Saturday, October 26, 2024

Michigan secretary of state barely blinks while delivering another election night bombshell…

from Revolver News:

It’s that time of year again—election season. A perfect reminder of how far the U.S. has fallen and what a complete joke our elections have become. What’s really interesting is how states like Florida can count tens of millions of ballots in just a few hours, yet swing states like Michigan with far fewer ballots somehow need several more days. The so-called ‘experts’ and their media shills want you to believe this is the new normal. But anyone with even a sliver of common sense knows something doesn’t smell right.

🚨 Joe Biden just said the quiet part out loud:


    When Donald Trump Accused Kamala Harris Of Being A Marxist, Her Refusal To Deny It, Along With Her Documented Statements, Proves She Is The Communist He Said She Was

    by James S. Spiegel, All News Pipeline:

    There has been a lot of analysis and commentary about last month’s presidential debate, regarding everything from the ABC moderators’ selective fact-checking to Harris’s statement that she is a gun owner to Trump’s reference to reports that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating dogs and cats. Also remarkable was Trump’s assertion that “[Harris] is a Marxist. Everyone knows she’s a Marxist. Her father is a Marxist professor in economics. And he educated her well.”

    Fox News Decision Desk Chief Says Election Might Not be Called for 4 Days

    from The National Pulse:

    Fox News Decision Desk chief Arnon Mishkin has indicated that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election might not be confirmed for several days after Election Day. In an interview with POLITICO, Mishkin attributed this potential delay to the vote-counting processes in several key swing states, including Pennsylvania. He suggested it could take up to four days to determine the winner.

    Mishkin commented on the closeness of the race, stating, “The race seems very, very close.” He pointed out that results from crucial states like Pennsylvania might follow historical reporting patterns, potentially leading to the announcement of the winner by Saturday, similar to the situation during the previous election cycle. Mishkin’s projections and experience hold considerable weight as he has led the Fox News Decision Desk since 2008. Notably, during the 2020 election, he accurately called Arizona for Joe Biden earlier than other media outlets, a move that drew criticism from Donald Trump’s supporters.

    Congressman Loudermilk’s Handwriting Expert Concludes Cassidy Hutchinson and Liz Cheney Lied Bigly

    from TheLibertyDaily:

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    Why NATO lost, and Russia won, the Ukraine war

    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    The fact that NATO has lost and Russia has won the war in Ukraine, is described to the public for the first time on October 21st, stated by the great geostrategic analyst Alexander Mercouris, who had always been predicting correctly not only that this would happen, but how and why it would happen, and he has also been explaining why virtually all of the U.S.-and-allied newsmedia have been predicting the exact opposite. His report, on October 21st, is that this defeat of America’s NATO, and victory of Russia, is now an established fact in all except the formalities of its being announced to the world. It’s his commentary upon an October 20th news-report in Britain’s Telegraph, which was headlined “Exhausted and full of regrets – even Ukraine’s fiercest soldiers are facing up to prospect of defeat”, and Mercouris’s commentary upon that news-report can be heard from him via his 29-minute video:

    “Replicon Vaxx, FEMA Civil War & Mask Mandates—the Elites Are DESPERATE w/ Todd Callender”

    from Man in America:

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    What Happened to Internet for All?

    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on a promise to connect Americans to high-speed internet. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act set aside $42.5 billion to the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. “What we’re doing is, as I said, not unlike what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did when he brought electricity to nearly every American home and farm in our nation. Today Kamala and I are making an equally historic investment to connect everyone in America to high speed internet, and affordable high speed internet, by 2030,” Biden stated. To date, no one has been connected to the internet under this program.

    Israel says it will kill U.S. politicians if they don’t support Israel. Now do you see how dangerous this Zionist occupation is?


    Republic In Crisis: The Deep State Theft Of The 2024 Election Is Now In High Gear & Out In The Open!


    Kamala Where Are The Children!


    The Immigrant Crime Spree is Real, Not Imaginary, Thank Harris and Biden

    by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

    Four years of open borders and sanctuary policies have brought criminal drug networks, human trafficking, and an epidemic of sexual assault.

    No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree

    City Journal writer Steven Malanga busts the myth that immigrants are less likely to commit a crime.

    The Diabolical March to World Government Exposed: Alex Newman @ ReAwaken America

    from Liberty Sentinel:

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    IT BEGINS: Columnist Wonders if Democrats Would Have Been Better Off to Stick With Joe Biden

    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    How worried are Democrats about the 2024 election? So worried that one columnist is already wondering aloud if they would have been better off sticking with the mentally compromised President Joe Biden as their candidate.

    Lots of people predicted that a column just like this would be written at some point, but no one expected it this soon.

    This is a calm preview of the utter chaos and infighting that will take place among Democrats if Donald Trump beats Kamala Harris in the election, which more and more people are beginning to expect.

    Battle LINES clear, Good vs Evil, Half of Christians not voting? Vote Machines acting up again? PRAY!

    from And We Know:

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