Sunday, October 27, 2024

Prepare For “High Intensity War”: France Built A New Military Hospital

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the construction of a military hospital in Marseilles, with the facility intended to “prepare France for a possible high-intensity war.” Macron announced that a new military hospital would be built on the Sainte-Marthe site by “the beginning of the next decade.”

According to a report by CNews, Macron said in a statement that the hospital will be able to provide a range of healthcare services. It will also “play a key role in the event of a major war,” the tyrant said, adding that “the next-generation medical center is intended to meet the needs of the army for decades to come.”

“I want to attack Iran! — General Milley, cited by Trump.

True Story of the “Mutiny” Begins to Emerge

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Both US and Russian media have set in stone the false narrative of “Prigozhin’s mutiny.”  By publicly agreeing, Putin has validated the neoconservatives’ propaganda that he is weak and tottering and that the US can win in Ukraine if the US acts more forcibly. 

Nevertheless, the real story is coming out bit by bit.  Prigozhin’s protest march was directed at Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov who were forcing Prigozhin to turn the Wagner Group over to the Russian military command by July 1.—lawmaker-1111544635.html 

Let’s Talk About Yevgeny Prigozhin…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

When Yevgeny Prigozhin launched his short-lived rebellion, many in the western media were describing it as a “coup”.  But the truth is that Prigozhin did not intend to try to overthrow Vladimir Putin.  He just wanted his seat at the table back.  Being in Vladimir Putin’s good graces had turned Prigozhin into an exceedingly wealthy man over the years, but now everything was changing.  Prigozhin was in danger of losing everything that he had worked to build, and the final straw was a decision to break up the Wagner Group and absorb those troops into the Russian military.  Prigozhin realized that he was being sidelined, and so in a desperate attempt to get some leverage he hatched an ill-fated plan to kidnap Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov.  Unfortunately for Prigozhin, they learned of his scheme in advance, and their travel plans were changed.  When he realized that his scheme had failed, Prigozhin was willing to make a deal, because ultimately he didn’t want to see his fighters slaughtered in a pointless conflict.

Two U.S. Senators Propose Nuclear War Against Russia

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced on June 22nd a Resolution which if passed and signed by President Biden (whom both Senators praised for his resolute hostility toward Russia), would commit the U.S. as the head of NATO to launch, on behalf of NATO, war directly against Russia, if (regardless of the reason) Russia uses even the smallest tactical nuclear weapon (for example, to destroy a command-center deep underground) in Ukraine (which isn’t a NATO country), and which Resolution alleges that the reason why America would do this for NATO (even though Ukraine isn’t a member) is that there might be some nuclear fall-out that might reach a NATO member nation from such an attack by Russia against Ukraine. In other words: they want to enable the U.S. President to launch a U.S. invasion of Russia if Russia becomes forced to use a nuclear device in order to be able to prevent Ukraine from joining America’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO.

It’s Time to Discuss Putin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) Type I and Type II

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Like Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Putin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) has two forms.

Type I: Those who believe [Trump/Putin] can do little or nothing wrong. People in this class are reverent and loyal to a fault. They believe in wild conspiracies if that’s what it takes to support their position. They make excuses or deny any mistakes their man makes.

Type II: Those who believe [Trump/Putin] can do little or nothing right. People in this class challenge anything [Trump/Putin] do whether it makes any sense or not.

Zelensky Claims Russia Is Planning A “Nuclear Attack” At Zaporizhzhia Plant

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky said that Vladimir Putin’s Russian forces were preparing to unleash a radiation leak at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. This tit-for-tat about false flag radiation attacks and nuclear war is not new either.

The World Health Organization has said that the ruling classes should prepare their slaves for radiation emergencies, while Russia claims it’s Ukraine that will use a “dirty bomb” to attack.

WHO: Ruling Classes Should Prepare For Nuclear Radiation Emergencies

OPERATION WAGNER: Here’s what really happened!

from State Of The Nation:

PUTIN’S OPERATION WAGNER: A Consummate Chessman’s Very Risky But Necessary Black Op & Psyop

In 2021, the Foreign Policy report noted the origin of the name “Wagner” to be unknown.[87] Others say the group’s name comes from Utkin’s own call sign “Wagner”, reportedly after the German composer Richard Wagner, which Utkin is said to have chosen due to his passion for the Third Reich (Wagner being Adolf Hitler‘s favorite composer).[88][89] As such, some believe he is a neo-Nazi,[90][91] with The Economist reporting that Utkin has several Nazi tattoos.[89] Members of Wagner Group say Utkin is a Rodnover, a believer of Slavic native faith.[92] Radio Liberty cited insiders as saying that the leadership of the Wagner Group are followers of the Slavic Native Faith, a modern Pagan new religious movement.[13] In August 2017, the Turkish newspaper Yeni Şafak speculated that Utkin was possibly a figurehead for the company, while the real head of Wagner was someone else.[93]

Cover-up? U.S. Navy says it detected Titan sub implosion DAYS ago

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Secret underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines were the first to detect the Titan tragedy. And they did so days ago just hours after the submersible began its voyage, pointing to a coverup.

The United States Navy began listening for the Titan almost immediately after the sub lost communications with its support ship, according to a U.S. defense official. Not long after that, the U.S. microphone system picked up what was thought to be the sound of an implosion near the debris site.

The Unraveling Ukraine Narrative Reveals the Incompetence and Corruption of Western Leadership

by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

We’re learning more about the actual origins of the Ukraine war, and they reveal Western governments’ contemptible and failed leadership. The conclusion is that this remains a completely unnecessary war with the American government operating using an out-of-date Cold War mentality that benefits only the military-industrial complex. Nevertheless, most establishment Democrats and Republicans continue to support a war that NATO deliberately orchestrated. This is a war that could have and should have been avoided, yet it marches us down the path to nuclear holocaust.

Russia, Internal This Time

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

If you’re one of the fools cheering on the internal unrest in Russia please raise your hand.

I want to know who you are if the very-possible outcome of that occurs and so will a lot of other people who are going to be extremely hungry and since there will be no law enforcement worth anything nor anything approaching a “government” if it happens, well, I think you can figure the rest out on your own.

You can look at Putin as whatever you’d like but the fact of the matter is that this is a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons and, whatever your view of Putin is, he is one of the more-moderate members of the government in Russia.

If he is deposed by force or worse, there’s a no-BS civil war that occurs over there who knows what comes out of that.  The odds that it will be “more-friendly” to the United States than what we have now, never mind NATO, are very poor, and what’s worse is that both we and all the other NATO nations are likely interfering in a covert manner and everyone involved over there in this thing knows it.

Prigozhin ‘Exiled’ To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?

from ZeroHedge:

Update(1735ET): This entirely bizarre slightly less than 24-hour short-lived coup attempt has just gotten even stranger, given the terms of the truce which evidently caused Evgeny Prigozhin to announce his Wagner fighter columns would turn around and go back to their bases.

The Wall Street Journal has confirmed based on Kremlin statements that “As part of the agreement, Prigozhin will leave Russia for Belarus, and criminal charges against him will be dropped, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. His fighters will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian military.”