Saturday, March 15, 2025

This is a very accurate illustration.

North Carolina Appeals Court Orders RFK Jr Name to be Removed from Ballots

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Previously we noted RFK Jr’s name would be gone from ballots in the battleground states of Arizona, Pennsylvania and Nevada.  RFK Jr will still appear on Michigan and Wisconsin ballots.  {Background} However, thanks to a unanimous North Carolina appeals court ruling (3-0, note could be appealed to full court), RFK Jr will most likely be removed from ballots in North Carolina.

The three-judge panel decision [SEE RULING HERE] could still be appealed by the DNC; however, that approach would make the entire Harris agenda in NC look transparently fraudulent and political.  With RFK Jr name removed, the odds of a Trump victory are significantly higher.

Attack on Conservative Media Ahead of Election CARNAGE – Maria Zeee

from ZeeeMedia:


Federal Lawsuit: Arizona Counties Refuse to Purge Noncitizens From Voter Rolls

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

The lawsuit filed by America First Legal (AFL) against Maricopa County, Arizona, to stop illegal aliens from voting now includes 14 more of the Grand Canyon State’s counties.

The suit argues that officials are not, as required by law, purging noncitizens’ names from voter rolls, and demands that the court order those counties to rectify their refusal to comply with the law.

This is not just to ensure that illegal aliens don’t vote. Citing surveys, the lawsuit argues that public trust in elections is eroding because millions of Americans believe illegal aliens are voting.

Time To Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a pattern of events that is generally predictable. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for “social justice”, collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good”, Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and finally, the adoption of Futurism.

Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter.

Amid Public, Shareholder Backlash, Some Major Corporations Drop DEI Policies

from The Epoch Times:

Since 2021, 25 companies have been notified by shareholders that their DEI programs constitute illegal discrimination and a breach of fiduciary duty.

As Ford took steps last week to distance itself from the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) movement that has swept the corporate world in recent years, it became just one of a number of companies that are rethinking their commitments to race-based ideology.

Of course he will – ‘cos under Trump he & his cronies will be held accountable


A Wall Street Regulator Is Understating Margin Debt by More than $4 Trillion – Because It’s Not Counting Giant Banks Making Margin Loans to Hedge Funds

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

Most market watchers rely on the monthly margin debt figures published by Wall Street’s self-regulator, FINRA, as the reliable gauge in determining how much of securities trading on Wall Street is being done with borrowed money, known as margin debt.

According to the FINRA data, as of March 31, 2024, margin debt stood at $784.136 billion.



Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend.

Death Of The Consumer Economy: Over A Third Of U.S. Adults Now Struggle To Pay For Their Most Basic Expenses

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

When U.S. consumers are doing well, the U.S. economy does well.  But of course the opposite is also true.  When U.S. consumers are not doing well, the U.S. economy really suffers.  The government has been trying really hard to put a happy face on things, but the truth is that the standard of living for most U.S. consumers has been going down for a long time.  The cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have, and so most of us have less discretionary income than we once did.  And that is really bad news for the U.S. economy, because as the official White House website has pointed out, consumer spending typically accounts for about two-thirds of all economic activity…

NEW – Dramatic collapse of Germany’s industrial production, down 2.4% in July compared to the previous month — Telepolis