Tuesday, September 24, 2024


The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight What it Calls “Deadly Disinformation”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

Another global organization trying to police speech.

The UN is tripling down on its role as an important global player in the “fight against online misinformation” and amplification of the narrative of a supposedly serious threat this allegedly new phenomenon brings to humankind.

Thus UN peacekeepers are adding another task to the duties the member-states fund when they approve their missions meant to help people and countries devastated by war and other disasters: they are now also “building a digital army.”

Covid Related News: SA court orders covid vaccine contract to be made public and US court rules manufacturer and hospitals liable for remdesivir injuries

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Results of contaminated DNA in Pfizer’s covid injections have been replicated and confirmed.  This is just one of many dangers of injecting synthetic DNA into humans.

Vaccine victims of the first bout of covid injections is being ignored while corporate media ramps up the fear to get people to roll up for another round.  The corporate media hype from the UK and USA about a new covid variant has now infected corporate media in Germany.

A high court in South Africa orders the government to make covid “vaccine” contracts and related documents public.

THE GREAT RESET: Report Reveals Globalist Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030


    by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

    An exclusive report revealed that the global ringmasters and their Democrat allies are embarking on an expedited Marxist scheme to ensure you will have no choice but to enjoy bugs and public transportation in less than a decade.

    The Federalist on Saturday dropped this explosive story. 14 prominent American cities are part of a far-left climate organization headed by billionaire globalist “Mini” Mike Bloomberg that aims to abolish private vehicle ownership and wean their constituents off meat and dairy by 2030. That is just SEVEN years away from now.

    NOW – Biden appears to fall asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the Maui fire victims.

    It’s Really Happening: Mask Mandates, Contact Tracing RE-IMPLEMENTED At Colleges, Offices

    by Steve Watson, Summit News:

    Alex Jones was right

    There are reports circulating that colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate COVID mask mandates and contact tracing despite no new cases of the virus being reported.

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Monday that Morris Brown College, a black private liberal arts college has reinstated the measures as part of a “precautionary step.”

    The Oliver Anthony Gap

    by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

    So, the story of Oliver Anthony and his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond” just keeps getting better and better.  Oliver’s folk anthem for what Gary North used to call “The Remnant” and what Ron Paul deemed “The Silent Majority” has not just jumped containment it’s become a living, breathing thing.

    And I can’t overstate how important this moment is.  It’s such a simple thing, his song.  And yet, simple truths speak volumes.

    After making it to the top of the streaming charts at both Spotify and Apple Music, Oliver becomes a bona fide folk hero by turning down the music industry’s fundamentally dirty money.  $8 million of it.

    The Most Ridiculous Lawfare Narrative Pushed by Special Counsel Jack Smith Portends the Weakness of the Mar-a-Lago Case

    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    I did not think it would be possible for those who deploy Lawfare to ever exceed the scale of fakery around Witness #8, Rachel Jeantel.  However, there is an irony in this latest Lawfare deployment being pushed by Jonathan Karl and ABC news; because it was also ABC News, via Matt Gutman, who originally pushed the completely fabricated Trayvon Martin ‘ear witness’.

    Before getting to the details of the construct, I must point out two issues.  First, this specific narrative, as pushed by a supposed leak from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution unit, just highlights the insane weakness of the Mar-a-Lago document case and how much they will rely on legal fraud and pretense to maintain it.  This is where Judge Cannon will hopefully play a major role.

    The Mandates Are Back

    by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

    VSRF is gearing up to defeat them before they spread across the country

    Several weeks ago, we all started noticing the increased chatter about the latest Covid-19 variant and the booster that was coming in the Fall. Immediately, I was concerned that this meant a return to the Mandate regime. Unfortunately, this was confirmed today. The Mandates are back.

    Pfizer Commits Fraud Under the Cover of Operation Warp Speed

    by Dr. Peter McCullough, America Outloud:

    How could the mRNA vaccines have looked so good in the Fall of 2020, with >90% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and no serious safety issues? Then, the next few months after release, have the bottom fall out with massive breakthrough cases and horrific injuries, disabilities, and death?

    Could it be that Pfizer manipulated their randomized trials to hide safety issues and make the products appear as if they worked when they did not? I sat down and talked to two French scientists who have performed a forensic analysis of what actually happened during the Pfizer randomized trials.


    from XANDREWX:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Liberty Firebrand Crushes Establishment in Argentina Primary

    by Alex Newman, The New American:

    Liberty-minded, anti-establishment firebrand Javier Milei with La Libertad Avanza just crushed the Latin American branch of the Deep State in Argentina’s presidential primary, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The communist network Foro de Sao Paulo, founded by Castro and others and backed by Soros and Obama/Biden, is in total freakout mode as the Deep State propaganda machine goes into overdrive trying to demonize Milei ahead of the presidential election.

    The Ruling Class Sits atop a Boiling Pot

    by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

    In the history books, great social revolutions are often distilled into digestible reasons for their emergence.  Rising unemployment, widespread illness, cultural upheaval, and rapid technological change have all been diagnosed as the proximate causes for various sudden shifts in society.  If you look past those antiseptic historical autopsies, though, and concentrate on the feelings and passions of the people who experienced the revolutions firsthand, you will find another symptom present in every single movement for great change: popular rejection of ruling class lies.