Monday, September 16, 2024

Hollywood Tropes and Real Life Wisdom


by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

Life imitating art or art imitating life?

I watch a lot of movies. I used to watch a lot of television. And I seem to notice things that most others don’t. My tendency to critically question everything ensures that many people close to me, especially my female loved ones, leave the room when I’m watching something. The males, however, appreciate my running commentary.

At one point, I wanted to write a script for a prospective sitcom or film comedy, which incorporated all the common tropes seen onscreen. But where would I send it? Hollywood doesn’t take unsolicited screenplays or manuscripts. Half the restaurant servers in Tinseltown are peddling them. And they can’t get someone to read their work, except perhaps if they wait on the right big shot who finds them physically attractive enough to invite them to the casting couch. I’ve never been in a position to wait on anyone who’d be willing to consider my work in return for sexual favors. I probably wouldn’t be their type, anyways. And now I’m way too old for any of them.

The J Cult: It’s Not How Many People You Kill, It’s How You Sell Your Genocide

from Dollar Vigilante:


Is Your Money Safe? Within A Year, Millions May Lose Their Savings Due To AI Threat, Warns Cybercrime Expert

by John Cody, Activist Post:

Artificial intelligence is advancing at lightning speed, and these advances are not only set to reshape our very reality, they could leave many losing all of their savings, according to cybercrime expert Marc Maisch, who also works as a lawyer helping victims reclaim their lost savings after they fall victim on the web.

He warned in an interview with Germany’s Die Welt newspaper that authorities will be powerless to stop this new coming crime wave, which will see criminals use AI tools to fleece potentially millions out of their money.

According to “our free press” and “the science,” what’s killing millions is NOT “vaccination.”

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

No, it’s white bread, smartwatches, Daylight Savings Time, antibiotics, stevia, swimming, Christmas….

Having misled billions into getting jabbed, these “journalists” and “scientists” are also in cahoots producing bogus “reasons” for the ongoing population CRASH. It’s epidemiology for halfwits.

Bob Kudla – What We Are Witnessing Is The End Of The [CB], Watch What Happens Next –

from X22 Report:


Bill Gates’ Global Agenda & How We Can Resist His War On Life

by Vandana Shiva, The Pulse:

There is no ‘life’ in the paradigm of health that Bill Gates and his ilk are promoting and imposing on the entire world.

In March 2015, Bill Gates showed an image of the coronavirus during a TED Talk and told the audience that it was what the greatest catastrophe of our time would look like.

The real threat to life, he said, is ‘not missiles, but microbes.’ When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth like a tsunami five years later, he revived the war language, describing the pandemic as ‘a world war’.

Epstein and his lover Ghislaine Maxwell were Mossad operatives BLACKMAILING famous personalities with videos of them bedding underage girls, book claims

by Belle Carter, DC Clothesline:

A recently released book claimed that Jeffrey Epstein and his then-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell were spies working for Mossad or the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel. According to the piece, they lured prominent Western politicians and businessmen into sleeping with underage girls and then, took videos of them doing the act. They then used the footage to blackmail them later.

Remember Who Henry Kissinger Actually Was – Not What The Mockingbird Media Will Tell You

from SettingBrushfires:


NYT: Israel Had Hamas’s Attack Plan For Over a Year


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Israel had Hamas’s Oct 7 attack plan for more than a year but didn’t believe Hamas would carry it out, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times.

We were all told last month that any notion Israel had prior knowledge of the attack was an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” but now the media is just outright admitting it.

From The New York Times:

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

Natural immunity provides better protection against COVID than vaccines – even against hospitalization, new study finds

by Paul Sacca, The Blaze:

People with natural immunity to COVID-19 have better protection against the respiratory disease than those who received mRNA vaccines, according to a new study.

A group of researchers from Estonia took a pool of 329,496 adults between Feb. 26, 2020, and June 25, 2021.

The analysis was based on data from 246,113 individuals who qualified as one of four categories. The scientists categorized the individuals as those with no immunity against COVID, those with natural immunity from previously being infected, those who had vaccine-induced immunity, and those who had both natural immunity and who were vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

Shocking Leaked Videos Reveal MH370 Was ‘Disappeared’ Using Nazi Technology

from The People’s Voice:


Crusading attorney battles feds over Seth Rich cover-up

from WND:

Ty Clevenger tells WND latest about epic document-leak case involving murdered DNC staffer

WASHINGTON – Before the government began making examples of Jan. 6 political prisoners for protesting election fraud, Democrat politicians and their operatives were plagued with allegations they had killed a Democrat staffer for trying to expose their scheme to rig the 2016 election.

The October 7th Attacks on Israel Were Allowed to Happen. Here’s Why.

from Vigilant Citizen:

As we watch the Israel-Palestine war unfold, some basic facts still make no sense. First: How could Israel not see the October 7th attacks coming? Second: What was the Hamas’ grand strategy with these attacks? The answer to these questions might ruffle some feathers.

In the past weeks, I’ve received numerous messages from readers asking for my thoughts on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Usually, I try to stay away from political issues because they’re, more or less, a puppet show and this site is mainly about the puppeteers behind it. However, in the case of the current Israel-Palestine conflict, there’s been some major puppeteering happening behind the scenes and, sadly, lots of people do not see it.

NEW LOCKDOWNS IN THE USA? – Fake Pandemic Reaches The US Among Many Other Countries!

from World Alternative Media:


NYC Mayor Eric Adams DEFUNDS POLICE, rolls out various austerity measures to spend on ILLEGAL MIGRANTS

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently unveiled the city’s updated 2024 financial plan, revealing a slew of budget cuts in several aspects as the Big Apple grapples with its multi-billion-dollar migrant crisis.

The plan included the New York Police Department’s (NYPD’s) reduction of workforce to just 29,000 cops by the end of fiscal year 2025, the lowest level since the mid-90s. It indicated that the next five police academy classes will be axed, which will decimate an already strained department as roughly 4,500 officers are expected to leave their ranks within the next 18 months, the New York Post reported. “The defund the police crowd’s woke dream has come true. We were fed a line of BS that the wave of migrants would be a benefit to the city. Now we are defunding the police to pay for their beds,” the enraged Council Republican Minority Leader Joe Borelli said.