Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fauci Knew NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab, Pressured Scientists to Push ‘Natural’ COVID Origins, Leaked Messages Reveal

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Recently leaked emails and Slack conversations reveal Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted the National Institutes of Health funded dangerous gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab despite denying it in Senate testimony, and that he colluded with the “Proximal Origin” authors to push the “natural” COVID-19 origins theory.

In what has been described as an accidental disclosure, messages embedded within a report released last week by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic include an admission by Dr. Anthony Fauci that gain-of-function research was being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Fats are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity
  • While most nutritional experts blame the epidemic of chronic disease on the increase in sugar consumption, the role of sugar is relatively minor when compared to the impact of seed oils
  • There are two basic types of fatty acids, based on how many of their carbon bonds are paired with hydrogen: saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are further subdivided into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), depending on how many pairs of hydrogen atoms they are missing

Dr. Shiva: Corrupt Political Candidates, the Great Awakening in Truth, Freedom & Health

from Dr. Jane Ruby:


BREAKING: VAERS data clearly shows that the COVID vaccines are an unmitigated disaster for pregnant women

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The CDC said the COVID vaccines were perfectly safe for pregnant women. They lied and they continue to lie to the American people. Here’s the proof and you can verify it yourself.

Executive summary

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the official US government database for reporting adverse events following vaccination. It is the “gold standard” for detecting safety signals. All Americans who have an adverse event following vaccination are encouraged by the US government to report it to VAERS.

When the virologists lied, science died

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

A new email proves Dr. Anthony Fauci knew in early 2020 that China was running risky coronavirus research and a lab leak had likely caused the epidemic; why didn’t he come clean?

Scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments.”

The words – from Feb. 1, 2020, as Covid exploded worldwide – come from a note written by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s Doctor himself. They come as Fauci and top virologists were just starting their strenuous efforts to hide and distract from the potential Chinese lab origins of Sars-Cov-2.

Episode 2884: Digital Currency To Become The Next Frontier Of Government Control

from Bannons War Room:


37% of US Attack Subs Out of Commission

from Moonbattery:

Here’s some encouraging news — if you are Xi Jinping:

On June 16, 2023, a date which will live in infamy, the Pearl Harbor base featured the story of Lt. Nick Grant, an “out gay cisgender man” who was a co-chair of the Naval Medical Force Pacific Transgender Care Team (NMFP TGCT).

The title of the Pride Month feature was “serving with pride”.

The purpose of a US Navy transgender care team is to help sailors transition to make-believe members of the opposite sex.

Anthony Fauci accused of perjury: Former White House doctor ‘LIED under oath about funding gain-of-function research in China – which is feared to have started Covid pandemic’, Republican Senator claims

by Caitlin Tilley, Daily Mail:

  • Senator Rand Paul has reiterated calls for Fauci’s testimony to be investigated
  • Emails from Fauci to scientists about Covid’s origins were released last week

Dr Anthony Fauci was tonight accused of lying under oath over his knowledge of dangerous virus research in China — which is feared to have caused the pandemic.

Trump Ratings Surge as he Wages War on the NWO

from The Alex Jones Show:


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Enemy #1 to the Mainstream Media

by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:

Mainstream media entered into election manipulation early during the run-up to the 2024 election. During the last two elections, the media’s disdain was focused on Donald Trump. Enter a new candidate that is causing a stir, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is running for president in the upcoming contest and challenging current President Joe Biden in the primary. His family is a household surname in American politics. Regarded by many as royalty to our political system.

What TWA 800 Had in Common with Hunter B’s Laptop

by Jack Cashill, American Thinker:

On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 left JFK airport in New York City heading east to Paris. Twelve minutes after its 8:19 departure the doomed 747 blew up off the south coast of Long Island, killing all 230 souls aboard.

On August 23, 1996, the New York Times reported on its front page, above the fold right, “Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded in Cabin of Flight 800.” According to the Times, only the FBI’s uncertainty about whether the device was a bomb or a missile kept it from declaring TWA 800’s destruction a crime.

Sound of Freedom executive producer Paul Hutchinson interviewed by Mike Adams as film hits #1 across America

from Health Ranger Report:


Kari Lake Files New Election Appeal to Arizona Supreme Court

from The Epoch Times:

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed an appeal to the state’s Supreme Court in her election case as she claimed that thousands of ballots weren’t configured properly during last year’s governor’s race.

In an appeal filed (pdf) on July 14 with the state’s highest court, Ms. Lake alleged that the 8,000 ballots were neither “duplicated nor counted.” What’s more, they were also unreadable, her team contended.

JPMorgan Listed a “Lolita’s Closet” on the New York Stock Exchange for Jeffrey Epstein’s Money Man, Les Wexner

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

In August 2007, Slate writer Emily Yoffe exploded a powder keg of parental anger when she shared her experience shopping with her 11-year-old daughter for back-to-school clothing in a store called Limited Too. The store, part of a large retail chain, marketed itself as an apparel haven for Tweens – girls ages 7 to 14.

What Yoffe found inside the store was deeply disturbing: “a line of padded, underwire push-up bras for girls with nothing of their own to pad or push up…scanty panties…pairs with rhinestone hearts or printed with cheeky sayings such as ‘Buy It Now! Tell Dad Later!’ ”