from Tim Truth:
by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:
“The Western goal is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our nation. They are openly stating that, since they managed to break up the Soviet Union in 1991, now it’s time to split Russia into many separate regions that will be at each other’s throats.” Russian President Vladimir Putin
“Cheney ‘wanted to see the dismantlement not only of the Soviet Union and the Russian empire but of Russia itself, so it could never again be a threat to the rest of the world.’...The West must complete the project that began in 1991 …. Until Moscow’s empire is toppled, though, the region—and the world—will not be safe…” (“Decolonize Russia”, The Atlantic)
from The David Knight Show:
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
On Friday, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended adding “heavy menstrual bleeding” to the list of side effects caused by Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA shots.
In April 2021, The Gateway Pundit first reported on the tens of thousands of women who complained about irregular menstruation after taking the COVID vaccines.
from SGT Report:
St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton Wisconsin is alleged to have murdered Scott Schara’s daughter Grace with their Covid protocols and Scott has the proof. That hospital, the doctor and the nurses messed with the wrong guy. Scott Schara is going after them hard, and Scott returns to SGT Report with a dire warning for everyone who has the ears to hear.
Stay OUT of the hospital! GET Z-STACK:
The Schara family website:
by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings
Middle Earth had its Mount Doom, into which the One Ring of Power could be tossed, ridding that evil from J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional setting. Real Earth is not so fortunate, but in all other aspects the lessons drawn from his classic apply. It only comes up short in one respect. Tolkien never delved into the psychology of Sauron, Saruman, and the lessor denizens of Middle Earth who lusted after the One Ring’s power, other than to depict the inevitable corruption of the soul their lust produced.
by Michael Senger, Brownstone:
To date, we still don’t have especially good studies on the actual causes of excess deaths by state and country when the world first went into lockdown in spring 2020.
For political reasons, these deaths were all generally been lumped together as “Covid deaths,” but this coding was appallingly sloppy. According to the World Health Organization’s initial coding guidance, if a decedent had either tested positive—using a PCR test later confirmed by the New York Times to have a false positive rate over 85%—or been in contact with anyone who had within several weeks prior to their death, then the death should be classified as a “Covid death.” This enormous number of “Covid deaths” was obviously belied by the fact that many places reporting those “Covid deaths,” such as Maine, actually had no excess deaths to speak of.
NEW – Mortality rate in Germany is 20% higher in calendar week 41 compared to the 2018-2021 median, @welt reports.
— (@disclosetv) October 27, 2022
by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:
How long before enough of us (1) decide to stop NOT seeing what’s right before our eyes, and (2) UNITE at last, to DO something about it?
Haitian singer Mikaben drops dead on stage in Paris:
from The Pulse:
Vaccine hesitancy was steadily increasing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the emergence of the new mRNA shots and vaccine mandates, it increased even more.
The causes of this hesitancy is commonly attributed to “misinformation” and “fake news” according to government affiliated health agencies and legacy media. The science and evidence that has raised legitimate safety concerns with mRNA vaccines, for example, is unfortunately never appropriately addressed or acknowledged.
from Moonbattery:
Authorities begin to admit that the gender dysphoria so many troubled kids are pushed into on behalf of the LGBT agenda is just a phase:
Most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase”, the NHS has said, as it warns that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.
The permanent disfigurement inflicted by “gender-affirming” hormone treatments and sex change surgery is not just a phase. They have to live with it for the rest of their lives.