Pulse:

Mermaids, a UK-based trans lobby group, assisted the country’s National Health Service (NHS) in drafting medical guidance which permitted “any children under 12” to be administered hormone blockers.

Susie Green, the chairman of Mermaids, participated in a task force that reviewed services at the Tavistock Clinic, with new guidance subsequently issued, stating: “hormone blockers will now be considered for any children under the age of 12 if they are in established puberty”.

San Bernardino FALSE FLAG

from The Alex Jones Show: