Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Breaking WW3 News! Desperate To Stop President Trump’s Global Peace Initiative, The Biden Administration Has Launched a New Bombing Campaign Inside Russia

Kiev regime assassins Russian General to hide the truth about bioweapons

by Lucas Leiroz, Strategic Culture:

In a bold and lethal move, a terrorist attack carried out by Ukrainian intelligence operatives in Moscow killed Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Federation’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense Forces, along with his main advisor. Kirillov, one of the most important figures in Russian national security, became a strategic target due to his investigations revealing the complex and shadowy ties between the West, Ukraine, and the bioweapons research laboratories. His death is not only a blow against Russia but also a critical turning point in international relations, involving the controversy surrounding biological laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry lobby, and, inevitably, Kiev’s connections to U.S. politics.

Will Putin Fight or Surrender?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In his meeting the other day with the Russian Defense Ministry Board, Putin discussed the accomplishments of the past year and measures needed to ensure Russia’s security from Washington’s aspirations for world dominance. “We see the US administration and the collective West relentlessly trying to preserve their dominance, pushing their rules on the global community and manipulating them as they see fit.”  Washington, Putin said, is engaged “in an effort to weaken our country and inflict a strategic defeat.”  


from SGT Report:

We stand on the cusp of a new dawn for America and the hideously wicked Biden administration continues to stand in the way, but their days are numbered. However, Biden and his ilk are so evil that nothing in beneath them including setting off a rogue nuke. Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to help me break down the very latest. Thanks for tuning in.

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A Bird, A Drone, A UFO? Whats REALLY Happening with this “Drone” PSYOP?

from Stew Peters Network:


West pushing Russia beyond ‘red line’ – Putin


from RT:

The continued support for Ukraine is aimed at inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Moscow, the president has said

The West’s support for Ukraine is pushing Russia to the point where it cannot help but retaliate, President Vladimir Putin has said, while warning the US against deploying medium-range missiles.

Speaking at a meeting of top Russian Defense Ministry officials on Monday, Putin accused the US of seeking “to weaken our country and inflict a strategic defeat” on Moscow by continuing “to pump a de facto illegitimate ruling regime in Kiev with weapons and money, sending mercenaries and military advisers, thereby encouraging further escalation of the conflict.”

World Bank Slush Funds for Ukraine – Another $20 Billion Wired from US

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The United States Treasury Department expedited a $20 billion aid package to Ukraine as part of the 50 billion G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration (ERA) Loans initiative. The establishment wants to offload these funds as quickly as possible to deter Donald Trump from reversing course and withholding aid. The funds were sent to the questionable World Bank and derived from frozen Russian assets.

Will the funds be used for humanitarian aid? No one knows. Joe Biden would have had to call upon Congress to agree to send military aid, although he initially wanted to split the $20 BILLION down the line and devote half to economic aid and the other half to the military. Since there are absolutely no checks or balances on these funds, his administration simply marked it all as economic aid and wired it to the World Bank.

Netanyahu Pushes Golan Heights Expansion Plan Amid Regional Tensions

from Sputnik News:

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has unanimously approved a plan for the development of the Golan Heights, including strengthening local settlements and doubling the population in the region, the prime minister’s office said on Sunday.
“The government unanimously approved prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to promote demographic growth in the settlements in the Golan Heights and Katzrin, with a total budget of more than 40 million shekels [$11 million],” the statement read.

The bomb Israel dropped on Tartous caused 3-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale.


Uranium Wars

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

Uranium production is best understood as an industry played out on a geopolitical chessboard.

Enriched uranium is used to fuel nuclear reactors. The degree of enrichment is not high. Natural uranium (sometimes called yellowcake) has about 0.7% U-235 isotope. This is enriched to 3% to 5% for use in most reactors (called low-enriched uranium or LEU). Some specialized reactors require uranium enriched to 20% U-235 isotope, but those are rare.

This is why the Neocon Zionists hate Assad so much!

from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: No one has ever seen a global smear campaign like the one currently being conducted against President Bashar al-Assad.

Exactly why are the Zio-Anglo-American perps so determined to wreck and ruin Assad’s reputation forever?

Because it’s those real bad guys who are doing all the mass murdering in Syria right now, especially committing a highly organized genocide against the Christian communities throughout the entire Levant, that’s why!  As follows:

What Would Nuclear War Look Like? Trump Finally Weighs in on ATACMS

from LaRouche Organization:


World War 3 Exclusive: High Level Intel Source Claims NATO is Preparing to Use Romania as the Trigger for the West Officially Declaring War on Russia

from The Alex Jones Show: