by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
I’m a big fan of the science fiction television series Fringe, as most regular readers here know. For those who do not know the show, it revolves around various science fiction themes, including parallel universes collapsing into each other, and things like mind manipulation, “dream connectivity”, and so on. All of this is is tapped into by (and as it turns out, is in most cases created by) the show’s mad scientist, Dr. Walter Bishop. Again, for those who don’t know the series, Dr. Bishop is truly and legitimately mad – insane – having spent seventeen years in a state mental asylum until “rescued” by an FBI agent, and by his son. Dr. Bishop’s madness, however, is not that of a Peter Lorre or a Boris Karloff, but more a kind of humorous relief; it’s madness of the eccentric not of the criminal.