Wednesday, March 19, 2025


from Lunar Landing Discussions:


Most People Have No Idea That “The Summit Of The Future” Will Create “UN 2.0” On September 22nd And 23rd

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The UN wants much more control over global affairs, and “the Pact for the Future” which is scheduled to be adopted during “the Summit of the Future” that will be held on September 22nd and 23rd will go a long way toward making that a reality.  But even though “the Summit of the Future” is just days away, hardly anyone is talking about it and the mainstream media is almost entirely ignoring it.  Enormous decisions that could dramatically affect the future of everyone on the entire planet are about to be made, and just about the entire population has absolutely no idea what is going on.

Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – See Beyond The Duopoly & Take Responsibility For Your Future

by Ryan Cristián, Activist Post:

Joining me today is Catherine Austin Fitts, here to discuss the the upcoming election, the problem of the two-party illusion, and how we must remove the propaganda-laden political veil from our eyes and recognize that one president cannot change the broken-by-design system in which we find ourselves (even if they truly wanted to) and take back responsibility for our future from career politicians, oligarchs, and technocrats who care only about their own power and control.

The Woke Plot To Destroy Our Economy

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

“Woke” people claim that they want to wake up racial and sexual minorities to the way they are being discriminated against. Because of past and present exploitation, blacks and other “protected” groups are not getting what rightfully belongs to them. The solution to this is that the better off, especially if they are white, should have their wealth and income seized and given to those they are exploiting.

RFK Jr’s 12-part plan to make America Healthy again

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Kamala Harris has absolutely no interest in doing any of these recommendations. Maybe she’ll adopt my plan instead? What do you think?

Executive summary

On September 5, RFK Jr. published a 12 step plan in the WSJ on how to make America healthy again.

I’ll offer my plan too.

Let me know which plan you like better.

BOMBSHELL BREAKTHROUGH! Not only did Lee Harvey Oswald have absolutely nothing to do with the assassination of JFK…..

from State Of The Nation:

…he was working closely with the Kennedy
brothers by spying on rogue elements within
the C.I.A. who were constantly planning to
assassinate Fidel Castro against the explicit
orders of President Kennedy.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Why is it that the very same stupidos, who falsely assert that 19 Muslim terrorists with boxcutters working under their boss Osama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan, also absurdly proclaim that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who killed President John F. Kennedy?

No foreign attempts to interfere in presidential election detected – US intel

from RT:

Officials from the FBI and two other agencies nonetheless claim Russia, China and Iran are trying to stoke discord among voters

US authorities have not detected any attempts by foreign actors to directly interfere in the upcoming presidential election, representatives of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI) have stated. Intelligence officials did, however, claim that Russia, Iran and China are trying to sway public opinion and sow discord in American society.

Ukraine – CIA/MI-6 Chiefs Push For New Terror Campaign Against Russia

from Moon Of Alabama:

U.S. officials admit that there is no way left for Ukraine to win the war.

The acknowledgment should lead to change in policies. But the U.S. is out of ideas. It will continue to push the downtrodden Ukraine along the Primrose path.

Here is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin:

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin cautioned on Friday there was “no one capability” that would turn the war in Ukraine in Kyiv’s favour after President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged the West to let his forces use its long-range weapons to strike Russia.

“There’s no one capability that will in and of itself be decisive in this campaign,” Austin told reporters at the end of the meeting.

Venezuelan Gang Is Reportedly Terrorizing North Dallas

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

A video went viral earlier this week depicting the Venezuelan gang Tren De Aragua allegedly assaulting a man in a North Dallas neighborhood.

Several multiple local outlets have covered the video, connecting  it to assertions that a Venezuelan gang is taking over a neighborhood in North Dallas.

It should be noted that this video is a year old according to Dallas police sources that were in contact with WFAA. Law enforcement sources also claimed that this was an isolated incident and not related to organized gang activity

“Fire Away”: Florida State Rep. Randy Fine Celebrates Israel Killing an American Citizen

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Jewish Florida State Rep Randy Fine (R) reacted to news that Israel killed an American peace activist in the occupied West Bank by celebrating and encouraging the Jewish state to “fire away” and kill even more.

On Friday, Israel killed Aysenur Eygi, 26, “with a bullet to the head” while she was taking part in a protest against Jewish settlement expansion (which ostensibly aligns with official US government policy opposing such settlements).

To Humbly Submit


by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

Submission to the state is a time-honoured tradition, a concept supported by governing bodies since time immemorial.

In days of yore, men submitted to whichever member of the tribe was the mightiest in battle. By doing so, they stood a better chance of succeeding in battle, thereby diminishing the likelihood of their own death or enslavement.

Later on, as tribes became more tied to the land and communities sprang up, the idea of a strong leader still made sense. Not only might he do the best job of leading the protection of the town or village, he might also travel outside the community to attack other communities, bringing back spoils for all to benefit from. (Not too civilised, maybe, but still, the reasoning behind submission to the leader made sense.)