Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Finally Explained! White Fibrous Clots From Vaccinated Deceased

from HopeGirl Alternative News:


The Shocking Rewrite of The Covid19 Origins Story (Part 2- Conclusion)

by Maryam Henein, The Tenpenny Report:

Continuing from Part 1

Lies Upon Lies

“I never worked with LIVE  SARS-like coronaviruses,” Hu, stated. He is the assistant researcher to Zhengli Shi.

Hu was fibbing.

It was far back as 2005 that the WIV  laboratory first identified a novel coronavirus similar to the SARS virus in Chinese bats, and named it SARS-like coronavirus (SARS-like coronavirus or SARS-related coronavirus), confirming that bats are the natural reservoir host of a class of coronaviruses related to SARS virus.

“Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years”

by Fabio G. C. Carisio, VT Foreign Policy:

The late French virologist Luc Montagnier was the first to denounce, as early as March 2020, that the use of the toxic Spike protein in gene serums based on new and experimental messenger RNA or DNA biotechnologies would have had an unknown and potentially devastating impact on the human body precisely because of the high potency of the antigen which would have entered the nucleus of human cells.

After his death, his friend and colleague Jean-Claude Perez, who together with him had revealed the origin of laboratory SARS-Cov-2 today also confirmed by a dossier from the US Senate Health Commission, published the posthumous research in which demonstrated the connection between that protein and rapid evolution of neurocerebral diseases.

2.3 Billion Digital COVID Certificates Issued

by Robert Carlson, MD, Vax Before Travel:

GENEVA (Vax Before Travel)

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission (EC) recently confirmed the launching of a digital health partnership that will help protect people from ongoing and future health threats, including pandemics.

The WHO’s first use case is the convergence of existing digital COVID-19 certificates.

The WHO took up the EU system of digital COVID-19 certification that has already issued about 2.3 billion certificates.

Secret Documents Reveal Pfizer, FDA & Fact Checkers lied About Toxic Graphene Oxide Inside the Covid-19 Vaccines

by Patrick Webb, The Leading Report:

A relatively new substance that is still poorly understood is graphene oxide. But what is certain is that it can be toxic to the body’s cells and tissues, according to studies. Additional research has revealed that graphene oxide is toxic to blood cells, causing oxidative stress and inflammation.

This is why it’s alarming to learn that Graphene Oxide (GO), which is connected to the COVID-19 vaccines created by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, has been in and out of the news for the past two years.

Fertility Rates in Australia Have Hit Historic Lows

Vaccine Bombshells Covered Up and Censored, But Not Here

from The New American:


Finally, Major Lawsuit Against Pfizer Accusing Fraud In COVID-19 Vaccine

from The New American:


SHOCKING VAX STUDY BURIED BY MSM! – Massive Death Toll Climbs As Next Phase Of Tyranny Is PLANNED!

from World Alternative Media:


Bill Gates’ GENETICALLY MODIFIED Mosquitoes Causes Malaria Outbreak? MSM Claims It’s A Coincidence

from Stew Peters Network:


Science Mag: ‘Rare Link Between Coronavirus Vaccines and Long Covid-Like Illness Starts to Gain Acceptance’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

So-called “Long Covid” in “rare” cases may actually be “Long Vax,” Science Magazine reports.


Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance

Studies probe unusual cases of neurologic complications, blood pressure swings, and other side effects

Bill Gates Admits His GM Mosquitoes Are Causing Deadly Malaria Outbreak in U.S.

from The People’s Voice:



from Press For Truth:


It Is Time to Declare Our Independence From the Vaccinators

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • On July 4, 2023, it will have been 247 years since the Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and signed by delegates of 13 American colonies formally declaring independence from political control by the King of England
  • One of the most primal human fears is fear of death, and the science experts calling the shots in government health agencies and at the United Nations, especially the World Health Organization, along with their Big Pharma, Big Tech and other Big Money partners, know that