Monday, September 16, 2024

Joe Biden Announces ‘New World Order Is Here’, There Is No US Election

from The People’s Voice:


Pfizer Is Hiding How COVID Jab Damages the Heart

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • August 3, 2023, the Australian Senate held a COVID hearing. Sen. Gerard Rennick asked Dr. Krishan Thiru, Pfizer’s Australian medical director, to explain the mechanism of how the mRNA COVID shot causes myocarditis. Thiru, however, kept talking in circles rather than answering the question
  • Either Pfizer has no idea how the shot damages the heart, which raises serious questions about the company’s scientific qualifications, or they do know but refuse to admit it, for fear of liability

This Is How They Cheat In Elections (Ep. 2068)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


The Level of Pretending Needed to Believe This Is Jaw Dropping

from The Conservative Treehouse:

The Fulton County clerk of courts is putting out the third public statement trying to explain and justify why they posted the grand jury indictment of Donald Trump before the grand jury had even met to vote on the indictment.   This latest explanation is so incredulous it’s almost impossible to believe they are making this public:

America Under Attack: Massive Blaze in Pensacola Marks NINTH Recycling Plant Fire in First Half of August Alone

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Climate change. The obsession with it by cultists who desperately want to be proven right about the end of the world has prompted dozens of known (and likely hundreds of unverified) arson attacks this summer in the name of convincing us that heat of the season isn’t normal and cow farts are going to kill us all.

It would appear that someone, whether cultists or more nefarious players pushing the globalists’ plans, have selected a new target for their escapades. Recycling plants are going up in flames across the country and of course every event is an opportunity for corporate media to blame climate change. Well, not all. One of the nine recent fires has been blamed on a “likely faulty battery.”

NEW – Russia got richer last year, while the West shed trillions of dollars of wealth, according to UBS.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Tucker Carlson: I’ve Talked to CIA and Mob Hitmen Who Were Assigned to JFK Assassination

by Richard Abelson, The Gateway Pundit:

Speaking to Tucker Carlson, Democratic Presidential challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed the CIA involvement in the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy, revealing names and details of the plot to kill the US President 1963. In January, Tucker Carlson had bravely reported on the CIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination and the Watergate scandal, assumed by many to be one of the reasons for Tucker’s unceremonious ouster and subsequent self-immolation of former top network Fox News.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker explains shocking dangers of DNA strands found in Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

“Ivermectin Worked!”: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

“It’s now peer-reviewed and published. Ivermectin worked!” exclaimed Kim Iversen on her news show.

Ivermectin, a controversially-discussed drug in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was found in a 2020 study from Peru to significantly reduce COVID-related deaths. With the backing of a peer-reviewed publication, this assertion is more potent than ever.

Torching of Lahaina an ACT OF TERRORISM by the tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii

from Health Ranger Report:


Apple Valley Village Health Care Center saw >10X higher COVID death rates after COVID vax rollout. Isn’t it supposed to decrease rates?

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

It’s in the official Medicare reports! And an employee revealed that 30% of the residents died directly after the shots. Bottom line: the CDC lied and people died.

Executive summary

I recently heard an extraordinary story from an employee at Apple Valley Village Health Care Center in Apple Valley, MN.

Before the vaccines, there were 27 cases of COVID and no deaths from COVID. Not a single death.

Male Powerlifter Sets Female Record

from Moonbattery:

We all know that letting men compete as women is destroying women’s sports. Yet so powerful is the “marginalized” Alphabet Mafia that the grotesque farce continues:

A male powerlifter who identifies as a “woman” set a women’s national record at a championship in Brandon, Manitoba, yesterday. Anne Andres, 40, currently holds multiple records in the female division, including women’s deadlift and bench press, and has placed first in nine out of the eleven competitions he has participated in over the past four years.

Unlike some transgender athletes, Andres would be competitive even among his fellow men:


from The Salty Cracker:


With China’s Economy On “Verge Of Collapse”, PBOC Central Banker Calls For Helicopter Money

from ZeroHedge:

As Bloomberg’s Garfield Reynolds writes in the aftermath of last night’s unexpected Chinese rate cut, while the nation’s economic struggles were (finally) severe enough for the authorities to respond with their biggest interest-rate cut since the pandemic, it will be nowhere near powerful enough to help spark a turnaround.

For a start, Reynolds writes, that scope “is rather less impressive when you realize the reduction in the rate on one-year PBOC loans — or medium-term lending facility — was all of 15 basis points. Most central banks faced with the sort of slowdown China is facing might well decide to cut by three times as much or more.”