from The Vigilant Fox:
by Ethan Huff, DC Clothesline:
The safety profile of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” seems to be widely dependent upon the batch from which a given injection comes. Some batches are exceptionally toxic, a new review has found, while others are slightly less toxic.
London-based researcher Craig Paardekooper figured this all out via data he collected from the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). He learned that “one in 200 of the [covid vaccine] batches are highly toxic,” while the vast majority of them are not as toxic, at least in the shorter term.
from The Last American Vagabond:
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:
There is not one part of the globe where the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” were not a “colossal failure.” The safety data coming out after hoards of naive people were injected is nothing less than horrifying.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
The COVID-19 vaccines along with the new bivalents, are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe, effective, nor reversible, as reported by The Epoch Times.
by JD Rucker, Discern Report:
“They lied to me about Covid and the jabs from the beginning,” Donald Trump says in the imaginary scenario I’ve concocted in my head. “Today, I officially denounce the Covid-19 vaccines and I apologize for touting them the last two-and-a-half years.”
That’s what I want him to say. I wish he would have said something to that effect already. The evidence is crystal clear. The powers-that-be and their minions that were placed in his administration have been lying from the start, manipulating him through his inherent desire for action against a perceived problem. Now, he has the tough choice of either going back on his claims that he saved tens or even hundreds of millions of lives or sticking to his guns with the narrative that the vaccines were good but mandates were bad.
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Matt is back to cover all of the TREASON and REAL NEWS that’s fit print and that the mainstream CIA mockingbird media tries to coverup or ignore. Thanks for tuning in.
by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:
Victoria, Australia, is set to become the third state in the land down-under to rollout digital drivers’ licenses stored on citizens’ smartphones.
Citizens of Victoria can expect to obtain a new digital ID by next year, though a six-month pilot program will be launched in July in the city of Ballarat.
The new ID will provide three options: display all of one’s credentials and a unique barcode that can be scanned by law enforcement; conceal the important data and only reveal your name and date of birth; or a third selection that displays only the user’s date of birth.
from The Jimmy Dore Show:
by Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture:
The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.
Western media are now accusing Russian forces of preparing to use chemical weapons (CW) of mass destruction in Ukraine, thereby making the case for greater NATO military intervention.
The CW card is a complete dud. That Western media are playing it shows they are also complete duds, and that their role is as sinister as mass drug-dealing.
from London Real: