Friday, October 25, 2024

U.S. Ramps Up Screening Measures For Marburg Virus

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The United States has ramped up its screening measures for the deadly Marburg virus, as Rwanda is adamant that the outbreak is getting under control. “The risk of Marburg in the U.S. remains low, however, these measures are being taken out of an abundance of caution given the ongoing outbreak in Rwanda,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesperson David Daigle said as the measures were announced back on October 7th.

Rwanda is still fighting its first outbreak of the Marburg virus, which is a cousin to the Ebola virus. Marburg is one of the deadliest viruses known to humans, with a fatality rate of about 88%. According to Rwandan Health Minister Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana, there have been 62 cases of Marburg confirmed in Rwanda, with 38 recoveries and 15 deaths.

Former Army Paratrooper Weighs in on Geo-Engineered Hurricanes, PSYOPS and the Fake Election

from Stew Peters Network:


Why Are The Elitists That Run Our Society So Incredibly Sick?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Have you ever wondered why so many of the most powerful men in our society turn out to be sexual predators? As you will see below, another extremely powerful man was just arrested on Tuesday. This happens over and over again, but we aren’t supposed to see a pattern. Every time another big name is exposed, we are told that it is just an isolated case. But everyone can see what is happening. There are sexual predators in the highest levels of government, there are sexual predators in the highest levels of the business world, and there are sexual predators in the highest levels of the entertainment industry.

Overcoming ‘Designer-Chaos’ at a Critical Moment for the Human Race

by Julian Rose, Activist Post:

“New World Order” – ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’- thanks to its being imprinted on the US Dollar bill, is a well-known epithet. It is accompanied by a pyramid in whose apex is embedded the all-seeing Eye of Horus.

You won’t find a more stark symbol of the ambition of the globalist power complex than this.

But as familiar as it is, it is worth reminding ourselves that this message is so brazenly printed on the bank note of the US currency because that country’s banking empire was designed to lead the takeover and domination the world.

Judge Orders Bill Gates To Stand Trial for ‘Murdering Millions’ via mRNA Jabs

from The People’s Voice:


Medvedev warns of ‘total war’

from RT:

The world needs a “balance of powers” to avoid “extermination,” the former Russian president has said

The US must abandon its ambitions of “world domination” or risk a war which could lead to the “complete extermination” of humanity, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned on Monday.

According to Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, Washington’s goal is “domination over the Old World, as well as over the rest of the world.”

Our Hurricane Experience in South Carolina


by K.U., Survival Blog:

We live in a rural county about 60 miles from Augusta, Georgia. The night of September 26th, 2024 was one we never thought we’d experience so far inland. A full-blown hurricane was upon us (winds were recorded at 80-100mph in our county).

We awoke early on the 27th to no power and 1 bar of very spotty cell service. We built our house on a hill and made sure that no trees were nearby, so our house had minimal damage. We had some water come in and down a wall from the chimney, but plan to fix that with a different kind of deflector that moves and protects water intrusion from wind.

Gerald Celente: Gold Keeps Glowing– Geopolitical & Economic Dangers

from The Alex Jones Show:


ISRAEL IS DONE! It’s over—finished as a nation-state. Here’s why.

from State Of The Nation:

It’s of paramount importance to understand that the Zionist state of Israel only knows how to resolve all conflicts with a military force and violent reactions.

Because of this deeply ingrained foreign policy since its founding as a full-blown terrorist state, there is no room for negotiation and/or compromise about anything. For this tribe of inveterate murderers and thieves has never signed a treaty or truce, agreement and pact in good faith; and they never will.

The Writing on the Wall: U.S. Elections and the Spectre of World War III

from 21st Century Wire:

The fact that European leaders are now opining that they’re expecting a war with Russia ‘within the next decade’ or so, should be a cause for great concern. It’s now clear that the US election may be a deciding factor in that uncomfortable fait accompli.

Episode 3994: Fear Mongering From The Left

from Bannons War Room:


Meta’s Israel Policy Chief Pushed to Censor Pro-Palestine Content, Internal Docs Reveal

from State Of The Nation:

Jordana Cutler, a long-time senior Israeli government official who advised Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party, was hired by Meta to be their “Jewish Diaspora” policy chief and uses her position to “demand censorship of Israel’s critics.”

Israeli Ministers Call for Expulsion of Palestinians at ‘Resettle Gaza’ Conference

by Dave DeCamp, Anti War:

The conference was organized by a settler organization and members of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party

The conference, titled “Preparing to Resettle Gaza,” was organized by the Israeli settler organization Nachala and members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

“Americans WILL BE KILLED in the middle east” They are sitting ducks Ron Paul warns | Redacted News

from Redacted News:


It begins: WATCH as reports already document voting machines flipping votes!

from WND:

‘This is exactly the kind of fraud we saw in 2020 and it cannot be tolerated’

Early voting for the 2024 presidential race already has started in multiple states, and that means reports of voting machines flipping votes from Donald Trump to Kamala Harris already have begun arriving.

It’s a complaint that has surfaced in multiple elections already, voters choosing on screen the Republican candidate, but the machine recording it as a vote for the Democrat, a scenario that often is difficult to document because of the inability to take screen shots of a voting machine and more.