Friday, September 27, 2024


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


mRNA Shedding MAJOR Health Threat: Spike Protein Causes MASSIVE Inflammation Increase In Human Body

from Stew Peters Network:


Russia Claims U.S. Is Creating A Bird Flu Pathogen With A 40% Mortality Rate In Humans

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The ruling class of the Russian Federation claims to have found evidence that the United States government is conducting tests at a U.S.-run bio laboratory in Ukraine on avian flu pathogens with a lethality rate of up to 40 percent in humans.

UK CONFIRMS Bird Flu Has Been Detected In 2 Humans

Russia: The “Pentagon” Is Working On Moving Biolabs Out of Ukraine

In June of 2022, the Pentagon finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

100% Proof That COVID-19 and The Vaccine are Bio-Weapons

from The New American:


The Vax Coverup Continues

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Independent medical scientists who are not dependent on a Big Pharma salary or research grant, a minority of medical scientists as Big Pharma reportedly is the source of 70% of medical research grants and provides support to friendly medical schools, have provided conclusive evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” is responsible for many deaths and health issues.  The unprecedented phenomenon of vaccinated children dying in their sleep, of athletes and entertainers dropping dead on the field and stage, along with the same happening to people in all ages of life is being dismissed by the medical establishment at work covering up for itself as just a coincidence.  The whore media refuses to report the findings of independent scientists or investigate the large numbers of deaths and health injuries following the Covid mass vaccination.

Operation Warp Speed? Pfizer patented the spike protein for a coronavirus vaccine over 30 years ago

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic USA/UK biological experiment in human manipulation.  The common cold, coronavirus, was turned into a chimaera in the 1970s.  In 1990, Pfizer filed the first spike protein vaccine.  In 2002, a weaponised coronavirus was patented. In 2003, SARS-CoV-1 was released into the world.

“We engineered SARS.  SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon.  The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold,” Dr. David E. Martin said.   What we have seen over the decades is that “nature was hijacked … Science was highjacked … Morality was hijacked … Humanity was highjacked.”

Dr. Pierre Kory reveals treatment protocols for covid vaccine INJURIES and spike protein toxicity

from Health Ranger Report:


Jamie Foxx reportedly BLINDED and partially PARALYZED after coerced into taking covid vaccine jab

by Mike Adams, Natural News:

In a recent appearance on “Ask Dr. Drew,” celebrity journalist A. J. Benza revealed that Jamie Foxx was rendered blind and partially paralyzed after taking a covid-19 vaccine jab that was demanded of him by a film studio. Benza reveals that the entire media establishment is lying about Foxx’s condition in order to cover up the truth about vaccine dangers, and that Foxx’s own family members are covering for him and refusing the reveal the truth about the actor’s medical condition.

Medical Research Keeps Revealing More COVID Vaccine Impacts

by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, AmericaOutloud:

In the years and decades ahead, there will be a steady stream of medical research revelations about the diverse health impacts of the mRNA COVID vaccines – actually genetic therapy actions. These vaccines did not merit government approval and should not have preempted early treatment protocols that have always been highly effective. Below are discussions of two such revelations.


from SGT Report:

Look around and ask yourself, how many of your friends and neighbors, how many of you fellow Americans have ANY understanding of the slaughters that occurred under the Marxist cultural revolutions of Mao, Pol Pot or Stalin. How many Americans have NO IDEA whatsoever that the exact same blueprint which led to the Democides of hundreds of millions of innocent people is the same identical blueprint being executed right now in America in the name of trans, woke DemonRat ideologies? This information could save the life of you and your family. Spread it far and wide. Harley Schlanger is my guest.

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The Shocking Vaccine Study That Obliterates The COVID Narrative (Ep. 2020)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Try Not to Laugh: A Covid Outbreak Happened at a CDC Conference With 99.4% of Attendees “Vaccinated”

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

This shouldn’t be funny, but for some reason I literally chuckled when I saw it. The reason is obvious: The CDC and other “experts” have hammered the unvaxxed for over two years about how safe and effective the jabs were. And now, with Pandemic Panic Theater finally fading, a CDC conference with nearly 100% vaccination rate gets hit by a massive outbreak.

How Pfizer Used CA$H To Control Hospitals, Universities & Charities During COVID!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Clinical Trial of Bill Gates-Funded “Microneedle” Vaccine Patch Is “Successful”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

An Atlanta-based biotech company, Micron Biomedical announced last week that it has successfully concluded the first-ever clinical trial testing of a microarray injection-free vaccine on children as young as 9 months old. This clinical trial was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Microarray injections are administered via a microneedle patch that looks like a Band-Aid and is applied by pressing it to the skin. Once applied, microneedles penetrate the upper layer of the skin to deliver the vaccine. It’s a great way for the ruling class to convince the masses to be injected even if they are afraid of needles.