Friday, October 18, 2024

US, UK Ban Deliveries Of Russian Copper, Nickel And Aluminum To Western Metals Exchanges: Here’s What This Means

from ZeroHedge:

On Friday, the US and UK imposed new restrictions on trading Russian aluminum, copper and nickel in the latest hollow bid to curb President Vladimir Putin’s ability to fund his war machine (as discussed previously, Russian oil is now trading above the western embargo “cap” price virtually everywhere).

According to Bloomberg, the rules prohibit delivery of new supplies from Russia to the London Metal Exchange, where the global benchmark prices are set, as well as to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The restrictions apply to copper, nickel and aluminum produced on or after April 13, and the US is also banning Russian imports of all three metals.

Climate expert warns against extreme ‘weather porn’ from alarmists pushing ‘draconian’ policies

by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News:

Bjorn Lomborg, author and president of the Copenhagen Consensus, continues to call attention to the extreme measures being demanded by climate change activists and politicians.

A climate expert has taken aim against what he calls “weather porn” – images and stories meant to convey a false impression that the world is on the brink of cataclysmic climate disaster – in order to force unnecessary policy changes by governments across the globe that will destroy prosperity and kill, not save, human lives.

The NWO Wants to “Re-establish Trust”? Seriously?!?!

from HopeGirl Alternative News:


UCLA School of Medicine Glorifies Revolutionary Suicide

from Moonbattery:

Let’s hope the young doctors coming out of UCLA’s medical school never encounter patients as sick as the moonbats in charge of their instruction. Earlier we learned they were subjected to a mandatory 2-hour lecture by the keffiyeh-covered Lisa Gray-Garcia, who denounced modern medicine as “white science,” proclaimed the October 7 terror atrocities to be justified, and demanded students kneel in obeisance to “Mama Earth.” Now we learn of a talk hosted by the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences that promoted self-immolation as a form of “revolutionary suicide”:

The Truth about Flight MH370: Decoding a Decade of Deception | Redacted with Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


New ‘Pronoun Button’ on LinkedIn Will Hasten Site’s Descent into Woke Irrelevance

by C.J. Strachan, Daily Sceptic:

LinkedIn was once a great idea, a global network for business professionals. However, like so many institutions, its embrace of ‘woke’ has turned it into a cross between a vapid corporate virtue signalling brochure, a digital maoist self criticism session and an enforcement arm of the mono politics of the modern management class. Its recent introduction of the ‘Pronoun Button’ is merely the latest step in its descent into irrelevance.

Back in my misspent youth I was a headhunter (Boo Hiss!), you know, one step up from the bottom of the pond Estate Agents. Headhunters do, however, provide a necessary service as very few executives have the time or the network to identify possible hires and, even if they do, it is often inappropriate to approach them directly. When LinkedIn was launched, to say I was an early fan would have been an understatement. I signed up – as it happens I am in the first 700,000 users of LinkedIn, which in the past this was a ‘thing to have’ because you’d get thrown nice badges and articles etc. rewarding your foresight and early adoption.

Biden, It Was YOU!

by Shari Goodman, American Thinker:

In previous decades, it was customary for sitting presidents to refrain from berating and criticizing the work of previous presidents, but Joe Biden has never been one to engage in human decency.  Thus, from the onset of his presidency, he has relentlessly scapegoated President Trump to deflect criticism of his nearly four years of failed leadership.

With a presidential election six month away, it is time to highlight Biden’s failed policies and lay blame where it belongs: at the feet of the current occupier of the White House.

It was not President Trump who refused to enforce our immigration laws.  It was YOU!

Congress Passes Bill Allowing Surveillance On Every American Except For Those Who Bring Cocaine Into White House

from The Babylon Bee:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. government has passed a new bill allowing for widespread surveillance of every American citizen — unless, of course, they happen to be carrying cocaine into the White House.

The legislation grants unprecedented powers to intelligence agencies to monitor the communications and activities of individuals across the country without obtaining a warrant. Despite pushback from citizens who believe the government ought to obtain a warrant to spy on it own citizens, lawmakers laughed heartily and passed it anyway. However, the bill does carve out an exception for anyone sneaking a little nose candy past the Secret Service and into the Oval Office.

Daniel Kristos reveals shocking history of Zionism, occultism and satanism surrounding red heifer sacrifice rituals

from Health Ranger Report:


Government & Media Pretending Massive Health Crisis Not Going On – Ed Dowd

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is still a skillful number cruncher.  His recently updated and wildly popular book “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023” has been correctly documenting the huge numbers of deaths and injuries caused by the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Many are waking up to this crime against humanity, but many remain in the dark because the government and Lying Legacy Media (LLM) continue to cover up the worst murder and disability fraud in world history.  Dowd says, “At this point, it’s overwhelming and has become almost comical. . . . This is asymmetric information.  So, we have governments and media continuing to pretend a massive health crisis with chronic illness, deaths and disabilities is not going on.  The data would suggest otherwise. . . . The data we have made public is free, but some people want projections and decision-making ideas.  These are things we might end up starting a business from.  I would have never thought we could.  This is what asymmetric information does, and the government and the media are suppressing this information.”


from Vernon Coleman:


Watch: Non-English Speaking Military-Aged Venezuelan Male Attempts To Rob Bank In Ohio Using Translator App

from ZeroHedge:

President Biden’s disastrous open southern border policies have sparked a migrant crime wave. This comes amid the ten million plus illegal aliens that have invaded the nation through the collapsed southern border, alongside recent calls from radical progressive lawmakers across crime-ridden metro areas to defund the police and limit criminal prosecution. All of this is a perfect storm of crime and chaos heading into the summer months.

According to Bloomberg data, the story count featuring “migrant crime” has surged from only a handful of headlines to hundreds in the last 3.5 months.

Chinese Whistleblower Warns Chinese Spies Are Flooding the US Under Biden

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

A Chinese whistleblower has revealed that unprecedented numbers of Chinese spies are being allowed to pour through the southern border under Biden’s watch.

“Absolutely!” the Chinese illegal alien responded when asked if there are Chinese spies in the U.S. today.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Seize the MSC Aries Cargo Ship

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

In a helicopter raid, navy special forces from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps boarded and seized the MSC Aries, the IRNA news agency reported

Iran captured the MV MSC Aries, boarding the ship off the Straits of Hormuz, a key shipping area. There is a war on the sea and in critical shipping lanes.

The owner and the corporation are Israeli.

Navy special forces from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps used a helicopter to board and seize a container ship, IRNA news reported, adding that the MSC Aries was being transferred to Iranian territorial waters.

WEF: Depopulation Will ‘Save Elites’ & ‘Drown the Rest’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has issued a chilling warning about how a global depopulation event would impact humanity.

The unelected globalist organization has revealed details of a so-called “Noah’s Ark” that will supposedly “save the elite” during an event that would wipe out most humans on Earth.

The WEF has accused global “elites” that they will be saved from depopulation while “the rest” are left “to drown.”