Friday, September 6, 2024

Episode 3159: Forcing The Biden Regime To Face The Border Crisis; Beginning Stages Of Kinetic War

from Bannons War Room:


MODERN-DAY JOSEF MENGELE: Israeli doctors used Palestinians for ORGAN HARVESTING operations


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The former head of Israel’s forensic institute is on the record fessing up about a gross practice the Jewish state has been engaging in using the dead bodies of the Palestinian people it continues to bomb and kill.

Dr. Yehuda Hiss, the ex-top dog of the Abu Kabir forensic institute near Tel Aviv, admitted back in 2000 that Abu Kabir was harvesting skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from their relatives.

Revealed: How The DHS’ Stanford “Disinformation” Group Censored 2020 Election-Related Online Speech

by Dan Frieth, Reclaim The Net:

The Election Integrity Partnership has been renowned for its censorship pressure in recent years.

Fresh revelations have been loaded into the canon of public discourse around censorship, ready for primed debates on free speech and censorship in light of disturbing findings.

As per a report from the House Judiciary Committee, it appears that speech around US election integrity was potentially compromised before the 2020 polls. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials are implicated in the birth of a “disinformation” team at Stanford University. The ominously titled “Election Integrity Partnership,” based on newly uncovered emails and inside communications, apparently colluded with the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to monitor and pressure the scrubbing of the digital landscape of certain online speeches alongside big tech cohorts.

Police Caught LYING About Trans Manifesto: Nashville Trans Shooter FUELED By Anti-White HATE


from Stew Peters Network:


Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Tomorrow, November 8th 2023, a virtual launch event is to take place for what is termed the “50-in-5” agenda. The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. (source). The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has announced plans to rollout “digital IDs” worldwide by the year 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, say Reclaim the Net, who advocate for free speech and individual liberty online,

The Evolving Battle Lines in the Middle East

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

The biggest stumbling block to analyzing what’s happening between Israel and the rest of the Middle East is dispensing with our biases and ignorance about pretty much the entire affair. I will be the first to admit to having profound ignorance about so much of the history between Israel and the Palestinians.

I really wish everyone else having opinions right now would at least admit that up front versus trying to sound like another incarnation of the Newly-Minted Subject Matter Expert of the Week thanks to having read a couple of articles in the New York Times.

Ep. 37 The two defining tragedies of our time — the war in Ukraine and the presidency of Joe Biden — are both finally coming to an end.

Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea

from Health Ranger Report:


Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event,’ Critic Says


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025. The alliance is funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

An international campaign — funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to inject tens of millions of young girls with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is drawing fire from critics who allege the vaccine will cause far more harm than good.

FDA-funded study finds stroke risk rises 20-35% for elderly who get both COVID and flu shots

by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite News:

A new study funded by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) indicates that taking a COVID-19 booster and a flu shot at the same time may give older adults an increased risk of stroke.

The October 15 preprint of the study by researchers with the FDA’s Center for Biological Evaluation & Research, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and health policy research firm Acumen LLC investigated a safety concern with recipients of the COVID-19 bivalent jabs aged 65 and older. It did not find an elevated stroke risk among those who only received the booster shots but did find that those who received one plus a high-dose/adjuvanted influenza vaccine in the same trip saw their stroke risk increase by about 20-35%.

PBoC in a Hurry to Buy Gold: Covertly Bought 593t of Gold YTD

by Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Gainesville Coins:

The PBoC is in a hurry to buy enormous amounts of gold, indicating it’s preparing for substantial changes in the dollar-centric international monetary system.

Based on information from industry sources and my personal calculations, total gold purchases by the Chinese central bank (reported and unreported) in Q3 accounted for 179 tonnes. Year-to-date the PBoC bought 593 tonnes, which is 80% more than what it bought in the first three quarters last year. Its total estimated gold holdings are 5,220 tonnes, more than twice what’s officially disclosed at 2,192 tonnes.

Biden Moves to Seize Control of Internet

from Moonbattery:

Artificial Intelligence is not all the Biden Regime wants to subordinate to “equity.” The Internet faces the same fate:

Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr is calling the Biden administration’s “digital equity” plan for all internet services and infrastructure an “unlawful power grab.”

Equity can only be imposed by a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of human existence. That’s the point of it.

Zelenskyy Highlights New Western Democratic Norms and Cancels Election


from The Conservative Treehouse:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr has once again cancelled elections within the nation, preferring to continue his rule by unilateral fiat.

A growing opposition movement to Zelenskyy is very visible, and the Ukraine President has refused to consider need to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


from VivaFrei:


The Genetic Conspiracy: DNA Tests Are Sold to Highest Bidder


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will pay 23andMe $20 million to extend its five-year contract to mine the company’s consumer DNA data for another year
  • The drugmaker is searching for hints about genes that might be at the root of disease. 23andMe will get royalties on any drugs developed
  • 23andMe also recently launched a new DNA-sequencing service called Total Health, which sequences your entire exome, the protein-coding part of your genome, which is thought to be responsible for most disease-causing genes. The move is another step in 23andMe’s plan to transform itself into a full-fledged health care company that also treats patients