Wednesday, September 18, 2024

DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden Admin’s Sex Trafficking of 85K Plus Children

from AlexandraBruce:


Chinese Pediatric Pneumonia Outbreak

by Dr. Peter McCullough, America Outloud:

“U.S. government agencies are fond of talking about “Pandemic Preparedness,” passing extravagant legislation such as the PREP ACT, and throwing hundreds of billions at the development of vaccines against viral respiratory illnesses—vaccines that are useless at best.

And yet, these agencies are, at the moment, strangely silent about a mysterious pneumonia that is affecting large numbers of children in two regions of northern China that are about 500 miles apart—Beijing and in Liaoning Province including Dalian which is located at the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, with the Yellow Sea in the east and the Bohai Sea in the west. This situation reminds me of the conspicuous fact that the U.S. Consulate General office in Wuhan—which is presumably full of surveillance experts—apparently reported NOTHING about the mysterious pneumonia that started circulating in that city in the autumn of 2019. (From Courageous Discourse by John Leake.)

Did the Deep State Take Out JFK?

by Alex Newman, The New American:

Powerful Deep State forces within the “intelligence” community and beyond hated John F. Kennedy over his animus toward the CIA, and those same forces have been running wild to the point where they now brag openly about murdering people and taking out presidents, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Starting off with a review of Deep State scheming surrounding JFK’s assassination 60 years ago, including obvious misdirection by their “Mockingbird” media machine to blame conservatives, Newman brings it all up to the present day. It’s beyond ugly. Newman also shows how the descendants of those Deep State operators from 60 years ago have become more lawless and out of control than ever before, posing an existential threat to America and her freedom.

Drug Cartel DESTROYS Documentary Footage: Filmmakers ABDUCTED, ESCAPE With Their Lives

from Stew Peters Network:


For the West to Live, Immigration(ism) Must Die

by Selwyn Duke, American Thinker:

After expelling a large number of illegal aliens approximately 20 to 25 years ago, the Japanese government made a firm statement I’ll never forget. “Japan is for Japanese,” Tokyo unabashedly explained. “Others are welcome to come and visit, but they’re expected to go home.” And just like that, Japan exhibited the historical norm: defending your homeland and preserving national cohesion — without hesitation or apology.

Tucker Carlson Destroys John Kerry and Climate Change Zealots with Facts (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Tucker Carlson on Monday released episode 44 of his show on X.

“Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own,” Tucker said of Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry.

Tucker Carlson destroyed John Kerry and the climate change zealots with facts on Monday night’s episode.

The MYSTERY of Israel revealed by David Sorensen in shocking interview

from Health Ranger Report:


FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines


by Maryanne Demasi, Brownstone:

The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:


from World Orders Review:


Is This Gold Breakout For Real? De-Dollarization may be the key factor.

by Mark Jeftovic, Dollar Collapse:

Historically, fresh all-time-highs portend drawdowns for gold.
Why this time may be different.

Gold finally did what many of us have been waiting on for a long time, and notched up a new all-time-high while closing strong into the weekend.

It’s been over three years in the making, and had some gut wrenching pullbacks in the interim.

The Number of IPO Listings Has Plunged in the U.S. While Some Investors Are Nursing Losses of 70 to 95 Percent

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

Through last Friday, there have been 148 IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) in the U.S. this year, the lowest number in the past six years. But what is more striking about the U.S. IPO market is how poorly these IPOs have performed for investors.

Through December 1, 87 of the 148 IPOs (59 percent) that made their debut this year have a share price that is negative from the offering price. Even more stunning, 34 of the IPOs have losses of 70 percent to more than 90 percent from their offering price. Another 19 IPOs have losses of 50 percent to 69 percent of their offering price.



    from XANDREWX:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    We Are Starting To Find Out What Is Beneath The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We Have All Been Taking For Granted

    by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

    Unlike so many people around the world, those of us that live in the United States were fortunate enough to grow up in a relatively civilized society.  Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on the values that our forefathers handed down to us, and so now we are starting to find out what is beneath the thin veneer of civilization that we have all been taking for granted all these years.  Our society is absolutely teeming with predators, crime rates are soaring all over the nation, millions of Americans are afraid to leave their own homes, and hordes of drug addicts are literally pooping in the middle of our streets whenever they feel like it.

    EU Rolls Out Mandatory Health Passports for ALL Citizens: ‘Unvaxxed Will Be Excluded From Society’

    by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

    The European Union (EU) has begun rolling out mandatory digital health passports, which citizens will be required to use if they wish to participate in society.

    The European Health Data Space (EHDS) announced recently that its next legislative goal is to closely track people’s vaccination status and reprimand those who have refused the jab.