Friday, March 14, 2025

World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.

I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.

Exposing the Silicon Valley Cartel Bankers’ Next Move into Digital Currencies

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

We are living in very precarious times where the U.S. financial system stands on the brink of collapse, for a variety of reasons, and one of the biggest ones being the national debt that everyone probably admits could never be paid down.

A financial “reset” has been talked about and predicted since 2020 and the COVID Scam. There is also a world-wide movement now with the BRICS alliance to dethrone the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

There has been a lot of talk for the past few years about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which became a political issue in 2023 where leading Republican politicians, including most Republican Governors, came out AGAINST CBDCs.

‘Highly Evolved’ Polio Strain Suspect as Chinese Lab Leak

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

study released by researchers at France‘s Pasteur Institute suggests that a highly evolved polio strain, which infected a boy in China’s Anhui province, closely matches a variant stored at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The strain, WIV14, is 99 percent similar to the Saukett A strain used in vaccine production and lab settings. This similarity has led some experts to question whether the strain might have leaked from the WIV lab.

The study points to two possibilities for the origins of WIV14: the strain could have emerged from a natural reservoir or a lab. According to Dr. Maël Bessaud, who led the research, it is also possible that WIV14 originated at the WIV itself, or from a facility handling polio.


You Can’t Arm a Genocidal State Into Moderation. So Why Does the West Keep Trying?

by Jonathan Cook, The Unz Review:

Western governments will never isolate and sanction Israel. The war machine will roll on until either we stop it or its lethal games blow up in all our faces

There are many reasons Gaza has been mostly off the radar of the western establishment media for months now, even as the enclave turns into an ever-bigger killing zone.

One is that, nearly a year into what the World Court has termed a “plausible genocide”, where Israel has kept out western journalists and killed off most Palestinian journalists, as well as driving out international aid organisations and the United Nations, there is almost no one left to tell us what is happening.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Last Wednesday I blogged about the connection between central bank digital currencies and so-called “free energy” and the suspicious and hardly coincidental murders and deaths that accompany inventors who make ‘free energy” claims or develop such devices.  But before one reaches that level, there is the whole issue of freedom and privacy associated with any digital “currency,” and the danger is one that Catherine Austin Fitts and many others have repeatedly pointed out: such “currencies” are not currencies at all, but rather, corporate coupons and mechanisms for control. Do you remember the Bank of England’s reasons for not returning Venezuela’s gold? Their reasons basically boiled down to “we don’t like you or your socialist regime.” Well, I don’t like socialism either, but theft is theft, whether you steal from a socialist or not.


from SGT Report:

C.R. Stewart is the wise yet down to earth and successful author of The Britfield series of books. Stewart joins me to discuss the madness of the Godless Left, the indoctrination of our precious children in the prison camps called “schools”, and his four books which will soon be turned into live action blockbuster films. Thanks for joining us.

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Election Interference Continues And Is Increasing As ‘They’ Are Very Afraid Of Donnie Trump – Buckle Up , The Big Show Is Finally On The Side Of The Stage Waiting For The Curtain To Lift

by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

It is, in many ways at least, funny how the idiot left in this nation continues to use the same old tactics to sway things to their insane bubble of influence and optics no matter how far from the truth it strays.  Elections seem to bring about the worst of human activities, actions and lies and this year is no different. The worst of humanity appears at these times beating all but those in times of war; which, come to think about it, is just what elections are.  Warfare of the mind but also includes warfare in the streets.

Pretty sure Russia is not the foreign influence we need to worry about in this election

LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

BREAKING: Russiagate 3.0 Has Fallen Flat On Its Face

How They Steal: Democrats are Using an Easy and Almost Undetectable Way to Steal the Election From Trump – UOCAVA Voters – Will Anyone Stop Them?

by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

In the 2000 presidential election, a mere 629 votes separated the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore in Florida. When the absentee overseas votes finally arrived, George W. Bush was able to take the 537-vote lead from Al Gore and win the presidency.

Democrats paid attention.

The Truth About the Migrant Gang Takeover of America

from The Red Elephants:


Durov Bombshell: Archaic Crypto Law Charges Reveal French Intel’s Access to Private Communications

from Sputnik News:

The Durov saga in France and the continued efforts by countries around the world to crack down on his popular cloud-based, end-to-end encrypted private messenger and social media software has divulged a string of embarrassing details about the sorry state of internet privacy and freedom of information.