Monday, September 23, 2024


by Gavin O’Reilly, Southfront:

On Friday, in an egregious act of censorship, the ICANN – a supposedly impartial body responsible for the administration of the world wide web’s domain system – took down the domain name of the well-known website SouthFront, an outlet that has been the previous target of US sanctions and social media censorship owing to its coverage of subjects such as the origins of the wars in Syria and Ukraine; topics which rarely, if ever, are given satisfactory coverage by the mainstream media, with edited versions, beneficial only to corporate interests, presented to western audiences instead.

OPERATION INCINERATE LAHAINA: Secret Details of the “Shock and Awe” Execution Plan

from State Of The Nation:

A Gladio-style
U.S. Military Executed,
Advanced AI-Driven,
Full Spectrum Attack
Against Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
With Multiple Goals & Objectives

Trump REFUSES To Disavow Operation Warp Speed: Ignoring Vaxx Deaths Furthers Big Pharma Crimes

from Stew Peters Network:


‘Extreme Agenda’: Activists Are Turning to Constitutional Amendments to Enshrine Abortion Into Law in These States

by Kate Anderson, Discern Report:

  • Pro-choice advocates are working in multiple states to get abortion amendments on the ballot after the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022.
  • Ohio voters will vote on an amendment this fall that would make abortion legal up to birth if a physician determines it is necessary to protect the life of the mother, and activists in states like North Dakota, Oklahoma and Montana are in the early days of getting a draft amendment approved for a ballot vote.
  • “The ballot measures put forward in states across the country are a coordinated effort on behalf of the abortion lobby to impose their extreme agenda on pro-life states,” Stephen Billy, vice president of state affairs for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Episode 2971: First Day Of BRICS; Biden’s Short Trip To Maui

from Bannons War Room:


Cyber Attacks against Independent Media, Censorship and Double Standards

by Gavin OReilly, Global Research:

On August 18, 2023, in an egregious act of censorship, the ICANN – a supposedly impartial body responsible for the administration of the world wide web’s domain system – took down the domain name of the well-known website SouthFront, an outlet that has been the previous target of US sanctions and social media censorship owing to its coverage of subjects such as the origins of the wars in Syria and Ukraine; topics which rarely, if ever, are given satisfactory coverage by the mainstream media, with edited versions, beneficial only to corporate interests, presented to western audiences instead.

San Francisco State University Hires ‘Anti-Racist’ Science And Engineering Dean

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

STEM needs to revolve around “anti-racism,” according to San Francisco State University.

From The College Fix, “San Fran State hires ‘anti-racist’ engineering dean”:

San Francisco State University appointed a new dean to lead the College of Science & Engineering “to create an environment of multiculturalism, inclusiveness and equity,” according to an announcement.

COVID 2.0 plandemic will be a TOTAL HOAX (psyop IQ test)

from Health Ranger Report:


Buying Low, Selling Never

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

This article sheds light on the potential direction of gold and silver prices. We discussed last week the current positioning of traders in the COMEX precious metals. However, the situation has improved even more in the days since and, because we’re all interested in saving a few dollars and buying low, I figured that it was a good idea to provide this update.

The Biden administration’s brazen, pro-pedophile agenda

from WND:

Latest actions prove government remains ‘middleman in a large-scale, multi-billion-dollar child trafficking operation’

The Biden administration policy of intentionally engineering a full-scale foreign invasion of America across her southern border – which in turn has facilitated what a key federal whistleblower calls a “large-scale, multi-billion-dollar child trafficking operation” with “the U.S. government” as “the middleman” – is evil, most normal people would agree.

Warning: They’re Trying to Normalize the Cancelation of the 2024 Elections

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Ever since early 2021 during the opening days of the Biden-Harris regime, rumors and predictions started circulating. A handful of political prognosticators, conspiracy theorists, and even a few mainstream talking heads looking for a ratings boost began declaring the 2024 election might not even happen.

Those rumors and predictions have only increased in the two-and-a-half years since then. And while some of it is based solely on provocateurs attempting to be provocative, others have reasoned with both logic and anecdotal evidence that it really could be true, that the 2024 election might get canceled between now and November of next year.


from Infowars:


14 American Cities Agree to Go Full-Marxist, End Dairy, Meat, and Cars by 2030

by Kevin Downey Jr, PJ Media:

If you’ve read my stuff before, you know I’ve taken it upon myself to be the Paul Revere of the Great Reset, if Paul Revere drove a 2005 Mazda Tribute. #HateToBrag.

Klaus Schwab and his evil teams of toilet people aren’t trying to hide their plans for global domination. Quite the contrary, they write and speak openly about how they intend to impound our cars and purloin our sirloin for cleaner clouds or something.

The Lockdowns Are Coming

from The Dan Bongino Show :